Github Repository
Contributor Spreadsheet
##Phase 2: 7/18/18
First full build released. All chapters playable.
##Phase 3: 7/25/18
Polished release. All chapters playable with reasonably enjoyable gameplay.
It’s a very tight schedule, though is about twice as lenient as the original blitz. Nevertheless, the weekly deadlines must be met and the stated patches will be released, regardless of the state of the product. In the case that the project gets unreasonably delayed, Phase 3 may be extended for up to another week, 8/1/18.
For the most part, we’re done with official phases, now just doing an on-availability polishing pass. Volunteers are very much wanted!
Please click here for an up-to-date version of the Readme.
Void’s Blitzarre Adventure: Blitz Tendency
VBA:BT is a series of resource blitzes culminating in a completed hack.
Read for an overview on rules and regulations.
Phases are very flexible but the general outline is something like this:
- Map / Portrait Blitz
- Eventing Blitz 1 (10-15 chapters) / Music Blitz
- Writing / Balance Blitz 1 / Polish Blitz 1 (fill in missing or additional required assets)
- Eventing Blitz 2
- Writing / Balance Blitz 2
- Polish Blitz 2
Feel free to do anything out of order, as long as it’s with proper version control.
Project Structure
Due to the very walk-in and contribute nature of the project, with the relative inexperience with git of the community,
there will be a structure for contributors, detailed here.
Admins are members of the FireEmblemUniverse organization on GitHub.
These members may add team members, approve pull requests, and change repository settings.
Admins: Crazycolorz5, Camdar, Circleseverywhere, and StanH
Any known member of the community with minimal knowledge of git and a Github account may request to become a team member for the project.
Team members are expected to create feature branches, and incorporate changes from other contributors.
They are also expected to create pull requests once a feature branch is complete.
Basically, those with some knowledge of git just structure and commit the changes created from those who do not know git.
A list of team members will be maintained on the forum page.
If you don’t know git, don’t be afraid! There is a forum post on the simplest aspects and you can ask for help from other team members or admins.
The required level of knowledge really won’t be that high.
Contributors are everyone else. Anyone is able to contribute resources to any phase of the project.
There is no commitment to being a contributor.
However, for changes to be incorporated into the hack, you must coordinate with a team member to get a feature branch created.
I want to encourage as many contributions as possible. The more people we have help, the less work we need to do overall.
Typical Contribution
- You create a portrait/map/event file/etc.
- You get in contact with a team member (via forums, discord, other), and give them the resource.
- The team member creates a branch for the change, and commits it. They create a pull request when it passes necessary tests.
- An admin approves the pull request and the change is in the hack.
Technical Information
Everything will be assembled with ColorzCore and the Buildfile method.
The base system will be the FE8 skill system.