[FE8] Fire Emblem: Embers Entwined | 21 Chapters [COMPLETE]

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-0

When the flame of ambition alights, the ash from its pyre will smother all…

Petra is a princess in exile, on the run from dark forces with darker machinations. She and her companions, fleeing from their pursuers, enlist the aid of Diego and his mercenary band. However, all is not as it seems, and as the two uncover the truth of Diego’s bloodline, they’ll find that their fates have become inextricably entwined. They must stand and fight… but how do you fight a foe who doesn’t quite stay dead?

Embers Entwined is a project inspired by Call of the Armor, developed in the same “telephone” fashion by us at Team Rectangle Strategy. This means that every chapter was developed linearly by a different person, one after another, with no planning beforehand. We began development in mid 2021, and are extremely excited to be finally releasing this project to the public!

Features include:

  • 21 Chapters!
  • 49 playable characters, from classes you know and love to wacky, more experimental units!
  • A wild plot with heaps of melodrama, twists, and reveals!
  • New items, classes, QoL fixes, and more!

Download it here!


Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-1Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-3
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-19Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-6
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-5Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-16
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-22Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-23
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-14Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-8
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-20Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-21
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-7Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-4
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-12Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-13
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-9Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-15


Team members, their contributions, and asset credits

Known Issues
  • A certain unit’s stats can break caps if they have a stat in their current class that’s higher than the cap in the class they transform into.
  • This same unit keeping their weapon ranks after transforming.
  • Opening the door with the two green units in E-2 with an unlock staff will bug out the event at first, but then it’ll return to normal.

Want to share your thoughts with the team? Join us in the discord!
And also, check out the tier list maker! (spoilers!!!)


Hello chat.
I made a lot of portraits for this project, and edited a few of the portraits used as well.(See Grunhilde!)(Or Terry for one I spliced myself!)


Hey gamers, felt I had to leave a message on here as well, since I kind of sort of organized this whole thing (until Xil took over to clean up the mess).

I want to give special thanks to @GodsPetTurtle and @Pandan for giving us moral support. @Goldblitzx and @Retina deserve my thanks as well for the tremendous amounts of contributions during the final stages of this collab.

But from the bottom of my heart, thanks for sticking around and making something great together, guys. I love you!

  • the bunger :3

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)CLEAN - Copy - Copy.emulator-15
4 crit says otherwise…


The tool does not make the man; surpass your limits.


Shh…its a secret technique of the Dune Warriors


I had a lot of fun working on this project, even through all the ups and downs. I wonder sometimes if the chaos of the game’s development influenced the chaos of the actual game itself :stuck_out_tongue: special thanks to everyone on the team who stepped up to do work outside their own chapters; we couldn’t have gotten this out the door without your help!

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hope people enjoy this

  • person who made chapter 4 and concepts for 12

I too had a great time developing for this project! I grew as an artist, hacker, and person while working on this project.
Thanks to everyone for being epic.


Put out a quick and very minor hotfix, mostly non-essential.

  • removed victory music
  • fixed Erina’s mouth frames
  • fixed missing team member bios (sorry spens and kaiden D:)

The hack, chief, it’s good :sunglasses:

Really cool project, had a blast contributing to it. Hope everyone enjoys it.

Chapter 5

Yes it is safe to kill Volos. That text is outdated, sorry!

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yeah it’s pretty good


WOw the game is complete is this including supports and all? I can play start to finish?

Every chapter is in game through to the end credits, but unfortunately there are no written supports – due to the size of the cast and the nature of deciding who gets to write what, it simply wasn’t feasible to ask the team to devote the multiple months it would take to do such a thing. More to the point; as one of the few heavily writing inclined members of the team, the vast majority of that workload would fall to me and one or two others. If there’s interest among the team, we MAY (this is a huge if) consider adding them in after the fact, but due to what I just mentioned, this hinges greatly on the availability of, at the very very least, myself.


ahhh I see thanks for the heads up!

Another update, this one more substantial (they’re gonna be coming pretty rapid fire in the first few days as stuff gets brought to my attention)

  • Fixed a broken event in chapter 16
  • Updated a certain character’s promotion to bring them more up to par
  • Buffed DeAndre a lot bc he deserves it and I love him
  • Minor adjustments to ch 3
  • Some typos (the first of many, I’m sure)
  • game will call your cellular device if you game over and say something mean (untested) (lie)
  • fixed a certain promo item from being unbreakable
  • fixed(?) some broken weapon icons
  • some ch 1 reworks (also the first of many)
  • other things (I got sick halfway through the day you can tell when bc I stopped capitalizing sentences it’s kind of like environmental storytelling anyway I’ve lost track of all the tweaks I’ve made please forgive)

Congrats to everyone on the team for the release !
It’s awesome to see so many great “telephone” project since Call of the Armor :smile:


We have a tierlist now! Obviously beware of spoilers!


1.0.3 update out, this one with far more significant changes, included a bunch of numbers tweaks.

  • Fixed ch 1 gargoyles having the wrong weapon rank
  • Fixed a certain pegasus knight repeating the same dialogue over and over
  • Added death quotes for a certain playable character
  • Added new portraits for Leif, Randolf, and Coltrane
  • Buffs for Rasmus, Leif, Kane, Zaid, Turner, Datura, a certain summoner, and Baal
  • Nerfs for Liam, Grunhilde, and Enoch
  • Fixed some classes not having promotion gains
  • Fixed text overflow in some units endings
  • Adjusted enemy inventory in chapter 9

Currently, the team plans to address some script concerns before moving on to addressing some uneven gameplay moments; if you have feedback to give, we’d greatly appreciate hearing it; your insight may help us to make important decisions about things moving forward.