And let the Starshine in

Hello I am The Starlit One but feel free me to call me Starlit or Star.

Back in the day I was on a fair few Fire Emblem based sites/forums. Mostly Fire Emblem Fusion. I was heavily into the roleplay aspect of Fire Emblem forums and even coined my own site that is no longer existence thanks to Invisionfree being nuked.

As for myself I am a Agnostic guy from Australia whom is in his mid to late thirties, a casual writer whom writes for Roleplay purposes, a gaymer and avid Tabletop fan. Not to mention I am a fan of Fire Emblem since I discovered Blazing Sword back in the day. I have recently been dabbling in the concept of compiling my own project. I have been mostly tinkering with various engines to find something just right.

I am hoping to mostly lurk and see if I can learn something here, not to mention hopefully find someone whop can finish of a set of sprites for me. Regardless that’s me, myself and I!

PS: Does FEU have a discord server? I can’t seem to see a server invite if it exists for the life of me…


Welcome and enjoy your time.

The link to the discord is under the Getting Started

Thank you so much, I swear I am blind as a bat… ironically I need glasses to see long distances so…

what you’re telling me your parents never told you how to echo locate and read online texts?, tsk-tsk buddy that’s seeing 101

lmao I can see that much at least. I just sometimes fail to check the obvious

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