[FE8] Fire Emblem: The Sacred War [complete]

This is a ROM hack that took me over 3 years to complete
but didn’t want to announce because it wasn’t defined when it was going to finish
and because I didn’t want to have people wait indefinitely.

This is a Remake of the original Sacred Stones game
in an effort to make the game more fun to play with new features, a new freshness
as well as new challenges and obstacles to conquer.

First 5 that cleared the Rift challenge dungeon:
  1. CorEagle (17/03/2019)
  2. Tallis (2/05/2019)
  3. Nsyion (22/05/2019)
  4. Kujoe_dirte (7/07/2019)
  5. Freeseti (7/07/2019)
Screenshots (Old v1.00)

Screenshot1Screenshot3Screenshot4Screenshot5 Screenshot7Screenshot9Screenshot10Screenshot11Screenshot12Screenshot15Screenshot16Screenshot17Screenshot18Screenshot19Screenshot20Screenshot21Screenshot22Screenshot23Screenshot24Screenshot25Screenshot26Screenshot28Screenshot29Screenshot30Screenshot31Screenshot33 Screenshot32Screenshot35Screenshot36Screenshot40

Specific Patch Notes (Updated for v1.35)

Dropbox - FE8 Sacred War Patch Notes - Simplify your life


A big thanks to the community of FEuniverse.us for their help and asset contribution.

Special thanks to:

  • 7743
  • VennoBennu
  • circleseverywhere
  • Tequila
  • Crazycolors
  • Brendan
  • swordmaster
  • Camdar
  • Blazer
  • Creator of FEYggdra Hack (Kenpuhu and Aruku)
  • Gabriel Knight
  • Lisandra_Brave
  • Moocavo
  • Riku
  • The Blind Archer
  • Angel
  • Teraspark
  • Arkth
  • The Creator of the Generic Assassin Class portrait
Desert Area Secret Tresure


Secret Shop Locations

Tower of Valni - Floor 1

Same as the original. No change.

Chapter14 - Eirika - Jehanna Halls

Chapter 19 - Rausten

Tower of Valni - Floor 5

Rift - Floor 5

Some good to know TIPS
  • While there’s a healthy amount of promotional items, if some of them aren’t enough
    you can buy extra ones from the secret shop in CH14 for both routes.
  • You can buy promotional items again later in the CH16 (Renais Castle) MAP shop
    without the need of Member Cards.
  • You are free to use them whenever you want (either on a Lv10 or Lv20 pre-promote).
    Story campaign won’t punish you for using them early and the promo boosts reflect that.
  • The “only” necessity is the need for 20 units for end/post game
    as EXP and Gold are infinite.

=== UPDATE (13/12/2020) ===
=====> V1.36 is out !!! <=====

Wow 17 months since the last one huh?
Truly Final Update.
V1.36 contains the fixes of v1.53.1, v1.53.2 and v1.53.3,
fixes a triple line jump in a support dialogue (yeah should have seen it sooner)
and also
fixes a certain character’s Portrait and Battle Animation with completely new ones!

=== How the v1.50 works ===
Save data between the 2 patches is compatible and can be used by both.
-The 1.36Valni is replaced with the 1.51Valni.
-The hub facilities in the entrance of the 1.36Valni will become unusable.
-The rewards and bonus characters in 1.36Valni cannot be obtained in 1.51Valni.
-If you want to return from 1.51 to 1.36 for any reason (grind - mop up - bonus rewards - fun),
just re-use the 1.36 patch.
-Patch 1.51 affects only the Valni Tower area and nothing more.
-You can have access to both contents with the same save file just by swapping patches.

=== UPDATE (13/12/2020) ===
=====> V1.51 is out !!! <=====

Contains the v1.50 expansion which is:
  • New title Screen
  • :notes: 7 new music tracks and a new world map theme for post-game. :notes:
  • Post-Game title changed
  • New bonus characters as rewards and new weapons and items to use
  • Valni remade from scratch
  • New characters and story events
  • A new story about the past, present, future
    and the reason of some unexplained original events.
  • Difficulty, content and a new superboss
    for all those who stayed with this project all these months
  • Details:
    A total of 6 new maps with new events
    Tier6 Armory in the prep-shop for Valni floors 2+
    4 new bonus characters. All obtained with just 1 clear through the Tower.
    2 new special weapons and 1 Tier3 accessory
    New special conversations between the superboss and Ephraim, Eirika and Myrrh.
    Estimated completion time : 7~9 hours
Contains the fixes in v1.50.1 and v1.50.2 which are:

