AW2 Self Randomizing Rom [Complete]

This rom randomizes CO stats based on the name you give your design map 1, as well as every map unless the name starts with “B”.

Self Randomizer Download - Patch to Advance Wars 2


Enter some name to be used as your seed.

Sometimes features indirect neotanks and 6 mov infantry.

Co powers re-randomize your stats, but are overall better.
Balance is thrown out the window and replaced with funny number hijinks.

Randomized maps is also an option.

If your name starts with a space, then CO stats will vary every chapter.
If your design room 1 name starts with A, stats will not randomize. If it starts with B, maps will not randomize. If C, nothing will randomize. I’m doing it this way for the time being because menus are hard.



Project by Vesly
Xenesis - Defense Display Patch
Xenesis - All unlocks / skip intro
& Special thanks to Xenesis for all the notes.

My Projects
AW2 Randomizer
FE8 Self Randomizer
FE7 Self Randomizer
FE6 Self Randomizer



I’m sorry for asking but what’s the right rom to patch? Tried “Advance Wars 2 - Black Hole Rising (USA, Australia)” and it didn’t work.

My base rom is a usa/australia version, but there are a few versions of that rom apparently.

Dunno what the proper checksum should be but tried a dozen different Roms and not a single one worked.

@Aimos1828 This is what it looks like for me.

Randomized Maps

If your design room 1 name starts with A, stats will not randomize. If it starts with B, maps will not randomize. If C, nothing will randomize. I’m doing it this way for the time being because menus are hard.

I’ve spent this week working on generating random maps ingame, so I thought I’d share the process.

wall of pics

Each step on its own:

Step 1)

Draw a winding line from one coordinate to another from different quadrants. This step is sometimes skipped.

These are all starting and ending at the same coordinates as each other:




I’m not sure why it has trouble here.

Step 2)

Create an HQ, 2-4 adjacent bases, and roads connecting for each player. Put them in opposite or different quadrants.

Step 3)

Using a number of small map chunks I made with the tileset in Tiled, pick some at random and scatter them across the map.

(I should probably make some more of these for more variety…)

Step 4)

Fill in remaining plains with tiles from a themed bank. More on themes later…

(Oh god the chaos)

Now each step layered!

Step 1)

Step 2)

Step 3)

Step 4)

I mentioned themes that only apply to step 4 before, so let’s see them now.




Roads & Pipes




Perhaps because I didn’t weigh any of the tiles heavily, it made properties/silos more common than I expected.

You can see that these generated maps have flaws, and their aesthetics will certainly vary, but I think it’s pretty cool that I was able to do this. :partying_face:


Randomized maps now use black hole inventions in campaign mode. Eg. Laser, Mini Cannon, Black Cannon, Death Rays, Volcano yes they invented volcanoes, and Factories, which now produce random units for maps that usually have no factory.

I used the website you provided and ignored the checksum thing and it works! Thank youuu!