tabachanker for being the Jesus of Hacking and helping so much on the opening class scroll, opening prologue, widening the menus, fixing the inconsistent level-up screens, and implementing new world map graphics, new features, and more
bookofholsety for the graphics and continued testing support
The original patch developers for doing most of the groundwork
Onmi for making the FEditor compatibility patch for FE6
shadowofchaos for helping solve the c17 Ilia chapter title problem and for his notes on FE6
bartre for solving the Elphin glitch, menu/interface text, and teaching me how to magick the hex code
Barth for fixing some graphic glitches
DrPikachu for testing every single support and posting the errors in the support thread
Special Thanks - Circles for the 2018 Fe8 Self Randomizer as reference.
Also a big thanks to the fe8u decomp contributors, as I copied many functions from that.
Casual Mode - Circles, 7743
Fix REDAs - 7743
BattleStatsAnimsOff - Tequila
Hp Bars - Circles, Tequila
Hard mode unlock - 7743
L button cycling - Aurawolf
Colour Hue Function - Huichelaar
Droppable item icon gfx by Scraiza
My only complaint is that Flux should really be an E rank tome. You can get E rank shamans with no usable equipment. Maybe have the unusable staves removed as well? Or is it a vanilla only type deal?
Hello Vesly, I’ve found one bug that softlocks the game, cecilia having only staves(she stayed a valkyrie) attacking zephiel with her heal staff softlocks(his hp goes up then to minus and so on)
He’s a druid with only staves too, annoyingly
Also, unless klein/thea are brigands or fliers, thea is unrecruitable
Thank you for this randomizer, I’m enjoying it!
Removed the ability the get the useless staff “Makes closed areas visible.” - are there any other completely useless staves? I’ve left in the pretty much useless Torch and Unlock staves, though.
Enemies with staff+another weapon rank will now always get a weapon in their first slot, while the latter slots can get staves. Hopefully that solves this issue. I’ve also made Thea not start on mountains.
I’ve now added random colours, infinite durability, fixed levelups (always average stats), and player bonus as new options and I also reworked the menu to make it scroll.
Hey so I was doing a run and after clearing 21x, whenever Roy would try to promote after getting the Binding Blade, the game would crash. Sometimes it would show a mercenary sprite over him, and sometimes it would just try to switch to a bugged looking save screen and crash. Roy in this run was a Bard, but I managed to get some sword experience on him through an early copy of the Binding Blade that I got. I tried messing with his inventory and making sure he wouldn’t have any weapon equipped, but still nothing worked. The cutscenes aren’t skippable either. Is there a workaround?
Can you try updating the rom first? I did attempt to fix this issue some days after the initial release, so if you’re on an old version, it’d break.
If that doesn’t solve it, then please send me your .sav file (eg. via dropbox) and I’ll look into it more.