How to Patch a Rom v5


Step 1. Download .UPS

Step 2. Locate Unmodified .GBA

How to dump a ROM

Step 3. Patch Online [Link]

Rom Patcher JS

NUPS, among others, also works.


Why can’t we share .GBAs?

This guide has been made 4 times before but they were long and boring so I made this one instead.



Translation by @Lukirioh

Como parchear una Rom

Paso 1. Descarga el .UPS (parche )

Paso 2. Localiza el .GBA sin modificar ( el rom )

How to dump a ROM
Paso 3. Aplica el parche de manera online

Rom Patcher JS

Usando el link de NUPS, entre otros, también funciona.


Por qué no podemos compartir los .GBA?


5 times seems like a lot for something as simple as

  1. Make a copy of clean ROM
  2. Download NUPS and patch
  3. Use NUPS to apply patch to copy
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you’d be surprised how lazy/dumb people can be


me when
when I live in a society

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Agreed. Only posted this to make it more concise and because it works on whichever operating system. (Windows, Mac, Android, and even iOs I imagine.)

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ok but how do i change moulder’s class?
shoutout for clear and concise tutorial


Use an Orion’s Seal i think


in other news someone has been repeatedly clicking that web based rom patcher link I posted on a question thread which notified me when it got 50 clicks

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A noob post, but I’m still having trouble. I’ve tried a bunch of different versions of FE8 and a bunch of different patches (.ups), but whenever I patch a game and run it it crashes as soon as I press a button on the start menu. For example, I tried to use the FE8 Mad Mode patch with both NUPS and Rom Patcher JS: both versions of the patched game crash. (I’ve tried using two versions of FE8: one labelled US and one labelled USA/ Austrailia.)
Thanks in advance!

Please confirm that your emulator can correctly load and play fe8 unpatched. Also confirm that your rom matches the automated checks when patching. (If it says it does not match, then you have a problem.)

I suggest trying again with a different patch and loading the resulting .gba file with the emulator mGBA on pc. mGBA is highly accurate to real hardware.

They have online patchers now? Seems kinda sketch, tbh. But I guess that’s what the kids these days use.

Emblemier does it in a legal way where your device does the patching without anything going through its server - you could ask HeartHero about it, as I don’t understand it. I have no idea if this website is hosting your rom online for a couple seconds or not, but it does feel sketch to me too.

Currently emblemier is very slow at patching, but I am hyped for when it’s ready for more users to try out. I think this website is good to recommend for ups patching in the meantime as it is very fast and works on whichever device, be it phone, tablet, or computer.

Should I claim credits for the translation? XD
It’s good to see the spanish version here Ves :3
I didn’t noticed it till now. Sorry

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Yeah, thanks for that. Added a line saying translation by @Lukirioh :slightly_smiling_face: