Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

amema003 - Mysterious Priestess
New GAMERS sprite just dropped


I did a basic female edit of the Fancy Bard map sprite by MeatOfJustice, splicing parts from Knabepicerā€™s take on a female FE6-esque Bard.

Bard (F) Fancy {MeatOfJustice, Knabepicer, RandomWizard}-stand
Bard (F) Fancy {MeatOfJustice, Knabepicer, RandomWizard}-move

Bard (F) Fancy {MeatOfJustice, Knabepicer, RandomWizard}


Small edit to Scraizaā€™s and Sword of Heaven and Earth Assassin class card to make it less ā€œJaffar-esqueā€. I made a hooded variant to go with the hooded assassin animation in the repository.

Assassin (M) Dual-Swords {Scraiza, Sword of HaE, Leif}


Valkyrie Staff track:

The generic boss track from fe4:

Download s and mp3 files:


Because Iā€™ve been watching this;


Gundam The Witch From Mercury - Suletta Mercuy
FE Suletta

  • Fantasy Alt
    FE Suletta (Armoured)

amema003 - Fastest Sword in the West
:notes: GAMERS got an update, GAMERS got an update, GAMERS got an update, wonder what it is? :notes:
(uses parts by JeyTheCount)


Upon all my wondering about the universe I have come across and pondered many-many questions, like what is the nature of man? why are we created, is there a purpose to lifeā€™s suffering and most important of all whereā€™s the dog girls?

Well I may not know the answers to the 3 former questions but today I answer the most important 4th. The answer is RIGHT HERE!!
Presenting after weeks of pain staking, soul crushing, mental draining work:

The release of the WOLF LAGUZ!! animations!!:




This animation was inspired by Velvet Kitsuneā€™s very own Wolf reskin animation, at first I wanted to start working on the wolf rider animations before this but I thought this was gonna be easier, hahaha I was wrong. But anyways Itā€™s finished and I like it a decent bit. As this is a transformation animation youā€™re intended to use this with the manakete class patch in builder. As always you can download all my stuff in:

Iā€™d like to thank Vilk as well as Velvet for their part in making it. Iā€™ve credited them in the text file in the folder, Youā€™ll also find the recommended sfx to use for the transformation anims and I did put some makeshift last minute map sprites for her, it sucks but I am for sure not interested in making some now lol. Aside from that Itā€™s been a while since I wrote down some LORE:


Laguz kind have often been associated with the continent of Tellius. Not only are their numbers the highest there after the great calamity, but the legends and myths of the laguz fighting beside the Radiant Hero have cemented their place in the good favors of history. However in reality many small tribes of laguz have been found dwelling in other continents isolated and in secret do to their low numbers.

One such tribe is the wolf laguz, capable of turning into wolf and human form with great ease. Hunting in packs, they are seldom seen aloneā€¦ that is if one was lucky enough to not only spot one but also live to tell the tale. Yes the wolf laguz are very protective of their secrets and their pact, to the point of near total isolation to modern Beorc kind. Perhaps if they have heard of the tales of the Radiant Hero and laguz kind which help him things can changeā€¦though it would take not only one with great persuasion but also bravery to go near their dwellings in the woods


EDGE/GAMERS sprites that either donā€™t have their frames or are not in the Repo:
(Innes big naturals furreal furreal)
(uses assets by Nickt)
(uses assets by bwan and ObsidianDaddy)
Commander Anna
(uses assets by ZessDynamite)
(uses assets by Nickt)


I didnā€™t see these in the repo at all, so I got all of the backgrounds from FE7 and put them all into one convenient zip folder


Hereā€™s some class cards I forgot I made! First, one for the Bow-wielding Fighter in the repo; I spliced the bow from ZoramineFaeā€™s Berserker class card edits onto the vanilla Fighter and added a quiver.
Fighter (M) Bow {Topaz Light, ZoramineFae}

Secondly, some variations of my caped General class card, using the shield from SamirPlayzā€™s Baron class cards. The axe-wielding caped Generalā€™s axe is taken from flasubanā€™s axe-wielding Wyvern Rider class cards, albeit rotated.
General Caped (U) Shield + Axe {Topaz Light, SamirPlayz, flasuban} General Caped, Shield (U) Lance {Topaz Light, SamirPlayz} General Caped (U) Just Shield {Topaz Light, SamirPlayz}

