Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

hey, need some more conversation backgrounds?
this time around i decided to go for something less realistic, and a bit more anime.
here’s the results after checking around the internet for a while, resizing images and lowering the resolution to 64 colors maximum( less than that means crap quality, so these are probably more suited for either Lex Talionis or Tactile ).
first, the previews:

» Night Sky Backgrounds

bg 01 bg 02
bg 03 bg 04
bg 05 bg 06
bg 07 bg 08
bg 12

» Sky Backgrounds

bg 10 bg 11

then, the .zip file with all these inside:


Here have a non standard Human designed mugshot;

Warcraft - Grom Hellscream
FE Grom
+Minor Alt
FE Grom Alt
“Why be strong enough? When there is stronger still?”
“Yes but… you’re green…”



Since I´ve never been a fan of the classic Warrior helm desing in GBAs Fire Emblem, I decided to do my take on the class with a helmless reskin! Also wanted to do an option that better fits the portrait of the characters.
I´ve also added some animation tweaks to fit my own taste.

(edit: now also with the dodges animations! )
(edit: I couldnt wrap my head around on how to script it, but if you want to do it and use this animation in your hack feel free to do it!)

On the drive link are the 100% gif and Aseprite files aswell, so its easier for you guys to implement and meddle with it if you want


Portrait Editor TMGC (18).gba_20@14 Apollo_0107CC80Portrait Editor TMGC (18).gba_37@25 _Z_a_c_h_a_ri_a_s_0107CE5CPortrait Editor TMGC (18).gba_15@0F Rose_0107CBF4

Just a drop of old mugs that have since been replaced from SFL and TMGC.


I can fly!


A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

The red bean’s portrait in the Portrait Repository is saved as jpg, but I converted it back to png.




F2U, F2E
You can use it for a berserker boss.


Hey, everyone. I have a big and very cool addition to the repo today.

There is now a v3 of the Portrait Creator!

Now, this new version has quite a lot of improvements. It’s still not a great tool for actually making sprites, but at the very least Vale has implemented a bunch of really important improvements.

You can download the v3 Creator here, just get the zip file:

  • Rewritten in Scala
  • Piece Scaling
  • Piece Rotation
  • Piece Offsets reworked to always cover full area
  • Piece Dropdowns reworked to show just the necessary info, and sorted alphabetically
  • Piece Select-By-Preview rights-side panel
  • Piece Border Color Selection
  • Prefab color panels (with unique one for skin)
  • Full display of palettes’ shades
  • Full control over each shade in a palette
  • Prefab Palettes (again with unique for skin)
  • “Anti-Aliasing” of where the hair meets the face
  • Unique colors in use counter
  • Export of GBA compatible size png

The most important additions are the ‘prefab’ colors, especially for skin and hair and armor. Remember those zombie abominations newbie spriters would spit out and horrify the poor denizens of Spritans? No more! Now the tool comes with colors taken from Blade’s Hair image and skin color references.

We also used Feier’s hair as useful reference points.

So, altogether, the character creator is a lot more usable! Download it through the links above or by looking in the Portrait Repo’s assistive Creator folders.

Any comments or criticism, please direct it to the Repo’s discord for Vale to see, or put it in the Repo Discussion Thread.


credit to Yasako for the boby base
may be make her normal custom version later


Fixed the class cards I made a while back to be insertable and use the T3 borders.
Please update their versions in the repo.
In addition, I made the lance guy more epic.
T3Fighter (M) Axe {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Bow {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Fists {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Lance {Yasako}T3Fighter (M) Sword {Yasako}

.7z here:

Also, it looks like some of the class cards on the repo have off or broken palettes, 'cause the palette I used on my class cards which referenced another one did not play well with the Tier 3 Template by flasuban’s palette. The templates, btw, are off in size, too. (Oh yeah, I used the Tier 3 Template by flasuban for this.)

Edit: Wait don’t add this yet I gotta fix the lance guy, I broke him with requantizing
Edit2: Okay fixed (sparkles emoji)


Here are some more mugs from me, two old mugs formatted (Varian and Brock) and one new one with a full body and 2 alts

World of Warcraft Varian Wrynn
FE Varian

Pokemon - Brock + Eyes alt
FE Brock
FE Brock Eyes Shut Alt

FE 3 Houses Manuela
FE Manuela
FE Manuela No Hands Alt

FE Manuela Fullbody

+Winking Alt
FE Manuela Winking Alt


In preparation on the Lilina fullbody, I decided to tweak her portrait into her accurate Official Art design, because it always did bother me that her ingame outfit isn’t even close to to her OA design and totally not biased because she’s my favorite character no sir-
here’s with a hand and no hand version once again lazy in making her minimug
credits to levin64 on her lilina from the repo
Edit: Here are the FE6 colors and FE 8 Shade as well; noticed some stray pixels in the mouth frames, fixed it now


Commissioned Ristar (they don’t appear to be on FEU under this name) for a MIDI arrange of The Phantasmal Woods from MapleStory. I then changed the instruments to NIMAP2.
The .s file was just autogenerated with FEBuilder/mid2agb, so there might be some hiccups.

.7z with .s, .mid, and .ogg preview:

Edit: RISTAR… If you’re seeing this… send me your dang ko-fi link…
Edit2: This song is being revised to work with the gbafe polyphony; some parts currently cut out when complex chords are played.
Edit3: Link has been updated. I changed the instruments slightly in this version, so I’ve included the MIDI if anyone wants to change it back or something.
Edit4: Due to NIMAP drums being weird, the ride cymbal assignment went to a reverse cymbal, so the note has been transposed back to a ride cymbal. Link updated… again… Ristar suggested changing channel 5 to use a GB pulse channel so nothing cuts out, but that might break sound effects…


» start a post in the repo topic;
» alert message says the last post made was 5 years ago, warning about bumping it;
» pokerface enabled.

anyway, here’s my take on Ryoma, wearing his “Supreme Samurai” outfit from Heroes.
couldn’t manage to add the halo on his back though, that was just way too big to fit in the hackbox.
while doing and fixing his hair partially killed me, polishing every other small detail from laces to decorations literally sent my soul into the oblivion and beyond. the time i’ve spent editing this guy was a lot, trust me.
so, here’s the portraits:

» Default:
FE Fates - Supreme Samurai Ryoma Fenreir

» Maskless:
FE Fates - Supreme Samurai Ryoma(Maskless) Fenreir

» How it would look:




A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Hey all, first time animating anything but here. This is a reskin of sword hector into a generic strength sword class (or whatever you want really, mercenary alt design, lord, etc.). Designed to be a T1 compliment to Spud’s Champion as well as filling the void for a strength focused sword infantry class. Hopefully someone finds this useful!! F2U and F2E for anyone.

Also for anyone who cares about class names I’ve gone with Vagabond for this design though obviously, call it whatever you want. Also thanks to L95 for pointers on the dodge frames.


Download here:

Also while I’m at it here’s a couple splices I posted on my thread but never posted here, F2U and F2E
Generic FE7 Soldier F F2E(Kyrads) Generic FE7 Soldier F Alt F2E(Kyrads) Generic FE8 Soldier F F2E (Kyrads)
Soldier Alt (Kyrads


Mai88 gave me permission to use one of her MIDIs for this purpose, so here’s Eve on Piano from Nights of Azure.
It was just two piano tracks, so it was really simple to port over. It could use some envelope sprucing, but I can’t be assed.

.7z with .s, .ogg, and .mid:


drum fix