Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

Fixed the class cards I made a while back to be insertable and use the T3 borders.
Please update their versions in the repo.
In addition, I made the lance guy more epic.
T3Fighter (M) Axe {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Bow {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Fists {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Lance {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Sword {Yasako}

.7z here:

Also, it looks like some of the class cards on the repo have off or broken palettes, 'cause the palette I used on my class cards which referenced another one did not play well with the Tier 3 Template by flasuban’s palette. The templates, btw, are off in size, too. (Oh yeah, I used the Tier 3 Template by flasuban for this.)

Edit: Wait don’t add this yet I gotta fix the lance guy, I broke him with requantizing
Edit2: Okay fixed (sparkles emoji)


Here are some more mugs from me, two old mugs formatted (Varian and Brock) and one new one with a full body and 2 alts

World of Warcraft Varian Wrynn
FE Varian

Pokemon - Brock + Eyes alt
FE Brock
FE Brock Eyes Shut Alt

FE 3 Houses Manuela
FE Manuela
FE Manuela No Hands Alt

FE Manuela Fullbody

+Winking Alt
FE Manuela Winking Alt


In preparation on the Lilina fullbody, I decided to tweak her portrait into her accurate Official Art design, because it always did bother me that her ingame outfit isn’t even close to to her OA design and totally not biased because she’s my favorite character no sir-
here’s with a hand and no hand version once again lazy in making her minimug
credits to levin64 on her lilina from the repo
Edit: Here are the FE6 colors and FE 8 Shade as well; noticed some stray pixels in the mouth frames, fixed it now


Commissioned Ristar (they don’t appear to be on FEU under this name) for a MIDI arrange of The Phantasmal Woods from MapleStory. I then changed the instruments to NIMAP2.
The .s file was just autogenerated with FEBuilder/mid2agb, so there might be some hiccups.

.7z with .s, .mid, and .ogg preview:

Edit: RISTAR… If you’re seeing this… send me your dang ko-fi link…
Edit2: This song is being revised to work with the gbafe polyphony; some parts currently cut out when complex chords are played.
Edit3: Link has been updated. I changed the instruments slightly in this version, so I’ve included the MIDI if anyone wants to change it back or something.
Edit4: Due to NIMAP drums being weird, the ride cymbal assignment went to a reverse cymbal, so the note has been transposed back to a ride cymbal. Link updated… again… Ristar suggested changing channel 5 to use a GB pulse channel so nothing cuts out, but that might break sound effects…


» start a post in the repo topic;
» alert message says the last post made was 5 years ago, warning about bumping it;
» pokerface enabled.

anyway, here’s my take on Ryoma, wearing his “Supreme Samurai” outfit from Heroes.
couldn’t manage to add the halo on his back though, that was just way too big to fit in the hackbox.
while doing and fixing his hair partially killed me, polishing every other small detail from laces to decorations literally sent my soul into the oblivion and beyond. the time i’ve spent editing this guy was a lot, trust me.
so, here’s the portraits:

» Default:
FE Fates - Supreme Samurai Ryoma Fenreir

» Maskless:
FE Fates - Supreme Samurai Ryoma(Maskless) Fenreir

» How it would look:




A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Hey all, first time animating anything but here. This is a reskin of sword hector into a generic strength sword class (or whatever you want really, mercenary alt design, lord, etc.). Designed to be a T1 compliment to Spud’s Champion as well as filling the void for a strength focused sword infantry class. Hopefully someone finds this useful!! F2U and F2E for anyone.

Also for anyone who cares about class names I’ve gone with Vagabond for this design though obviously, call it whatever you want. Also thanks to L95 for pointers on the dodge frames.


Download here:

Also while I’m at it here’s a couple splices I posted on my thread but never posted here, F2U and F2E
Generic FE7 Soldier F F2E(Kyrads) Generic FE7 Soldier F Alt F2E(Kyrads) Generic FE8 Soldier F F2E (Kyrads)
Soldier Alt (Kyrads


Mai88 gave me permission to use one of her MIDIs for this purpose, so here’s Eve on Piano from Nights of Azure.
It was just two piano tracks, so it was really simple to port over. It could use some envelope sprucing, but I can’t be assed.

