Commissions Listings

I would like to advertise that I take commissions


Portfolio(s): Linked. Don’t dump stuff here.
Status of Commissions: Open/Closed.
Preferred method of contact: Discourse PMs/Discord DMs/etc. Please include any relevant contact info.

Only post once. Should any part of your listing change it’s up to you to edit your listing yourself.

I'm here looking to get work commissioned

Coolbeans. Go through the list of replies and contact people directly through one of their listed contact methods if they’re open.

None of the above

Any reply that isn’t self-advertising isn’t welcome here. The goal is to have a list of users with open commissions that’s self-regulated. If you have any questions or comments please reply here: Commissioned Work: All Cards on the Table Project


I do item icons.

If you would like an item icon done, please message me on discord. @beansy#8756
Commisions: Closed


I can help make music comissions for your projects, whether porting a song from another game or an original composition.

I also composed over 25 original tracks for Fire Emblem: Code of the Black Knights.

I am open until further notice.
If you wish to contact me please pm via FEU or discord, or send an email to my adress (Listed below)

Contact info

Discord: LanValkyre#4951


I take commissions for maps, both for gameplay and the world-map variant

^ topic I rarely update

^ project I did most if not all of the maps for

Contact me here via PMs


Here’s my gallery.

Commission Status : OPEN (emergency commissions)


I’ve been intending to do this for a while; I do portraits, map sprites, item icons, and animations.
(And here’s the link to my thread: Feier's Spritan Shelf)

Commissions are CLOSED! (Slots 2/2 Currently)
Just contact me through PM through FEU or DM through Discord.


(not to clutter this thread, but I think this deserves a sticky)


Hey, been wanting to try this out
I mainly do portraits, the other stuff that isnt portraits are mostly pastimes or doodles
Here’s a gallery of my works!

Commission status: Closed!
Slots: none open

Contact me via either FEU pms or on Discord: Generic Pretsel#2523



There are a TON of portraits to do, esp since nearly everyone will be voice acted. The usual portrait artist is super busy with tons of battle sprites and there’s a pile of portraits, so we need new blood.

Our portraits are 178x178 plus structured a bit differently than FE portraits.

Example set:

Basically, there’s a few key facial expressions I use to animate a believable talking animation. Plus a few others to illustrate emotion, but we mainly just use talking frames and neutral (mouth closed frames). Really, you are just changing the mouth on each frame.

Then, there’s the 3 eye frames: open, squinting, and closed to animate blinking

Already favoring @L95. @Nobody, if I could get a hold of him.

Looking to do $50-$70 per animated portrait set. Blinking and talking. There’s like 20+ portraits to do by April.

Map Sprites

Looking to for a really good animator and pixel artist to help us revamp and create new map sprites.

Trying to achieve this quality level:

The frame size is 35x48 and our style is pretty close to Suikoden.

You’d either be creating new sprites or remastering old ones. An example would be creating sprites based off this concept art of Teagan and Kenzo.

A remaster would be the sprite for the Fort Valestone Boss.

Most of these are 4-8 frames. Most cases, 4 directions (really just 3 – up, down, and left. right is just left flipped horizontally).

Paging the famed @Obsidian_Daddy and @Plant_Academy. Anyone else who makes cool battle anims, this might be up your alley.

$20-25/hr is the usual but negotiable.

Can PM me here or hit me up on Discord: Copywright#3697

moving pretty fast on the portraits, though – likely to start by next week.


I do icons, be it custom or working from source material.



Contact me via pm or Endelphia2.0#0701 to discuss business


Asset: Portraits (Illustrated / GBAFE)
Status: OPEN
Contact: via twitter (iamblz_twt), via discord (abzelcomms)



Don’t see other people really doing this in the community, so I’m going to try!

I’ve been doing writing for years, and have spent my time in the FEU community helping new writers learn the craft while also joining various group projects to practice writing under other writer’s constraints. With both group projects releasing this month, I’m opening up my writing commissions.

Asset: Romhack/fangame writing, including chapter writing and supports (see below for prices). Willing to write more specific material, such as more involved plot documents or other material I haven’t foreseen, if discussed prior (pricing pending discussion). Please note: I am not an editor; I am a writer.
Portfolio: Lady of Masks (read the incomplete script here!), Ch 17, 22, and Endgame + some of the supports (Nahiza/Hornet only) for Bells of Byelen, and Ch 6 / 12 / 15 of Embers Entwined.
Status of Commissions: Closed for now
Preferred method of contact: Message me on Discord at Xilirite#4899 (preferred) or by DMing me on FEU if that’s not possible.

Currently starting out at 2-3 cents USD per word ($20-30 USD per 1k words) for chapter writing/supports. This price covers time spent discussing the commission, researching the existing script or any other reference materials, etc – higher prices for any commissions that require an abundance of research to handle, decided on a case by case basis during preliminary discussion. If you want to keep it at 2, please provide me with as much relevant and specific information as possible before I begin. Contact me through the methods above if you need any additional info.


Hello! I am here to announce that I have commissions open!

Assets: I primary focus of Sprite stills and animations.
Portfolio: My sprite thread!
Commission Status: OPEN! Will be mainly taking 2 animation commissions and an undecided number of still sprite commissions
Contacts: DM me here, Twiiter @ SageofPixels, Discord @ sage_tempestsage(preferred),or Email @ without the spaces(also preferred)


Not seeing a post for this, so I’d like to make a request on this thread. Let me know if I should go about this differently.

Looking to commission someone for a battle animation! Not looking for it to be too complicated, I just need it to do one big flashy attack. It’s basically of a werewolf. Also planning on making it public to the repo afterwards, if that matters to anyone. Please DM me if you’re interested!

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Maybe what you want already exists?

Hmmm :thinking::thinking:
Well if no one accepts my request then I could def modify this, if the creator is okay with it of course.

Thanks for this!

Heyo! I am opening up sprite commissions now as well.
I mostly do portraits and other sprites in the GBAFE style.

Full Info

Payment is to be made through my ko-fi:

You can see examples of my past work on my Twitter:

… or in my creative thread here on FEU:

You can contact me through FEU PMs or Discord at ZessDynamite#2180

Commission status: CLOSED
Slots available: 0/4


Is it possible if my way of “paying” someone would be in the form of an art trade? (Example: I make a portrait, commissioner trades any type of asset of choice).

It’ll vary by creator, so you’re better off messaging them directly.

By the way, open your DMs; because your messages were closed, I had to also post in a thread that is for listings and not discussion.

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