[FE8] [COMPLETE] FE: Dream of Five - Definitive Edition

I thought you… damn it, I thought you were different.
I thought you were stronger.
But now I see you’re just a failure, like all those before you.
Like those who will come after you.

Farewell, Rena.



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By the same Lead Designer:
Drums of War

Dream of Five was an FE7, FEditor-era hack made in the early 2010s by a team of teenagers with too much time on their hands. For years, it has remained dormant, collecting cobwebs as the hacking scene advances in leaps and bounds.

Until now.

Playing on MGBA is recommended.


  • A campaign of 32 chapters (in a given playthrough; 41 chapters overall)
  • A playable cast of 62 memorable characters, with complete support networks
  • A route split of 10 chapters which has effects that carry through to the very end of the game
  • A strong, unified aesthetic, from portraits to UI
  • A focused, character-driven narrative
  • A variety of challenges across maps, with a wide variety of objectives and tight formations of tough foes
  • Shove
  • Colourblind Modes A (Blue + Green vs. Red) and B (Blue + Grey vs. Red) available under Variant Patches

It’s alive!


Who’s on the project?


Omg it actually came to fruition! I’m stupid excited for the revival of this project! Good luck with everything and most of all I hope you guys have fun remaking this masterpiece!


I s2g if I gotta see Jayson one more time…


Let me know how I can help


will the isaach 2.0 country’s names be pronounceable this time around?
will the gameplay be the same level of difficulty as before? i hope not


Noooo… No way. Dream of Five is actually being finished?


Oh wow, that’s pretty incredible! Back in the day, this was definitely one of the most impressive hacks out there.


will asher come back


One of the first hacks I ever played. Skill Issues™️ prevented me from ever getting far in it, but I’m looking forward to seeing where this one leads.


FEUniverse Community: “Oh I… I thought you were dead.”

Dream of Five: “My death was… greatly exaggerated.”

Let’s just say it was quite a surprise that Dream of Five suddenly popped up out of nowhere and announced that it was being worked on by the guy who had done Drums of War with a couple of original members from the original Dream of Five team. Plus the changes you mentioned such as adding new units to make it more Ironman material, EXP is now being reworked which I never thought I foresaw the possibility of happening, and making the core gameplay challenging in return. I may not have played the Dream of Five version of FE7, but I will give it a go in the future and try to understand why everyone praises this as the ROM hack that was supposed to surpass The Last Promise during the early years of FE ROM Hacking. Overall, I wish you luck. :+1:

I have made an analysis of the screenshots of Dream of Five on the new changes. If you are curious about my thoughts on it. In case of any updates on the post make changes to it.

My analysis on the screenshots.

1 - Crowe
Screenshot number 1 shows Crowe being drunk while speaking to Chester. Map of the Darkwright gang got an upgrade with the tiles. Need a comparison for this.

2 - FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-0
Screenshot number 2 shows a route split. It’s quite similar to the Dream of Five FE7 version so that’s included.

3 - Striders
Screenshot number 3 shows that Renair’s group is called the Striders. Sounds like a good name for them.

4 - Doing Fine
Screenshot number 4 shows the bandits have a village hostage and are under their control. But on closer inspection, those look like new Axe Fighter map sprites which are quite new.

5 - Augury
Screenshot number 5 shows the menu that displays the Augury. That sounds like an improvement, hopefully, you have any gold to spare or not, that depends. There appear to be green units that you actually fight during the early game of Dream of Five. Need to learn more in the future.

6 - Cathale
Screenshot number 6 shows Ilanice meeting a new character that I have never seen before during any of the Dream of Five betas in the past. Could be a new playable unit or an enemy boss?

7 - Journal
Screenshot number 7 shows that the journal opening is back with some added background.

8 - Greyhounds
Screenshot number 8 shows some spooky words. Something involving greyhounds. Wonder what that means.

9 - Melons II
Screenshot number 9 shows Nikita and Brielle talking to each other. Last time I checked, there were
bosses in the Onduris route from chapters 10B and 12B during the playthrough of Dream of Five. Could they be playable or just their meeting before their demise or something?

10 - Sorcha
Screenshot number 10 established CG cutscenes are just like Dream of Five FE7.

11 - Franseza
Screenshot number 11 shows a visually updated status screen that looks new. Looks like an upgrade if you ask me. Don’t know who this Franseza character is, but that portrait reminds me of the end event of Onduris 14B portrait. The description is quite a mystery and mentions Seren which I assume that’s the soldier girl from Musain.

