Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade 'Remake' [FE6 in FE8] [COMPLETE]

@ZeN2002 Asking again: Are there fixed growths in this hack?

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No, there is no fixed growths in this hack.

Oh. Any chance of that getting added?

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I have them but i did not get gaelle even after keeping him alive and talking with milady and zeiss. Is it not possible to get him cuz i tried every thing waiting till turn 19 making him sleep and berserk but still he was not playable

If you keep him alive in Chapter 21: Binding Blade, then go to Chapter 23: Ghosts of Bern, Galle will appear on the very first turn and you can talk to him with Melady. Once you do, he is now playable.

Damn. I have all of them except armads. Where did i miss the legendary axe?

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At the beginning of certain chapters, a message will pop up telling you the conditions you must meet in order to unlock the gaiden chapter (which are the chapters where you get the legendary weapons) the one you must have missed was Chapter 12x, where you must keep Elffin alive while also completing the chapter in under 20 turns.

Can Fixed Growths from FEBuilder break the hack? or i can patch it by myself without any problems?

FEbuilderGBA does not let me patch the game with Fixed Growths due to conflicting patches.
Not sure how it is for you but that’s how it is for me.

The makers of the Sacred Trilogy hack managed to get it working. I’d recommend asking them for some advice.

Wow that suckssssss. I guess ill have to do another play through to get the good ending. This will be my 3rd time now

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So i made a list of requirements for guiden chapters enjoy

Legendary wepons chapter (_ _ X)
Sword -keep our glass cannon mage

Axe - true enemy chapter under

Forblaze - Desert map under 25 turns and
sophia must be alive

Light tome - in retaking capital duglas must survive

Bow. - elwood team chapter u get it
regardless (tips: top right hut has the bow)

Lance. - zerlot and yuno (the same
chapter should end within 25
turns)must be alive

Dark tome - murduck chapter should be
completed before boss of
guiden arive which is 25 turns
i think

Staff. - get it automatically

Pretty cool mod, even though I don’t like some of the story changes so far, the skill system and world map was really cool. I would definitely recommend this to people that never played the series, if the story was left intact.

Also another thing, although I personally don’t really mind the still activation effect, two of three people I’ve shown this to find it jarring, I’m wondering if there will be any changes to that (honestly I think the FE8 pierce effect is good enough in itself).

P.S. I’m at Chapter 17 so far, and the tower of Valni still ends after clearing floor 1. Is this intentional or bugged?

P.P.S. Roy promoting to his old sprite kind of bothers me, since it’s visually a downgrade. So I made a fast edit of Binding Blade sprite for regular weapons, if anyone is interested I’ll upload a bin:


I’m glad you like the mod so far. And I also don’t like the skill activation effect and the fact that visually, Roy’s promotion is a downgrade. However, I am currently collaborating with @UltraFenix to make a “definitive edition” of this ROM with updated music, updated blinking portraits for every unit, changes to the send home feature so it’s available from chapters 8x - 21x, skill activation animations (like you said you wanted) and many more! But best of all, a new Promoted Roy animation! Look forward to it very soon. We want this game to be the very best it can be! :heart: I’ll be able to go more in depth with the updates when we officially release the next update.


I see. As for the tower of Valni, if it’s not bugged could you tell me at which chapter you can enter the higher floors?

I believe it was bugged. While I was changing the send home chapters, I must’ve used a flag that was also used in the tower of valni that makes it so you can’t progress any further. That is fixed in the newer update, so as soon as it comes out, make a save state of your current ROM and then load the save state on the new one.

EDIT: The tower of valni wil unlock after completing chapter 9 and each floor will be unlocked as you progress though the game. Example, if you complete Chapter 10, floor 2 will be unlocked and chapter 11 floor 3 etc.

Heyo, I just wanna say the fact that Merlinus is not the only one in story scenes anymore, with Wil replacing him is pretty neat, what with him being practically brothers with Roy.

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Edit: lil hot fix :slight_smile:

Hey, guys! New update that I gave a little help to ZeN, with many changes. Finally including the new animations for Master Lord Roy, made by me!

You can see and download the animations in this Repository post:


Very grateful for the Master Lord Roy’s animation here. It looks AWESOME.


How unreasonable would be asking for making the Binding Blade unbreakable? I know it will make Roy an even more absurd monster but considering that endgame is just a few chapters and Lagdou ruins are postgame content making it unbreakable shouldn’t be something to worry much about and Eckesachs exists and is unbreakable itself.

Edit: Bug/Error report: Hammers and Armorslayers are not effective against enemy knights
Fire Emblem - Binding Blade Remake 5.9.2023.emulator-0