The King's Last Wish [COMPLETE] (V3.0 - New Chapters and Playable Units)

v2.57 patch notes:

This update features some battle animation palette improvements as well as some other changes.

New palettes

Osborn (promoted):
2023-04-15 (1)

Osborn (unpromoted):
2023-04-15 (2)

Linda (promoted):
2023-04-15 (5)

Linda (unpromoted):
2023-04-15 (3)

2023-04-15 (6)

Other changes
  • Linda now has female general caps and receives +1 con upon promotion rather than +2. This was an oversight on my part and I accidentally gave her male general caps and con promotion. This has now been fixed.

  • Changed the way enemy assassin stats are calculated. Essentially, they now have the same stat variance as other enemies, but their strength and bulk have been slightly lowered to compensate.

  • Fixed some typos and other minor changes.


@Dizzlepath When I was originally creating the game, I was contemplating back and forth as to whether or not there should be a dragon in the end, and I ended up deciding not to.

There are a few reasons for this:

1 - Having 4 bosses makes for a more interesting final battle in my opinion, as each of the 4 can have different stat distributions and abilities, meaning multiple units can fight them, rather than the original fe games where only a few very strong units can stand up to them.

I wanted the player to have to use the full force of their units to deal with the final battle. The way it was designed is that units that would be good at dealing with the bosses (high res) would melt to the paladins, thus meaning you have to use your whole team to deal with both threats (Edith, the Gotoh character, is actually intentionally designed with high res and low defence for this very reason). I didn’t want the final climactic battle to be cheesed like rigging an Athos luna crit in FE7.

2 - The time limit. With the magicians threatening to summon the dragon, I could implement a 10 turn time limit. This prevents the player from completely routing the rest of the map and then just piling their full force onto the final bosses. With the time limit, you are forced to split up and use each of your units to the best of their ability.

3 - A dragon is featured as the final boss of almost every fe game. My favourite final boss in the series is Ashnard precisely because he strayed from the norm and made for a more interesting boss fight.

Also, sorry for the late reply. I saw your message before and completely forgot to respond to it.

Ok, I understand your idea. Please forgive my eagerness to see the dragon.

This has been on my radar for quite some time and I was just wondering if you still had anything you wanted to do with this? I see you update very frequently and am wondering if you have any major updates left?

It’s not as if I plan to do certain things with the hack, rather that I like to work on it as a hobby. The game is fully playable from start to finish, and most of my patches lean more towards qol and balance changes rather than major game-changing updates.

I do update frequently, but that’s just because if I make some improvements, I don’t see any reason not to just release them immediately rather than wait until I’ve created enough content for a larger patch like some other hacks do.

So, to answer your question, no. I don’t have any major updates planned, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there will never be one.

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V2.58 patch notes:

This update includes some new music tracks as well as some other changes.

Valkyrie Staff track:

The generic boss track from fe4:

If you want to use these:
Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc) - #4806 by Jack_G.

As for the other changes:

Other changes
  • Slightly reduced the levels of enemies on chapter 1 and 2. I felt chapter 1 especially was a little too difficult.

  • Added a few status staves on enemies towards the lategame.

  • You can now buy restore staves on chapters 12 and 15.

  • Fixed an issue with druids not displaying staff animations.

  • Other minor changes.


v2.59 patch notes:

  • Royce can now also recruit Linda for a more flexible recruitment.

  • Chapter 1 on hard mode now only has 1 additional archer rather than 2. This should make it more feasable to beat the chapter on hard mode if Gregory died in the prologue.

  • Madison actually dies now rather than retreating. Her scenes in chapter 4 and 5 are different if she is dead.

  • Charlotte rework.

Rework details

New bases:

21 hp
7 strength
6 skill
8 speed
8 luck
6 defence
5 resistance

New growths:

75% hp
45% strength
50% skill
55% speed
60% luck
35% defence
40% resistance
360% total

New promotion gains:

6 hp
4 strength
5 skill
5 speed
4 defence
4 resistance

  • Other minor changes.

V2.6 patch notes:

  • Some changes to enemy levelling. Here are the details:
Enemy levelling changes
  • Enemy levels now vary more. For example, rather than all enemies on a map being level 12, they will range from 11 to 13.