.7z with .s, .ogg, and .mid:


drum fix


Lotsa submissions but that’s because I get bored and Ristar works fast.
“Sound 00122” (there are no official song titles afaik) from GhostX Ultimate, a… Very Gone Korean beat-em-up MMORPG.
Maybe I’ll commission something from fellow Very Gone odd genre Korean MMORPG, Valkyrie Sky, next. lol.
This one shouldn’t be broken because, 1: I put the Drums track to the correct thing (TELEPHONE RING…) and 2: it’s only five tracks, so no polyphony issues!!

Also, a portrait.

.7z for the music:
Also, you’re encouraged to edit the MIDI to use different instruments if you need it to suit your hack better; it’s easy since it’s only five tracks and you don’t touch the… “Telephone Ring” one…
.png for the portrait with preserved palette:

You can find Ristar on the FEU Discord if you wanna commission 'em. Very reasonable rates I think. Though I did propose them myself. P:


A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Autumn is on its way, and with it comes another couple of Hoshidan royals:

» Hinoka
FE Fates - Hinoka Fenreir

» Mikoto
FE Fates - Queen Mikoto Fenreir

» How they look

miko demo

» Little family reunion


Here are two more mugshots from me this time.

RWBY - Pyrrha
FE Pyrrha

GunXSword - Van
FE Van v2

Fitting this hat in, I’ve heard this called hackbox abuse, I prefer the term hackbox acrobatics :stuck_out_tongue:


A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

I provide non-FE related content to further expand the Non-FE side aka the anime side of the repo
A tengen uzui from demon slayer :DD I do not know why ya’ll will use him if ever unless it’s a demon slayer related hack but ye
F2E with credit


Non, je ne regrette rien



here’s my last gifts for this Autumn, starting with the latest Fates lordlings i’ve recently made:

» Sakura( default + glove version)
FE Fates - Sakura Fenreir FE Fates - Shy Sakura Fenreir

» Takumi
FE Fates - Takumi Fenreir

also, to celebrate the last Hoshidan royals pack, here’s some more 64 colors backgrounds for you all:

bg 01 bg 02
Autumn bg 01 Autumn bg 02
Autumn bg 03 Autumn bg 04
Autumn bg 05


A big and heart-warming thanks to @Rye_on_Speed and @kris.K for doing these amazing portraits of Touhou. All these cool portraits come from Touhou Emblem!

{Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Alice {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Aya {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Byakuren {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Chen {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Okuu {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Okuu I {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Orin {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Parsee {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}Patchouli {Rye_on_Speed, Kris.k}

(There are more portraits on the folder)




hey, it’s me back with part 2 of the Bael Expansion
Ballista, Bael, combine em together what do you get?

A Baellista!! That’s right!!




Both Horizontal and Diagonal firing included!! topped with a melee as well
now for some…

Flavour Text/Lore

War baels or as some (with a sense of humor) would call it Baellistas are a central part of some ancient civilization’s war tactics. Before the invention of the wheel, transports of such heavy weaponry was thought of as an impossible feat, that is until people discover that feral Baels could support the weight fairly well and transport it through difficult terrain. Such was the first instance of domestication of Baels, eventually giving rise to the modern Bael riders of the continent.

Nowadays you’ll scarcely see any more War Baels deployed in the battle field, for as useful as they are to transport the Ballista through difficult terrain, A Bael needs to have extraordinary strength and stamina to be more effective than the modern wheeled Ballista. Still, once in a while you’ll see some War Baels deployed in a difficult battle in which case they can very quickly turn the tides of battle by shooting at the enemy from extremely difficult to reach places

And… the Download link

Download my Creative Stuff Here!!