What historical events would be well-suited for a Fire Emblem game?

also it would hilarious if jesus had like insane busted facebreaker stats. but if you attacked with him its a game over

remember he has to leave for three chapters though - even though we are probably spoiled with its narrative and what happens later

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I’ve read several Wikipedia pages about various religions and their deities. I have a list that can be compared to Jesus. Jesus is rather complex within the world of comparative mythology or religion. He can be compared to many other figures, including the grim reaper, because he’s what the Greeks call a ‘psychopomp’.

Well take into consideration that for Chrisitans Jesus IS God, so He gets to have basically unlimited power over everything.

Dude’s power level is really off the chart.


He gets the special ability to Forgive enemies and force them to retreat as well, probably.

And maybe Acrobat? Was he the one that could walk through water?

It is said that when Jesus was getting arrested in Gethsemane, his disciple took out a sword and struck one of the roman soldiers, which cut off his ear. Jesus told his disciple to put his sword away, and he did. He walked on water, commanded a storm to stop by word of mouth, drove demons out of people and animals alike, and much more.

If anything, it would be cool to see him get some type of (menu) command or skill that would allow him to change weather/perform miracles. I forgot which book it specifically says it in, but the bible states that Jesus had performed many miracles that weren’t recorded within the bible, which (could) give more leeway for eventing.

In a theoretical scenario of recreating the life of Jesus through a Fire Emblem game, it would be interesting to see these miracles performed through events and ASM.

Even if the game wasn’t centered around Jesus, there are other events in the Bible that could provide some sort of medieval-eques feel to it while being faithful and respectful to the original writings


Life of Moses for instance would be dope as all heck.
Because there actually is a lot of good war and events.

Jethro (father in law helped hold his hands up at red sea)
Aaron(first high priest of Israel)
Joshua (literally the hardest commander in the Bible)
Miriam (moses’ sis)
Aaron’s sons
Bezalel (the master craftsman who built all the Israel relics)

A little deux ex machina maybe throw an angel soldier here or there for fun

Good villains as literally ever head of the enemy families

Of course Is there really a big bad? Or do you keep to Bible and keep the big bad as the tribes of Israel themselves as their own disobedience is their downfall

And wow after sitting in the shower. The story of David is smacking me in the face. As his life is epic!!! The rise the fall the rise again the fall again another rise and son rebels. He has to kill his own son. It’s epic!

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While the Bible is definitely a source of inspiration and arguably historical (personally I accept it as either history and meta-history), I would sooner blend in some Greek, Egyptian, Roman or even ‘Atlantean’ myth. Tactics Ogre had some of the best lore I’ve ever read in a JRPG, especially an SRPG.

Now this is a topic I love!

Bible reccs

As many of you already said, the bible is FANTASTIC for cool inpirations!
From the top of my head, some good reccs are:
The book of Judges tell many interesting tales you could perhaps see and develop from there.
King Davi’s life would make a banger absolutely. With the 1st few chapters being him protecting his father’s animals and beating the giant in a scripted battle. After that, you coul do a time skip to the actual game, where he’d go against the previous king, Saul, with David promoting into king after that. You could then do another timeskip to have king David carring the army or something. Go wild.

Another one that could be interesting would be the book of Job. Telling a much inner struggle against someone’s self issues in order to cleanse yourself from anything the almighty would find impure. In this one, go nuts on how miserable the MC feels as they go deeper and deeper.

In general though, my hint is: check out the old testment looking for warlike battles that aren’t super described so you can go without getting limited.

Ok, outside of Bible fun. Here’s a funny one from Brazil: “revolta dos Canudos” was an IRL conflict that happened in Brazil between the government and a religious city (basically), also, the Brazilian independence could get romanticized deeply, specially considering its independence day painting, which could stablish many interesting things and characters in your hack.


Not exactly historical, but I would really love to see a hack based on nordic sagas or heavily inspired by them.