  • Promoted enemies are now slightly stronger across the board (except generals and assassins). This is because many unpromoted classes at level 20 would be equal or even stronger than many promoted classes at level 5 and under. However, I have ensured that this change does not impact the difficulty.

  • Tied to the above point, chapter 13 now has a mixture of unpromoted and promoted enemies. All enemies won’t be promoted until chapter 14 now.

  • Enemy levels do not spike as high towards the endgame. Instead, they will receive a few extra autolevels. This will prevent the enemy vastly outlevelling the player while not making it too easy.

  • More variance between normal and hard towards the lategame.

Tldr: promoted enemies a little stronger and a smoother difficulty curve.

  • More enemies with poison weapons on chapter 18.

  • Chapter 18 secret shop now sells restore staves.

  • Augustus base level increased from 8 to 9.

  • Nicholas base level decreased from 14 to 12.

  • Reduced Helgen’s growths to be more in line with the other pre-promotes.

  • Warrior promotion now gives 1 less skill and 1 more speed (+3 skill, +2 speed rather than +4 skill, +1 speed). This was supposed to be the case from the start, but I made a mistake when inputting the values.

  • Other minor changes.

Edit: Just dropped a hotfix fixing a few things I didn’t notice earlier. Namely a few stat discrepancies caused by the levelling changes.


v2.61 patch notes:

This update features a rework to the map of chapter 9. As well as overall aesthetic improvements, there is now a separate route to the left, and the brave weapon pre-promotes have been moved to said stairway. This should prevent the map from being as choke-point heavy and make saving the green units more manageable.

Here is what the map looks like now:

And here is what it used to look like for comparison:

Although not as major as chapter 9, there are also some aesthetic improvements to chapters 8, 14 and 15. Here are the before and afters:

Chapter 8




2023-05-04 (1)

Chapter 14


2023-05-05 (2)



Chapter 15



And here are a few other changes:

Other changes
  • Fixed an issue where water would not flow on chapter 8 and chapter 14.

  • A secret shop has been added to chapter 9. It is on the top left plain tile.

  • The tiles of the lake in chapter 7 are now classed as lake tiles rather than river tiles. This means the enemy pre-promotes won’t be able to walk on the water and the bridges should be much easier to defend.

  • Improved Piper’s palette.

  • Other minor changes.


v2.62 patch notes:

Charlotte rework

Charlotte now promotes into a paladin rather than a master knight. She starts with C rank in both swords and lances and receives the same promotion gains as male paladins (there are no female paladins in fe6, which are the promotion gains this hack uses). This is effectively a small nerf, but she is certainly still a viable unit to train up, she just won’t be completely steamrolling the late game once she gets going anymore. Here are her palettes:

2023-05-10 (2) 2023-05-10 (1)

Flame lance

To compensate for the effective nerf, Charlotte’s personal weapon has now been changed to a flame lance. Before, it could be tricky to train her due to her having around 80 hit even with her accurate prf and risking death from the enemy counter should she miss. The flame lance being 1-2 range should alleviate this problem by allowing her to safely pick off enemies from 2 range.

The flame lance works like the light brand, dealing full magic damage at 1 range and using the physical weapon triangle, while dealing str/2 magic damage at 2 range and using the magic triangle. Since it is a magic weapon, it will also not grant any wexp. It has the following stats: 10 mt, 1-2 rng, 85 hit, 0 crit, 7 wt.

The flame lance also has its own animation.

Chapter 10 rework

Before, chapter 10 felt a little slow towards the end as you siezed the throne and collected the chests, this changes should allow the latter half of the map to be a little more fast-paced. Once you reach the second half of the map, Greyson will begin to move (his stats have been slightly reduced to compensate) and 4 enemy reinforcements will arrive from stairs in the 4 corners of the map. The upper 2 of these reinforcements drop the angelic robe and the elysian whip, previously held within the chests. The objective has also been changed from sieze throne to kill boss.

There has also been a slight aesthetic improvement:

Other changes
  • Paladins now also gain additional lance rank upon promotion as they do in fe6 (also applying to Charlotte).

  • Fixed an issue where a generic general would join your party in chapter 3.

  • Alfred - 2 skill, - 1 luck, -2 defence, -2 resistance.

  • Helgen - 1 base magic and skill, + 1 base luck.

  • Nicholas - 1 base strength, - 5% strength growth, -5% defence growth, -15% hp growth, +5% skill growth, +5% luck growth.