Resolves an issue where Lyon wouldn’t join after 3 Rift Clears in the V1.50.
Now you can get Lyon either with the vanilla 3 clears of the Rift (V1.35)
OR (if the game glitches in V1.50 or you just hate doing the Rift 3 times)
by clearing the 1st Floor (not the entrance) of the 1.50Valni (which is faster).
The previous bonus Character of the 1st floor (Vigarde)
will now join a floor later (with improved inventory).

Fixes an issue where the enemy AI healers would try to heal fully healed units.

And fixes the typos in the new dialogues in the new Valni,
the triple line jump in a support dialogue
and of course has the new Graphic additions of v1.36 for that character.

With that the project is truly complete now.
See you all in the next one!

Patches are on the link below (Use UPS patching)

Starting Version: v1.36 (Apply to a clean FE8[U] ROM)
START your game with this version:
Dropbox - FE8 Sacred War Patch (New) - Simplify your life
Compatible emulators: No$GBA v2. 8 and above
Don’t use VBA. It crushes all the time in Post-Game.

Final Update: v1.51
Dropbox - FE8 Sacred War Patch (1.50.1) - Simplify your life


Consider played should be fun to enjoy…congrats on completion.


Hope you have a great time.

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Does this change events/story/dialog?

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Story and dialogue is the same as well as supports.

…but there are 3 extra dialogues hidden in there.

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I started playing this 5 minutes ago and I’m already impressed. This is CLEAN.

Update: The aesthetics are clean but the maps and balance need work.

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Yes, hence why I delayed the last update (the Ruins one)
so I can implement the suggestions on the next patch.

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Just post it here.

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Congratulations on your opening!


Grats on completion, looks promising if you’re going to be doing further patches. :wink:

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Wow! Much as I enjoy following along a hack’s progress, seeing such full content come out of nowhere is great. Time to spend my weekend playing away :smiley:

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Thx to everyone for their words and time spent.

Hope the hack will be deemed fulfilling.

  • Added a TIP section on the original post for those that are concerned about theory crafting
    and party building.

Those backgrounds look pretty great (along with everything else :+1:) . Are those free to use?

Yes, I’ll release a folder with every Animation, BG and sprite
along with instructions on how to implement some of them.

Edit: Damn, forgot to mention where the secret shops are.
BRB, will add section on the original post.


Ewan with 26 Luck as a level 17 mage! Bahaha, that’s hilarious.

I always say I’ll try these hacks, only to end up not doing so, but this seems really interesting so maybe I actually will this time.


Very surprising! This looks dope honestly, I will definitely be giving this a shot.

Those battle backgrounds are :heart_eyes:

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This is what happens when you feed him a Dragon Tear since he was a Lv1 Pupil

But generally I made sure during story campaign the player to constantly have the advantage.

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Hello !

I decided to create this account to give you my opinion about your hack. I’m only at chapter 3 so far, so I can’t affirmed yet that it’s a relevant opinion but I wonder if there is a not a lack of… Difficulty ? It looked to me pretty easy so far, with very powerful units (at least 4 of my units can crush easily my opponents).

Otherwise, so far, it’s an enjoyable experience ! I like the new designs and symbols for the swords, items and so on.

I continue. :slight_smile:

P.S : How many difficulty settings exist ? One ? I thought this screen was pretty confusing at first glance. 15

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Liking the hack, but I think I encountered a game-breaking bug.

I’m currently softlocked on Chapter 11 of Eirika’s route. Dozla doesn’t have a weapon but instead an Arc Wind (is he not supposed to have a weapon?), some enemies are stuck in walls, there’s a mimic chest available (though it’s not a skirmish), and no matter what I do, chests and doors flat-out refuse to open.

FE8%20Sacred%20War FE8%20Sacred%20War2

What do??

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Of course I can’t ask of anything sensibly demanding so early in the game.
Please do continue .

Just the 1 you can only choose: “Standard”

Weird because I’ve gone through this area 3 times.

OK, I’ll recheck real fast. Can you drop me a savestate from before entering the chapter?
Also restart the chapter from before entering.

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