Self Randomized Hacks Megathread

I’ve self-randomized hacks now.

All randomized hacks here are shared only after the creators have agreed to participate via this thread. If you’d like your project removed from here, please let me know and I’ll do so. If you want your project self-randomized and added here, send me a message. All credits for these hacks go to the original authors; please see their threads for details regarding their project.

Find an issue? Please report it in my discord server below.

Users over in my discord have helped in playtesting some of these already in order for me to iron out major issues. But there are many randomized hacks and a number of little quirks will likely occur. In particular, my code cannot tell which classes/items/characters go unused or should not be randomized. If you would like to see certain classes/items/chars not randomized in your hack, please send me the IDs to ignore with this formatting:

NeverChangeItem(0x1) // Iron Sword 
NeverChangeItems(0x1, 0xFF) // never change any items from 1 to 0xFF 
NeverChangeClass(0x1) // EirikaLord  
NeverChangeClasses(0x1, 0xFF)
NeverChangeChar(0x1) // Eirika 
NeverChangeChars(0x1, 0xFF) 

Feel free to also link the download of the randomized version of your project in your own thread if you like.


Why does __ game freeze on this chapter/turn after x seconds?

  • Try turning Music to Vanilla in config.

Why do stats above 31 go down after resetting?

  • Not all hacks support stats above 31, so do not enable stat caps of 45/60 for those ones.

How do I access the debugger?

  • Press B on a unit.

If you haven’t tried these hacks as non-randomized before, I encourage you to try out these projects as they were intended by the original authors. :slightly_smiling_face:

Please self-randomize responsibly.


Wow, this thread is great!
I can’t wait to play some of these on random!


Can’t wait to see how badly broken my scuffed hack is randomized lol



Woah, there are some goated projects here and I’m a sucker for randomizers so this is gonna be fun. I imagine that these took a good bit of work so thanks in advance for the effort


Gonna have to see how messed up Sacred Echoes and CotBK end up becoming. This is awesome!


Hetja’s Quest is held together with pre-chewed bubblegum and good intentions, so certain randomization will outright prevent the game from working.

Also the version of HQ included here is a PTC patch (0.7.10), so there will be things that are different than the current FEU patch (0.7.07). Hopefully once I get 0.8 out (during FEE3), I can get the randomizer patch updated.

I’ll go over the randomization options here with a good faith guess as to whether or not it will cause any issues. I will try to remember to update this post if any conflicts are discovered in the future.

UPDATED 9/15/24

Seed - Any seed should be fine

Variance - Any amount should be fine

Characters - Any option should be fine (please report any softlocks)

Base Stats - Any option should be fine

Growths - Any option should be fine

Levelups - Any option should be fine

Stat Caps - Any options should be fine (having lower stat caps than intended may result in various ways to break the stat cap)

Class - Any option should be fine (please report any softlocks)

Items - Any option should be fine

Mode - Keep it Classic (there is no permadeath in this hack anyway)

Music - Any option should be fine

Colours - Any option should be fine

Item Uses - Any option should be fine

Player Bonus - Any option should be fine

Player Growth Bonus - Any option should be fine

Enemy Diff. Bonus - Any option should be fine

Enemy Growth Bonus - Any option should be fine

Fog - Keep it Vanilla (Fog in the Labyrinth when not intended breaks Labyrinth Node Event generation)

Override AI - Keep it Vanilla (If AI changed, deployed or recruited units could cause issues in between selecting Nodes + Battle Event Nodes might move from their intended location)

Skip chapter - Keep it Vanilla

Reload units - Necessary when applying certain changes, reload the types of units that you have edited with any of the above settings


Beware when playing through Emulation Theory randomized, as many softlocks and glitches may occur

(Not because of the randomized part, but because it’s Emulation Theory)

Amazing job on this, Vesly! as is usual for you. It’s great way to showcase This is a message from Lord Nergal. I await you on the dread isle, and I’m honoured that you included my hack in your list


Disclaimer for all you gamers: this randomized TMGC build’s a decently old patch. I might come back later and do a more finely tuned randomizer with some tweaked settings. For now, this is still very exciting!


(I downloaded it from your thread yesterday)
sounds good, though

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Added Four Kings by @KrashBoomBang, Infernal Blade by @Armory, Lyn’s Bizarre Adventure by @SilverRoy, and The Deep Sea by @StardustSheep.

I also added NeverChangeChar(0x17) to Hetja’s Quest and some exceptions in Elysium Ablaze and Shrouded Wyvern that @TritraSerpifeu and @ScubaLuigi provided respectfully.


Thank you, just tested it and it works perfectly (and chaotic lol).


Oh my. I probably should have mentioned that Book 0 would probably be the most fitting for a randomiser. Sorry about that ;_; (although it being unfinished probably impedes it i dunno)
Still, I’ll definitely give it a poke when I have more time, thinking on it a bit there might be a few silly things in Book I… Hm. Groovy.


Fantastic work, Vesly! I was never big on randomizers, but the amount of work put into this project is exemplary!

Only issue I’ve had with some quick testing, was the boss of chapter 1 turned into a villager, and since the villager class ID didn’t have any animations tied to it, the game crashed.

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Any class with weapon exp is considered valid to randomize into unless you make an exceptions list.

Added @Ok_Dude’s Shadow Dragon Faithful Remake and an exceptions list provided by @d_h for Hetja’s Quest. I also randomized the order of hacks in the table in my first post, lol.

I’m not going to actively follow updates for all the hacks here, so I’ll be relying on people to let me know when they want something updated. (It’s also possible to fork the repo, navigate to the HackInstallers folder, place your updated .gba file and click Build.cmd and then make a pull request, but I’m not counting on people doing that.)



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Getting a checksum mismatch when applying the SD randomizer, is the base rom FE8 or something else?

@Enjin their thread says fe8 base. The self rando installation shouldn’t affect checksum mismatch, so I think you’ll get the same warning on the non-randomized project .ups. Ultimately it should work regardless of the warning.