Since Gauging Support for a Tutorial Series was more about “Would people like so see this?” and “How should I go about this?” I’ll be putting all videos here in the OP and leaving the rest of the thread for discussion, update bumps, and video-specific buildfile questions.
I apologize for the wait, but I am happy to bring to you…
Snek’s Buildfile Tutorial
Brought to you by Snek
In this video tutorial series, we’re going to first cover what a buildfile is, how it works, why one may use a buildfile, and the essentials and codes of Event Assembler. From there, we’re going to cover the modern methods for common edits to be made to a clean FE8 ROM.
Completed videos:
Prologue: The Basics of Event Assembler
1: Text Editing
2: CSV Tables
Tentative agenda:
3: Changing Common FE8 Game Data
4: Map Insertion
5: Basic Eventing in FE8 (Probably going to avoid a laundry list of codes, do the basics to continue moving forward, and leave comprehensive full chapter creation to the end)
6: Graphics - Battle Animation Insertion (Thinking these graphics ones will be short but many for organization)
7: Graphics - Spell Animation Insertion
8: Graphics - Item Icons
9: Graphics - Portraits and Class Cards
10: Graphics - Map Sprites
11: Graphics - Battle Palettes
12: Music Insertion
13: Creating Chapters: Comprehensive Eventing
14: Handling ASM
15: A Tour of the Skill System
16: ??? Anything else? Maybe just straight up me making real LoA chapter[s] for example?
Wow that’s a lot, but I want to be as comprehensive as possible, and a lot of these are pretty easy.
I’m open to suggestions, and I’ll post videos as soon as I finish them. Please let me know what you think as I move forward with how I can improve, if I forgot something, what I should keep doing, etc. I’m on the FEU Discord if you’d like to reach out, you can reach me via DMs here on the forum, or you can post a reply here if you’ve got something to say.
As I move through this tutorial series, I’ll be building up a buildfile from scratch that I’ll use in demonstrations. I’m hoping that by the end of this, I’ll end up with a kind of “blank buildfile” with all of the basics already there that anyone can immediately build off of. The Snekfile? I kinda hate that, but I guess I have to brand it somehow. But seriously, I think the most difficult part of working with buildfiles is getting everything initially set up, and if we can skip that step, I hope they should be easier for beginners.
Don’t feel obligated to use my methods, though! One of the best parts of buildfiles is that you can make whatever build system you like. I’ll be using methods that I’ve devised myself that I fell comfortable with, but you’re not me. I encourage you to check out other projects, build schemes, etc. You can find my working Snekfile here.
Anyway, do let me know if there’s something I can improve, stay safe, and have a nice day!