I also did some map sprites! Starting with me slapping Ephraimā€™s head onto Hectorā€™s Great Lord map sprites here:
Great Lord Hector (M) Ephraim Hair - Stand Great Lord Hector (M) Ephraim Hair - Walk

I also made some 16x32 Baron idles (Lance and Axe) to go with the class cards, as well as a tiny tweak to the Lance Baron moving sprites by Nuramon and Its_Just_Jay to use the vanilla General classā€™s face.
Baron (Shield, Lance) 16x32 Idle {Topaz Light}-stand Baron (U) V2 +Cape and Shield (Topaz Light, Nuramon, Its_Just_Jay)-walk Baron (Shield, Axe) 16x32 Idle {Topaz Light}-stand

Applied the same slight modifications to the Thracia-style male Battle Sage that I did to the female some months back for the sake of symmetry:
Battle Sage M {Unknown, Topaz Light}-stand Battle Sage M (Focus Anim Edit) {Unknown, Topaz Light}-walk

Some deeply-ā€œmehā€ attempts at my own 16x16 Journeyman idle. Iā€™m not super satisfied with these, but I donā€™t mind people using them, so here they are.
Journeyman 16x16 v1 {Topaz Light, Pikmin, L95}-stand Journeyman 16x16 v2 {Topaz Light, Pikmin, L95}-stand

Finally, the 16x16 variant of TheBlindArcherā€™s Halberdier map sprite was bugging me a bit so I touched up the pixeling on the head.
Halberdier (M) 2.0 Tweaked {TBA, Topaz Light}-stand

EDIT: Forgot a few class card touch-ups and edits I did! Firstly, I tweaked the dress on Leifā€™s female Mage class card:
Mage (F) Thunder (Leif, Topaz Light)

I also gave L95 and HyperGammaSpacesā€™s reshaded female Sage class card the SALVAGED Paladin class card sword:
Sage (F) Reshade + Sword {L95, HyperGammaSpaces, Topaz Light, SALVAGED}

And, finally, I made a quick T1 border variant of Nuramonā€™s Valentian Myrmidon class card:
Myrmidon (U) FE15-Style Sword T1 Border {Nuramon}

All this stuffā€™s F2U and F2E as far as Iā€™m concerned!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

amema003 - Gayass Pirate
Another GAMERS splice. I really like this one. Such a perfect balance of cute and cool. (uses parts by JeyTheCount and Sterling Glovner)


more fire emblem 6 other class portraits f2u and edit
sw bartrewarrior karelFighter fir 2Fighter fir 1Warrior doug
marcus snipernomad rutger


Moar random releases
First is a ā€˜genericā€™ portrait for a Wolf shapeshifter for that battle animation up there a bit.

And Wolf Knight animations! While the current Wolf Rider animations are really cool, I wanted to model these a bit more off of the Engage ones which also included less monster-like wolves.
Swords, knives, lances, axes (+magic), handaxes and unarmed.

Iā€™d rather have waited until I could pretty the animations up, but with all of the incoming games Iā€™d like to play itā€™s likely I would have just forgotten or got sick of working on these instead and never released them. Anyways! Please do enjoy as you will! As always you can edit these if youā€™d like to.


BoneManSeth, amema003 - Yassified Innes

Drag Sniper: Auntie Air (F2E)


Time to fix a stupid mistake-- I didnā€™t initially think to test the Wolf Knight with a different palette forā€¦ some reason, but I was able to today and noticed that they donā€™t line up for most of the different weapons. Derp. Thatā€™s been fixed now.

Excuse me while I whack my head on my desk. Have fun with the ability to use palettes.


Wyvern Lord (U) Lance {Leif}
Wyvern Rider (U) Lance {Leif}

I edited the vanilla Wyvern Rider and Lord class cards to match Leo_Linkā€™s revamped wyvern sprites to match actual wyverns instead of dragons. Overworld sprites to come later.


New GAMERS sprite just dropped (Uses parts by Nickt, Stitch, Garytop)


A post was merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread