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for the dozen of us that don’t just use febuilder patches
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By StanH
Given a coordinate in sB, returns a non-0 value to slot C if any enemy can attack that tile. (It returns the number of ways enemies can attack that coord, actually.)
(Stan wrote this ASMC for me but I had to bugtest it & fix a couple things to make it work and afaik he never released it.)
By Tequila, Vesly
Given s1 as Nth player unit, return their unit ID to slot C. Eg. say you want the 4th deployed unit - this will do that while ignoring empty slots.
Originally by Tequila, rewritten by Vesly
Given s1 unit ID and s3 state (eg. 0x42: acted already, cantoing), this sets, unsets, or flips the condition of that unit. This version works on units of memory slots (eg. 0xFFFD) and doesn’t mess with anything inline.
Originally by 7743, rewritten by Vesly
Want to give A Rank swords to all units that have acted this turn?
SetUnitStatusAll(AnyUnit, SwordExp, 181, 0x02, AnyArmy, AnyClass, AnyRange, AnyItem)
Or want to give +6 mov to all enemies with unit IDs 0xAA-0xBD with classes ranging from 0x52-0x66 in the range 1x 3y to 12x 15y that are holding vulneraries?
It can do that too:
SetUnitStatusAll(0xAABD, MovBonus, 6, AnyDeployed, EnemyArmy, 0x5266, Area(1,3,12,15), Vulnerary)
Similar in function to the febuilder patches, except:
- can now do on mem slot units (eg. 0xFFFD, 0xFFFE)
- conditionally ignore units of certain states (eg. ignore units that have acted, or units that are rescuing)
- unit ID is now a range: eg. affect units 0x02 to 0x0F
- same with class eg. affect monster classes (IDs 0x52-0x66)
someday I will write something original