[LT]Telephone Recruiting: Project Chaos [3/31?]

Project status: Chapter 4 in development
31 Chapters planned

In 2021, the most prominent members of the community worked together to create a new type of project. The first ever Telephone project. An entire Fire Emblem Campaign based on the children’s game of the same name.

They failed. Within weeks they would abandon the project’s namesake to speak of their chapters and plans with each other.

Sure, they may have made a great game.

Sure, they may have created the most effective and resilient community project format.

Sure, they may have been using the “Telephone” name as a shorthand and never intended to literally follow the rules of the real life game.

But none of that matters! Their failure has haunted the telephone format for years, with every subsequent Telephone project increasing in their communication and consistency.

However, I am in no place to pass judgment. It started small, when I made two chapters for the unhallowed Embers Entwined. But this small taste of depravity consumed me, and I soon found myself completely rewriting half of the chapters in Daughters of Braghedunn. No one has besmirched the sacred name of Telephone more than I.

It is time to atone for my sins.

-One Chapter per dev.

-No communication between devs.

-Devs are only allowed to look at the chapter before.

The first real Telephone: Project Chaos

Sign up
(Sign ups are open until five chapters remain)


-Make one gameplay chapter and/or one free roam chapter*

-Don’t share gameplay or story details with other Chaos project devs.

-Make a good faith attempt at expanding upon the previous story and gameplay.**

-Don’t mess with the “meta” systems unless otherwise stated.(Ranking/Hub World)

-Don’t change anything that would retroactivity impact a prior chapter***

-The Chapter and its Dev must be allowed on the FEU forums****

-Credit any assets used in the Credits text file

-Chapters are expected to be complete within a month. I will be asking for a progress update around 2 weeks in, just to make sure something has been made.

-Don’t be afraid to ask for help! If you’re stuck, feel free to ask me or anyone who is not a Chaos Project Dev anything. And, worse case, there’s no shame in just passing a chapter along if you’ve bitten off more than you chew. At the end of the day, this is just a hobby.

*Spirit of the rule is more important than the letter of the rule. If you need a chapter nid for a cutscene, for example, feel free to do so.

**In spirit, this is just an anti trolling rule. It is impossible to accidentally break this rule.

***Classes that don’t have generic enemy stats are listed below the “Class Line” class in the class editor.

****In regards to the FEU Content Policy, I have the final say on any story elements that are under the “Topics I should be more careful with” section.



To be honest, i hope i can contribute to this project. ill probally make a free roam and call it a day.

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Aye if ya need an assist ill help.
No rules against folks working together so long as they both only make that 1.


thank you for making telephones great again. 2024 was a terrible year for telephones, with not a single telephone even making it across the finish line. you are a hero of feu


thank you, shadow. I honestly dont know that much about writing/whatever gameplay stuff but i would appreciate you helping.

We work like two gears. You handle the coding and I handle writing.

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I signed up, so… apologies in advance. I’ll try not to break anything.

I’ve signed up, even if I am both nervous about project sharing and am a relative who in this community.
Still, if anyone needs a writer for whatever reason, I’ll play ball.

I signed up meaning this project is immediately about to go on a nosedive

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suh rye

Fear the reaper


i do not fear you that much

I’m making a callout post on my FEU dot Com

Someone signed up asking to communicate over FEU directly instead of discord, which I am more than happy to do, but they didn’t give me their FEU username to contact them. If you are this person, just message me when you have a moment.



Post must be at least 5 characters.


Just remember to message me when you start to make the chapter so you and me can work together.

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im kinda nervous lol what if i forget

To making a glorious pile of hot garbage! (but at least hot and glorious)

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To Chaos!


you’re gonna put a chao in your chapter, arent you?