[FE8U] Fourth Allegiance
This hack adds a fully independant fourth allegiance to FE8U, Based on the 4th army used by the link arena. Note that this hack is incompatible with the skill system family of engine hacks.
Download Here
How to Install
Non-buildfile users
Requires Event Assembler.
You will need to install this engine hack into your ROM’s Free Space. To do that, add ORG (YourFreeSpaceOffset) at the top of MasterAsmInstaller.event.
Then, use event assembler to assemble MasterAsmInstaller.event into your rom, and you should be good to go.
Buildfile users
Simply include MasterAsmInstaller.event into your buildfile, and everything should be good to go.
Adding 4th allegiance units
To add units of the 4th allegiance, simply set the faction in your unit definition to 3. In FEBuilder, that should appear as “Defeat”.
Setting Faction Relations per chapter
Faction relations are handled via a bitmap. The short at +0x26 in the chapter data table is said bitmap. (Under “Enemy Phase BGM Flag 4” for FEBuilder users.)
This hack automatically sets all chapters to have the vanilla relations for Blue, Red and Green units, and has Purple units be hostile to everyone.
There are 4 bitmaps, in the order Blue-Green-Red-Purple; one per faction, and then each bit sets if you are allied or enemy to a faction, in the same order. Edit that bitmap to set your relations however you’d like.
Due to it being 4 Bits, you can interpret the short as if every nybble(character in a hex number) is for a different faction; in this case the order goes reverse. Then, to set your custom relations, you change the desired nybble. For example, my vanilla behaviour is 0x8433; if we interpret it by nybble, we go in the order Purple-Red-Green-Blue, so we have 8 for purple units, as 1<<3 is 8 and they are not allied to anyone asides from themselves; we then have 4 for red units, as 1<<2 is 4 and they are not allied to anyone asides from themselves; we then have 3 for both blue and green units; they are allied, and blue units are faction 0 and green units faction 1, we get 1<<0=1 and 1<<1 = 2, which in turn becomes 1+2 = 3 as they are both allied to each other. I hope that explanation will help you understand the system better.
Alternatively, if you’re using buildfiles, you can use the macros included.
Setting Map music for the fourth faction
Short 0x1C in the chapter data table is map music for the fourth phase(“Player Phase BGM 2” for FEBuilder users), while short 0x1E is map music for the fourth phase when flag 4 is set(“Enemy Phase BGM 2” for FEBuilder users).
Other important info
The maximum number of purple units is 20. Please ask me if you want a version with a specific number of max units.
Huge thanks to Shuusuke and Shane for helping with testing(and giving screenshots), Peerless for the “NEUTRAL PHASE” banner graphics, and HyperGammaSpaces(along with other people at the spell academy of FEU’s discord server) for technical help.
Please report any glitch your find either on this thread or in the issue tab of the