Let's Randomize!

This year I’ve made randomizers for the fe GBA games, and I’ve strived to make them compatible with romhacks as well. I provided instructions for hack makers to be able to patch their own projects, and while I’ve received a positive response from those who’ve tried it, I’m unaware of anyone actually releasing the randomizer version of their hack as of yet. These things take time, but FEE3 is coming up and I’d like to put together a video showcasing this, so I’m taking more initiative now. I think it’d also be cool to make a project megathread linking the original project threads and a modified self randomized .ups for each.

By responding to this poll, you give me permission to apply the self randomizer to your hack(s), potentially feature it in my FEE3 video, and to distribute the modified .ups file, provided I link back to your thread. I make no guarantee that all randomizer features necessarily work with your rom, but obviously I want the best compatibility achievable.

  • I agree
0 voters

If you have multiple projects but don’t want all of them featured, please link the ones you want featured as a reply.

Thank you for reading.


Even if I don’t have an entry to FEE3 I do agree lmao


Can an incomplete project be submitted?

Same for me

1 Like

This woulf be fun to see.

That’s fine. This is just for my video.



This is gonna be fun!


Thanks for responding to the poll. I’ve applied the randomizer to most of your hacks and some playtesting has begun in my discord server.


I’ll throw mine in too


I’m still making edits to mine but feel free to use mine! I love randomizers, and was planning on using the self randomizer for it eventually when you posted it haha


tmgc’s probably a mess to get working with this, but if you wanna do code of the burger king that should work decently [FE8] Fire Emblem: Code of the Burger King (Main Campaign Complete!)


Okay! I now voted! For all my projects! Randomizing for the win!


Throwing mine in as well. It’s pretty barebones under the hood, so I don’t think anything would break.


Huge thanks for giving my hack a randomized treatment Vesly! It’s amazing what you are doing for the community!


Even though mine is incomplete, would definitely want a randomised version to go with it!

Even tho I don’t really have any romhack made yet, I’ll still agree on this so that randomized versions of my romhacks ends up existing once I get to make one.

I completely forgot about this even tho I actually voted before. Actually my bad lol.

@Vesly Would it be ok if you you’re able to randomize my FE6 hack, Lyn’s Bizarre Adventure?

Sure. I think I initially skipped over most PMEs when I was going through hacks that people made from the poll. If anyone else has a PME or hack that I neglected to include and you want it added, let me know and I’ll try to add it when I can.