  • Renley -5% defence growth.

  • Wesley +1 base resistance, -5% defence growth.


V2.63 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where Wesley and Charlotte could use each other’s prfs.

  • Fixed an issue where the flame lance was effective against flyers.

  • Fixed an issue where Trisha would appear in chapter 15 if killed in chapter 14 and wouldn’t appear if kept alive (supposed to be the other way around).

  • Arena winnings are now 200% across all difficulties rather than getting reduced gold on hard mode. 150% on hard mode meant you would usually lose money due to lost battles.

  • Slightly weaker promoted enemies.

  • Linda -1 constitution.

  • Other minor changes.

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Big update (v2.7):

A new recruitable character has been added to the game. He can be recruited on chapter 12, and this is what he looks like at base:

John also has a linked death with his father (Nicholas) in that if one of them dies, the other will leave your party (or Nicholas will not join if John has died before he is recruited), similar to Pent and Louise in FE7. The story reason for this is that Nicholas doesn’t want both of them to be on the battlefield to ensure that the bloodline does not die out (“There must always be a Stark in Winterfell” type thing).

Note that John does not currently have any support conversations, but I may add some in a future update.

He was previously a minor story-only character, but now he is recruitable on chapter 12. The decision between recruited Renley, Starla or Nixon is now between just him and Renley. Starla and Nixon are now recruitable at different points in the game. This means that the total number of recruitable characters is now 27 (from 26), and the maximum recruitable in one playthrough is 26 (from 24), hopefully this will have the added benefit of making the game more ironman friendly as well.

Starla now starts as an enemy unit in chapter 9 that can be recruited by Monty or Osborn. She starts as an unpromoted level 9 archer with B rank in bows and a brave bow in her starting inventory. This should allow for an easier time dealing with all of the wyverns in chapter 10 as an added benefit. Here are her base stats (growths remain the same):

As for Nixon, he is now an enemy unit that is recruited on chapter 13. His recruitment is a little complicated, so see the recruitment guide in the OP for details (although his recruitment method is hinted at the beginning of the chapter). He is mostly the same stat-wise, except his base level is now 3 (from 1), his hp is 2 higher, his defence and resistance is 1 lower, and his resistance growth is 5% lower. He also joins will a brand new weapon:

The devil sword works just like the devil axe and grants the 8x wexp. Hopefully this will allow sword users that would previously struggle to reach S rank (namely Charlotte) reach it more realistically.

Chapter 12 has also received a slight aesthetic improvement and a secret shop has been added on the top right tile:

2023-05-25 (3)

Those are the most major changes, but here are a few other changes that I did not mention:

Other changes
  • Andy now joins with the member card, which will be required to access the 3 secret shops.

  • Nicholas no longer gives you the armourslayer or the battle axe in chapter 15. Instead, the armourslayer has replaced the silver blade in Nicholas’ starting inventory and the silver blade and battle axe have been moved to John’s starting inventory.

  • Nicholas now has A rank swords rather than S rank.

  • Renley now also joins with a recover staff.

  • Some minor story changes to accomodate some character’s changed recruitment times.

  • Osborn can now only receive lances on promotion to differentiate him from the new unit and to offer uniqueness in being a lance infantry when there are many axe infantry characters.

  • Devil axe has received -10 crit (now 0) and -5 hit. Hopefully this makes it less risky to use the devil axe to increase axe rank without having to worry about a crit-backfire.

  • Slightly buffed the paladins in the final chapter.

  • Nixon no longer shows up in chapter 5 for story reasons. Instead, a group of bandits will show up.

Please note that this patch is not compatible with old saves beyond chapter 8.


A hero named John…

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Is there a hero called John in another hack or something? If so, it is entirely a coincidence.

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v2.71 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where the game would crash if you fought with Piper’s animations on.

  • Fixed an issue where Edith had the male druid walking map sprite.

  • Fixed an issue where druids gave the player double experience.

  • The new character, John, now has a support with Nicholas.

  • Shelly and Madison now join with vulneraries.

  • Balance changes (see below).

Balance changes

Playable characters:

  • Helgen: -1 base magic, -1 base skill, - 2 base hp, -2 base defence, -10% hp growth, -5% skill growth.

  • Nicholas: -1 base defence, -5% defence growth, +5% hp growth.

