Hello there, I’m Contro. You might have seen me lurking around in the discord.
I have started working with Assembly hacks for the GBAFE’s, so I decided to put them here if anyone wants to use them. So uhh, here they are.
The source code of all my hacks can be found here:
This lets promoted classes get the same amount of experience as unpromoted classes, effectively making the level system only consider levels, instead of whether a class is promoted or not. Similar to FE4's leveling system
Installation instructions:
Since this is just one Event file, you can just include with no problems
Have you ever wanted to put a mounted unit on a ballista? Well, if you tried to, canto would crash your game, by letting you attack after. This patch fixes that.
NOTE: The FE7 version is in FEBuilder's patch menu, and the FE8 version is not compatible with Skillsystems. (The fix is already there)
Installation instructions:
With FEBuilder, just install the event file, and you’re set.
With Buildfiles, “#include” Hack Installations, anywhere in you’re buildfile, and include NoBallistaCanto.event anywhere in you’re buildfile. (I’d also remove the #include “Extensions/Hack Installation.txt” from NoBallistaCanto.event so there won’t be any errors)
Been a while, huh? You know how FEBuilder has that cheat that lets you jump straight to a chapter whenever you want? It's about time we buildfilers get that kind of tech.
Along with jumping to a different chapter, you can run events right before making the jump with the included table (Good for loading units and setting flags)
The instructions are in the readme of the github page.
The vanilla spell animation has a system in place where certain classes have custom javelin throws (Like paladins and Falcoknights. This adaptation of Stan’s hack is designed for easily changing these values to whatever you want.
The reason for this adaptation is so you can have this functionality while having spell loader installed.
This is a simple ASM hack that automatically sends a dead player unit’s inventory to the convoy.
It should be noted that this is not compatible with the casual mode hack. It should be easy enough to add this hack’s functionality to casual mode however.
This is an updated version of @circleseverywhere’s hack of the same name that allows use of four 16 color palettes per allegiance instead of having to use one 16 color palette.
Default player, NPC, and other palettes were made by @Struedelmuffin.
UPDATE: Fixed a bug where opening the statscreen in the world map caused the other palette to be used. Also tweaked the blue palette.
Merry Christmas (Eve?) to you all! I have a present I’d like to share with you.
This hack allows you to swap battle animations mid-battle under certain conditions such as skill activations, killing blows, retaliations, and more!
NOTE: The animation transition will have some artifacting if the base and swapped in animations differ too much. This isn’t a problem if you use the same idle frame for each swap animation.
If a vanilla animation artifacts with a custom animations, try reinserting the vanilla animation.
Does your “FE8 Battle Forecast Fix” make sense for vanilla?
I tried to reproduce it with vanilla ROMs of FE8J and FE8U, but I could not reproduce the glitch.
I kept pressing the A and B buttons alternately for about 20-30 times, but the glitch did not occur in vanilla.
On the other hand, with a ROM with SkilSystems installed, I was able to reproduce the problem.
Is this a SkilSystems issue?
Or is this a bug that can occur in vanilla with a low probability?
This bug does occur in vanilla, but it’s very difficult to pull off, even if you’re trying.
Here’s a video of Sme making it happen with a script:
I also managed to get it to happen after being very fast with my inputs:
It’s easier to make this bug occur in the skill system because the battle calculations extend the window of time you can press B to trigger the bug.
In vanilla, it’s a 1 frame time window.
In the skill system, it’s roughly a 4 frame window.
The fix for this was simply to call Text_ResetTileAllocation during the B press routine for the battle forecast menu.
In Fire Emblem 8, there exists a bug where canto doesn’t work after entering the trade/supply menus, backing out without performing a trade or using the convoy, and having the attack command highlighted (See gifs). This is because spaces moved gets set to 255.
The core issue has to do with the attack range preview interfering with how the game decides how far you moved in the turn.
There is, however, another contributing factor.
The game has a system in place to keep track of what actions were performed so it’ll know whether or not to refresh the spaces moved value. It just doesn’t have backing out of a trade/supply use set as a condition.
This hack adds a new condition specifically for when you back out of trading or using the supply.
This hack allows you to limit how many of each item a player may purchase.
These limits apply globally to every shop in a chapter, and may be set by the chapter.
Installation and usage instructions are in the github.