What historical events would be well-suited for a Fire Emblem game?

“Build an army, trust nobody.”

So, historically based Fire Emblems, huh. Hopefully nobody will mind my fire magic. Of course, the fine line between being ‘inspired’ on a particular era yet being completely separated from it narratively (such as Fates’ Japanese-themed armors and setting for the Hoshido side, or Genealogy of the Holy War’s nordic inspirations) already exists, both in mainline and in some fan projects, but what about a game based on a historic era, whether loosely or precisely accurate?

Across all of history, we’ve had eras, wars, tales and conflicts that probably wouldn’t fare poorly when transcribed into Fire Emblem gameplay, having historical figures be the main point of the story, its driving point, whilst the array of soldiers are the focus of the characterization.

Possible examples, although not enough to describe the potential there is for tales of epic, such as Odysseus’ Odyssey, pirate legends such as Blackbeard or the endless wars at Valhalla, to eras such as of the templar crusades, the Genghis Khan’s empire, the moors or the unification of Japan by Oda Nobunaga.

Many cultures and countries of its time would also do well with a narrative fit for Fire Emblem, with some having been romanticized and elevated at times to legend by the passing tales - some having been adapted to an array of media already, with the potential of exploring a different setting, potentially spanning all known eras of history.

So, my question is, what historical events or eras do you think that could do well as a Fire Emblem fan adaptation? What type of eras would you play if you had the chance?


The Crusades, The Wars of the Roses, The French Revolution, The Punic Wars, The Hundred Years War. Take your pick. Plenty of bloody and political conflicts throughout history.


Years ago I was doing tons of research on the history of Norway and became obsessed with the idea of making a game based on the Christianization of Scandinavia. It was based out of their medieval capital Trondheim (instead of modern Oslo) because it was a place for trade. I wanted to incorporate their laws (holmgang) and explore the subject of ancient viking religion and what flavour of Christian existed in those times.


I would love a Fire Emblem on Cyrus The Great conquests :smile:

It could be relatively easy to turn the formation of the Achaemenid Empire into a kinda Sigurd-like story:
Like with his wars against the Medean Empire, where he leads a small forces to defend his kingdom and then invade the Medean Empire, and is notably helped by the betrayal of Harpagus against the Medean King Astyages (who he spare at the end of the war).
And then Cyrus have to defend his new realm against the invading forces of Croeseus of Lydia (who enslave the peoples of the city of Pteria as a first move in the war, easy to portray him as a classical bad guy). He end up taking most of Anatolia, and then you could have some filler chapters for eastern campaign (with the first big defeat of Cyrus making him reflect on some of his acts)
Then you have the big showdown of lategame against the neo-babylonian empire ! With Cyrus being seen by many people, like the judeans enslaved in Babylon, as a liberators !

And then at the end, when Cyrus have build this new great empire, he die fighting. Could make a very tragic ending after everything we have been through with him !


As the maker of Sengoku Oda, I think it’s pretty clear what historical era interests me the most.
China has quite a few good eras too, the Qin and Han dynasties being the ones I’m more familiar with, specifically. A little over a year ago, I played a few chapters of a ROMhack that had its prologue be the start of the Yellow Turbans Rebellions, which were pretty good, but unfortunately haven’t heard from it ever since.
Another one that I think has potential is the colonization of the Americas, if not following history perfectly, some what-ifs would be cool to see explored.

As a Fate/Grand Order player, I would also be interested in an approach similar to it, as in playing through different eras/events rather than sticking to just one.


A good one would probably be Arthur I, Duke of Brittany:

-Supposedly named after the legend of King Arthur
-Plantagenet Bloodline, Grandson of Henri II, nephew of Richard Lionheart and John of England
-Succession war for the throne of England and the French territory between him and John who was seen as a “bad” king (Sinful, lacking in piety and more…)
-Age and characterics during the succession matches the average FE lord
-Cause of death unknown/unclear
-John of England would then proceed to lose the Normandy Campaigns, lose the campaign against the French, Make war against his own barons then would die to illness but rumors says he was poisoned.


