FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Asset repo maintainers should respect any artist’s wishes regardless of whatever your policy for the repo is. In the end, yeah, you removed them per the artist’s wish, but why do you have to say this?

Just do whatever the artist want. Done. There’s no need to fuss about all of this, tbh. Not saying you have to bow down to the artists, no, but it’s more to artists have their right on every creation they made. Especially when they ask you directly about it.

In this case, GabrielKnight had already stated in their first post from way back then. But what if there’s an artist who wants to retract their F2U things from the repo? I doubt it’ll go well if you keep going like this.

Also a bit of a stretch, I know it’s great that you add F2U things from the artist’s galleries by your own (repo maintainers), but would it be nice if you notify us about it? Even though it’s just a small gesture, but I’m sure artists would appreciate it.

it’s like
“yo i added your F2U stuff into the repo”
“cool beans”


This was from the dark, lawless times of the repo. Nowadays there’s such more quality control and only stuff posted explicitly on the repo thread (and CCC, it’s a part of the contest) goes in.

Honestly, there’s a lot of cleaning up to do, but it’s going into the right direction. Sorry for trouble.


Screenshot 2022-09-06 132525
can I just ask why leo link’s smoother f!myrm anim is titled like this? I think this name in the repo is a bit misleading considering it’s next to redbean’s fir anim, which is designed to specifically imitate fir’s outfit, whereas this is more geared towards generic myrmidons
Screenshot 2022-09-06 132602
I feel it should just have the same name as the male equivalent here. It’s not, like, a huge issue or anything it just comes off as a weird decision to me

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I actually agree. I can have it changed later.


I can answer this. When I added it to the repo I thought it was just an edit of basic FE6 Fir, hence the name. But yes, it should be changed the same as the male.

Due to troubling past events I have no interest in going into, I’d like to ask that these commissions I got from Glaceo be removed from the repository. As I commissioned them, the sprites belong to me.
image - 2022-09-07T004223.134image - 2022-09-07T004241.07843a06e413310eb0d5519ab757243741334050541 (1)
Please remove these three from the repository as soon as possible.
If you are still using these sprites in your projects, I ask that you change them as soon as possible


I’m fine with that. But. It would be a lot more helpful if you actually told me where to find these portraits. I’m not scanning ten thousand portraits visually :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually found the cat girls. No idea about the other one though.

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Kagero should be in the Fates section, the other two were in OCs under Glaceo iirc


So, lately, I’ve been getting “Error! Server failure or wrong URL.” messages from DownGit when I try and download battle animation sets from the repo. Oftentimes, it’ll work for the first few animations I try to download, and then start throwing out that error message. Is this issue on the repository’s end, or on DownGit’s? I feel it’s something that should be called to the attention of those managing the repository in the case of the former, at any rate.

I need specific links to specific animations to know for sure.

I know it’s occurred with the wolf rider animations, the female brigand, and now the male adventurer, but it doesn’t seem to be something that’s tied to any individual animation, because I’ll try to download an animation and it’ll work, then try to same animation again and it won’t (due to testing animations I knew to have working download links after I start running into the issue with others). Clearing my cache seemed to fix it for a while, but then the error popped back up and wasn’t fixed by doing the same thing again, so I’m not sure what’s going on.

Yeah, that’s probably the common Downgit error people have gotten. You DL too many things and shit just stops working.

I recommend using Gitzip. It’s a better user experience overall.

Give this whole post a read.

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@Kanna I don’t really mind in this case, especially since the permissions match up, but I think it might be pertinent that when you splice from someone else’s work that crediting them is done, especially if F2E since that can lead to a neverending telephone game of corruption

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sorry i just couldnt understand how to script it because i am such a noob in everything thats not art :frowning: but if anyone want to use the animations, feel free to use it and script it for your hack!

Sorry for asking this here but does anyone know how to make a character have a custom name?

omg thank you so much ive been looking for lissa anims for my fe warriors remake in gba and these are so good

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my cringy potrait for an older ewan
Ewan but older (darknight97)

@darknight97 your submission doesn’t fit the repository criteria, so your post was moved

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Your portrait is zoomed in, and also lacking frames. While frames are not necessary to be submitted to the repo, they are preferred. It’s the zoomed-in size that makes your portrait invalid, though.

Glad someone made use of that finally. That was my first and only ever battle anim lol