12 - Highborn
Screenshot number 12 shows chapter 15 which is the merging from the route split and looks like the boss from the prologue got promoted and wants to get payback to Renair and her crew.

Update on new screenshots analysis

It’s been some time since the last time I looked at the screenshots since the debut of the revitalized Dream of Five and some changes have been made so far. I will probably go over the ones that caught my attention.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-20
Screenshot number 1 has a little change to the Route Split with the box layout along with the rigid. Might be a design upgrade.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-19
Screenshot number 2 shows us the Augury, but the map has a different layout which could mean that the enemies are orange in color which means this is the Onduris route. The map itself could be Chapter 14 from the looks of it.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-24
Screenshot number 3 introduces a new unit named Cothiva and she’s a magic user in the Onduris route. Suppose this is one of the 10 exclusive units in each route split. Curious about her purpose and reason behind the Onduris conflict.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-23
Screenshot number 4 shows that Renair and se’Mori get greeted by am’Roan with his force in a fog-of-war map in the infamous chapter of that time limit that really impacts the most. If you know what I’m referring to.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-26
Screenshot number 5 shows us the Valkyrie Sorcha. The time that Garath almost burnt to a crisp and lives. Could mean the miracle of plot armor at its finest.

FE8 Dream of Five.emulator-21
Screenshot number 6 shows us the updated unit screen of Nari in her promoted Gladiator class. Rest thee well old Inari sprite portrait. May your portrait sprite serve one who is in need of a sprite portrait.


The Kolbane Train needs new passengers? I’m in. 8)

(shoutouts to my two favorite bosses Nikita and Brielle having a covno)

Real good to actually see this come back after uploading my 2-year-old stream playthrough recently and while rewatching it I kept thinking “man this game would rule if it adapted modern GBAFE hacking principles”. When the monkey’s paw curls in a different way…


Will you be retaining the difficulty of the old hack? I truly hope so because even though it was hard I enjoyed learning and growing as a Fire Emblem player oh so long ago.

1 Like

Parr wtf how is this possible
The project is revived-- holy shit idk if this is even real lmao

EDIT: Did you actually manage to actually assemble the whole original team?


Well this is a positive surprise.

I look forward to seeing its first release!


Who’s on the project?

EDIT: Did you actually manage to actually assemble the whole original team?

For the most part, just me and Lumi, though a couple other originals like Sakusa are on call. Astra gave permission to take up the torch and threw all the graphical assets at us. Hilariously there’s enough spare that I can add a number of playable characters and still have enough bosses left to finish out the hack without the need to make a single extra portrait.

Let me know how I can help

Honestly, the LP’s already been invaluable for letting me see the original chapters in action…

will the isaach 2.0 country’s names be pronounceable this time around?

Onduris’ name conventions are being tightened in general. There’ll be fewer random Xs (Vixenk becomes vi’Shen, for one).

will asher come back

All playable characters in the original release - up to C17 - will remain playable, though a couple have been shifted around slightly (Inari/Nari now joins at the same time as Baldur and Lienn/Leda, for instance, while you get Gabriel at the start of his chapter rather than him showing up in the middle of nowhere in the fog). Asher’s still in his prologue village, though.

will the gameplay be the same level of difficulty as before? i hope not

Will you be retaining the difficulty of the old hack? I truly hope so because even though it was hard I enjoyed learning and growing as a Fire Emblem player oh so long ago.

In 2013 the assumption was that you were using savestates, in 2023 the assumption is that your game should hold up to an ironman run. So there’s a few fundamental changes to account for that: enemies will no longer give negligible XP, ambush spawns won’t be used (I’m not ruling out a few, telegraphed appearances, but I’m not planning on it yet; certainly it won’t be the norm) and there’s now a larger cast size to allow for deaths. That will all make it significantly easier, but I’m aiming to make the core gameplay tighter and more challenging to compensate.

(shoutouts to my two favorite bosses Nikita and Brielle having a covno)


Parr wtf how is this possible
The project is revived-- holy shit idk if this is even real lmao

It is!


You’re giving me some high level of power here my guy. |D



…In all seriousness, it’s really super cool you were able to revive this project! I always sort of admired it from afar, reading Let’s Plays and checking on the original thread, and I was bummed to learn later that it had been canceled (though I understand that it’s kind of a miracle when unpaid indie passion projects aren’t), so I’m really excited for the revival, and I wish you, Lumi, and any others helping with the project the best of luck with finally seeing this thing through to completion!


A legend reborn, this is Christmas in July!

I hope certain classic elements remain in the game…

