(Project Thread Banner W.I.P)
Fire Emblem Steel Will is a romhack of FE8.
With a main emphasis on using what vanilla systems are there to create unique map objectives and scenarios without relying on heavy ASM usage, units that have distinct weaknesses rather then just being plain good, and an FE10 style party split with 3 unique campaigns to explore. I’m making this in hopes of getting better in the future.
Story Snyopsis:
Our adventure entails in the land of Paulo. A land rich with history not a soul could remember. Join our 3 protagonists as they each take differing perspectives into this lush land of mystery…and unfold a secret plot unbeknownst to the entire population…
FEE3 2023 Trailer
Latest Trailer (FEE3 2024 Trailer):
- 3 Unique campaigns with 3 unique Lords
- FE10 style switches between parties!
- Gameplay inspired by FE11, and FE12
- Unique objectives
- Wind magic
- A hub world to explore!
- QoL features
- A base mode between chapters
- Lots of weapons
- Armor Knights that are actually good!
- Mono weapon classes
- A side quest system involving food
- A story that’s…I mean it has one idk
- Full supports (Eventually)
- Skills!
- Enhanced Weapon Triangle
- A good bit of original songs by me!
- No AI of any kind
- …TLP mugs?
Chapter Status
Part 1 (9 Total Chapters):
Chapter 1 (Completed)
Chapter 2 (Completed)
Chapter 2x (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 3 (Completed)
Chapter 4 (Completed)
Chapter 5 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 6 (Completed)
Chapter 7 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 8 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Part 2 (6 Total Chapters):
Chapter 9 (Completed)
Chapter 10 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 11 (Completed)
Chapter 12 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 13 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Chapter 14 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
Part 3 (? Total Chapters):
14x (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
15 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
16 (Completed)
16x (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
17 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
18 (Completed, Needs Major Playtesting)
19 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
20 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
21 (Completed, Needs Playtesting)
22 (In Progress)
Finale (No Progress)
The “AS” in the items menu of the stat screen does not display Attack Speed. This will be fixed (Hopefully) in the next major update.
There are grammar issues. And there are a lot of them.
If anybody knows how to disable viewable growth rates via FEBuilder. Let me know. Please.
No, this is not a sequel to The Dark Amulet. Just throwing that out there.
Content Rating
ESRB Rating: E10
Fantasy Violence
Here’s a version of Steel Will that’s randomized via Vesly’s Self Randomized Project. However, this will only cover Part 1 of Steel Will.
Download Link: Download Me
I’d really appreciate your feedback to make this hack the best it can be!