Ayo, Cyrus of Bergerac? Now that is a name I haven’t heard in a long time. While I am more knowledgeable of the Romance-y part of Cyrus the Great with Dulcinea and many other characters that form part of its more-intrigue leaning dramatization, I do agree that it could work nicely.

Being slightly aware of how the Han dynasty was formed (although I just have very superficial information) and the primary events and confrontation with the steppe after its foundation, I do agree that the Han dynasty has quite the good work behind it to work with.

I have decided upon a very hastily made decision that I need to play that now. Do you have any link to its thread/maker/.ups file?

In case of the Spanish colonization of the Americas, considering that, if memory serves me right, was contemporanean to the push-back and final defeat of the Moors in Spain, it could serve as a two-parts with the reconquest first and the discovery as its mid-game, but its perfectly a good ground to base something on it.


When it comes to historical events converted in FE, there was also an attempt at making a romhack of Julius Caesar life. Sadly it seems to have been abandonned shortly after the demo release


Stories like FE exist everywhere in the world.
For if people exist, there is no region that has been untouched by war and romance.
Unfortunately, even today, wars continue to happen, so many more stories like FE will be created in the future.
Maybe we haven’t progressed much, just that knights have become tanks and fighter planes.

It is hard to say which of the many wars I would like to see as a game.
I think it would be divided between major battles that involve multiple countries, like the World Wars, or events in a specific region.
The former would be a big war like FE1,FE4,FE6,FE8 and the latter would seem to be a story more focused on a specific person like FE5,FE7.


A really cool version of an FE type game that exists based on world war II. European theater is operation darkness. However, it’s reimagined with European old time horror heroes and villains. It was an Xbox 360 exclusive and is honestly a lot of fun.


I always thought the pillaging of Rome by the Gothic Kingdom, and the death of King Alaric could be super interesting.

Otherwise Vinland Saga style battle for Britain, the story around Charlemagne and the dissolution of his Empire, the reconquista of Iberia, the story behind the Rurik Dynasty and the first (Viking) Kingdoms of Novgorod and Kiev, the Indo-Aryan Invasion of India, or various Chinese Epics like the Chu-Han Contention, the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Water Margin/Bandits of the Marsh/Suikoden could also be really nice.

This is also just semi Historical, but there is a Pen and Paper module for the Savage Worlds Ruleset called Kaiser’s Gate. It is essentially a WW1 setting, but around the year 1908 portals start to open around the world, old faiths long dead get revived and get magical abilities, German Wyvern Riders ride to war against French Pegasi and Gryphon Riders. German Necromancers fight against British-Jewish Mythological Golems. Orcs and Elves start coming out of the portals, Native Americans gain independence with their newly acquired Native magic, Louisana becomes a Voodoo city state, and many more things.
WW1 by itself is not all that well fit for FE gameplay wise, but Kaiser’s Gate works well with Special Forces operations behind enemy lines, magical abilities and creatures, and less Trench Warfare than we had in our time. So i could see it being an insanely interesting setting, You’d just need some sort of way to balance Firearms, or add special mechanics for it (probably easiest with to do with Lex Talionis)


Tbh any pre-modern military conflict.

Hell, one could even make modern conflicts work as long as it is presented properly. A lot of good stories work regardless of the setting they’re put in. Real history, if properly reinterpreted, is no different.


Someone should make a FE hack based on the life of Christ.

Why? Because funny.


Eh, it’s kinda hard to justify the combat in such a game because Jesus is all about not choosing violence and all…

However, the Old Testament has more than enough battles.

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That’s why Jesus (the lord) has no means to attack in the game, he’s just a glorified escort mission to every seize point.


Jesus having


class would be hilarious indeed


I just remembered that there is a good example of that kinds of reinterpretation with PentV’s romhack “The White Feather”, which is about the turkish war of independance, that happened after ww1 !


I think about this constantly, when I’m trying to write.

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I wonder if it includes the Smyrna incident