[LT] [COMPLETE] Lineage's Ties: Daughters of Braghedunn (21 Chapters)

Knowing what I do now, I can look back and see all the things we’ve done that put us into this checkmate.
Stupid things that I shouldn’t have done. Things I did too late.
But we’re creatures of our environment. We didn’t know any other way of life.
For you, it’s almost the same story.
For you, the only problem was me.
I could’ve shown you something different.
And maybe, by miracle, you could’ve chosen something different.
But here we are.

Download Daughters of Braghedunn v1 (21 chapters) (Last updated: 11/26/2024)

Previously known as Lex Telephonis and LTphone, Daughters of Braghedunn is finally complete! Using LT’s capabilities to the fullest, the 21 chapter campaign makes use of high impact skills, dynamic maps, and experimental unit design. Completely rewritten and reworked from its original telephone form, Daughters of Braghedunn combines the collaborative experience of a community project with the structure of the personal project, and serves as a showcase of Lex Talionis’ capabilities.


  • A fully written campaign with 21 chapters, as well as 3 additional chapters
  • Many, many high-impact skills, utilizing Mana
  • Interlude chapters using free roam, with puzzles and secrets to boot (lmao)
  • Multi-box descriptions (Accessible using the Aux key)
  • A JRPG Style dungeon
  • A fully fleshed out Achievement system, which funds…
  • New Game+, with purchasable upgrades from achivements
  • Three different endings
  • A Tellius Style Base camp, with base conversations


The shadow of the Merchant’s War looms large over the land of Braghedunn. A pyrrhic Imperial victory allowed for twenty years of peace, but the Crown’s grasp on the colony grows ever more tenuous. As resentment turns to violence, and violence turns to bloodshed, everyone awaits another war. Commoners and nobles, knights and mercenaries, humans and deities, all prepare as the smoldering embers of the old war reignite.

As if to beacon the start of the new era, House Connachta burns.

Barely escaping with her life, Ennis Connachta finds herself separated from her Mother. With unknown assailants seeking her head and hostile cults growing in power, it falls to the mercenary Cormorant to protect her from harm. As old grievances and loyalties rear their head, the heir and the veteran must choose - Who to fight? Who to Trust? As the lines begin to blur, between justice and vengeance, friend and foe, one question remains.

Are they willing to pay the price?

Project Summary

Lex Telephonis started around 2-3 years ago, right after COTA released. There weren’t any full length games released yet, at least on the current engine - so regulars on LT discord got together to create a project that would showcase the capabilities of LT. Following the telephone format, each creator would take on a chapter at a time, then pass it on to the next person. Throughout its development LTPhone caught several bugs and overlooked aspects in the LT engine, helping the LT engine to grow by leaps and bounds into what it is today.

The biggest deviation from the telephone format was taking a look at everything made, and and deciding to rewrite and rework it from its telephone baseline. While this increased development time, it gave us time to take a deeper look into what was made - what worked? What didn’t work? And how could we escape the pitfalls caused by the telephone format?

Team Lex Telephonis

Team Lex Telephonis

Project Lead:

Github Manager:
Lord Tweed


Chapter Contributions
Mag - Chapter 1, Chapter 20
Github Manager, rewrote half the script
Rainlash - Chapter 2
Created the whole engine
Rasta - Chapter 3, Chapter 18
Project Lead
SirSpensir - Chapter 4, Chapter 15
Rewrote the other half of the script
Jumpants - Chapter 5, Chapter 17
RW - Chapter 6
Reworked half the maps and portraits
Had0ken - Chapter 7, Chapter 21
Lord Tweed - Chapter 8, Chapter 13
Github Manager
KD - Chapter 9, chapter 19
Sigmaraven - Chapter 0x, Chapter 10
Omegax128 - Chapter 11, Chapter 16
Cepheus - Chapter 12
lord - Chapter 14

Special Thanks:


Github Repository

Tier List (Contains Spoilers)


Temporary mirror if other link is down:
Temporary mirror while other link is down.

Download Daughters of Braghedunn v1 (21 chapters) (Last updated: 11/26/2024)


This looks amazing! I was wondering how could I get it to work on Parallels for Mac with the silicon chip? When I open the application it doesn’t do anything. I’m using windows 11 pro version with it too

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If you’re running Windows on a virtual machine, you should be able to run this! Could you provide your logs? They should be accessible in

/c/Users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/rainlash/Lex Talionis/logs

Replacing USERNAME with the correct information.

How difficult is this game? Im not too good at fe and was wondering if i would be able to beat this game

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It’s as difficult as you need it to be. Certain units are “immortals”, so they come back every chapter, just weaker if defeated (don’t have to restart every time, rejoice!). The personal skills are insane by common fe standards. Also, casual mode exists (but you won’t need it)

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(AND, I’m in the credits)


Like Perma said, it’s as difficult as you need it to be. The game has multiple difficulty modes - Normal mode, which was what was designed around, Hard which makes the enemies tougher, Immortal, which is 0% growths, and Story, which is just for reading through the story.

Normal isn’t very difficult according to playtesters, since all the tools you have are more than enough - so if you’re worried about difficulty, I’d recommend trying it out!


I’ve only been to chapter 3 and all the features I’m seeing so far is amazing :sob: (my breaking point was the adaptive music) I’m very excited for everything the future has to offer for this, story’s keeping me hooked so far as well. My thanks to this team for bringing FE fans a wonderful experience!

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Why did you guys have to kill my blorbo :frowning:


Lol this is so popular Dropbox won’t let anyone else download today. I shall try again tomorrow.


Hi all, SigmaRaven here. I’ve uploaded a temporary mirror (still off Dropbox so is it really a mirror lmao) of the current build here: Download Daughters of Braghedunn v1 (21 chapters) (Last updated: 10/25/2024)

Once Rasta is available again, he should be able to upload something to the main post.


Game is pretty good other than the chapters I made. Skip those.

Did a pre-1.0 playtest of this recently and really enjoyed it. Nice work to everyone involved.


I will 100% try this as soon as I can, would love to know how you did the base convos though. That seems super complicated.


I feel like I’m supposed to use phasewalker to get a chest on chapter 5 and I’m not sure if I’m using it wrong but whenever I try to use the skill on a wall my unit doesn’t move. I’ve tried it on 1 width walls and am getting nothing.


Made an account to say that working on this game was a joy and I’m proud of what we all created together. The game’s good, so give it a shot!

PS - Phasewalker (Ch5 Thief’s movement tech) is broken right now but we are cooking up a fix atm. The chest has an angelic robe.


i know this question have probably been answered millions of time but i really want to know
how do i play the pc versions with full screen , i tried F5 and F11 but they dont work


go to the options and adjust screen size to the maximum, that did it for me at least @Einswrath

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Day 2 of trying to download the game.

It’ll happen eventually! This project looks great!

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Daughters of Braghedunn has been updated, fixing a few bugs, such as typos, Accipiter’s Phasewalk not working, Chapter 4’s “casual mode” not working, and endgame crashes. You can find the new .exe in the downloads folder.

To update your game, download the latest .exe, and copy the saves folder from your original .exe into the new .exe.


don’t take it personally babe, it just ain’t your story

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