  • Wesley: -2 base hp, -3 base defence, +4 base resistance, -10% hp growth, -10% defence growth, -5% resistance growth.

  • Renley: -5% defence growth, +5% skill growth.

  • Charlotte: base level increase to 3 (from 1).

  • Grant: base level increased to 7 (from 6).

  • Linda: base level increase to 8 (from 7).

  • Edison: base level increased to 9 (from 8).

  • Starla: base level increase to 11 (from 9).

  • Augustus: base level increased to 12 (from 9).


  • Raychester: -4 hp, -1 strength, -1 defence.
  • Alfred: -5 hp, -1 resistance.
  • Ramin: -2 hp, -3 defence.

v2.8 patch notes:

This is the new map for the prologue and chapter 1:

2023-06-03 (2)

Here is what it looked like before for reference:


2023-06-03 (1)

Along with the visual improvement, the way they play has also been reworked. Here are the details:

  • Prologue:

Rather than a defend map, it is now an escape map with Osborn and the 2 cavaliers trying to escape from Alfred’s attack. The end cutscene sequences are now integrated into the map FE4 style. This was quite complicated to code, so if you notice any issues, let me know and I’ll fix them asap. Also thanks to @Vesly for his new tile event call asm. It made coding the events so much easier.

  • Chapter 1:

Quite similar to the original, but Piper now joins in this chapter and it can approached in 2 different ways. You can either opt to stealth the chapter or fight the enemy head on. If you avoid the attack range of enemies inside the castle, they will not move, allowing Piper to sneak to the chest room while other units sneak to the breakable wall.

The chests contain the secret book (formerly available in the prologue), and the longbow (formerly obtained from a chest in chapter 2). There are also 2 houses off to the far right that yield a pure water and a steel lance.

As a knock-on effect from these changes, I have also made some other changes (see below).

Other changes
  • Royce is now a green unit in the prologue with a silver axe and an elixir. When recruited in chapter 2, he has been stripped of his inventory. The silver axe and elixir can now be found in the chests on chapter 2.

  • Since the thunder tome is no longer in the chest on chapter 2, they are now buyable from the chapter 3 vendor.

  • Some minor changes to the story to account for the changes to the first 2 chapters.

  • Hale now joins with a javelin instead of an iron lance.

  • Gregory’s base level has been raised to 3 (from 1) to make up for the fact that he’s no longer available for the prologue.

  • Monty base level increased to 2 (from 1).

  • Since Piper could now potentially be dead for chapter 2, Shelly now joins with a door key.


v2.8.1 patch notes

This patch fixes some issues caused by v2.8 that I didn’t notice. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Fixed an issue where the player would be given double gold.

  • If you finish the prologue early (turn 3 or turn 4), the missed events will be shown afterwards instead. I hadn’t considered that a player may beat the map that quickly.

  • Fixed an issue where the boss of the prologue received hard mode bonuses.

  • Fixed an issue where the bosses of the prologue and chapter 1 got mixed up causing issues with battle quotes and death quotes.

  • Fixed an issue where a cavalier on the prologue could potentially spawn without full hp.

  • The hard-mode exclusive archer on chapter 1 has been moved from the chest room to the northern corridor to prevent him from blocking the player from reaching the chests.


v2.8.2 patch notes:

  • Chapter 2 has been reworked. I have made visual improvements to the map to make it look more in line stylistically with the prologue/chapter 1 map. Here is what the map looks like now:


Here is what it looked like before for reference:


2023-06-07 (2)

Here is what has been changed gameplay wise:

  • Royce now starts as a green unit and you must talk to him with Osborn to recruit him before moving to the arrive point. Royce will also move to recruit himself after the door is open.

  • The boss has been moved from the right side of the map to the left side of the map near the arrive point.

  • The green armour knight that is slowly being chipped by a soldier has been moved from the middle right to the top left (where the boss used to be).

  • I have added a broken wall to prevent players who have lost Piper from being softlocked.

  • The green armour knights now move to escape if you open their cell doors. This is not required for the reward (they only need to be alive), but I felt it made sense narratively.

  • Chapter 3 has also been reworked. Here is what it looks like now:

2023-06-07 (1)

Here is what it used to look like before for reference:


2023-06-07 (3)

Here is how it has changed gameplay wise:

  • Reinforcements are no longer infinite, but they are slightly weaker, more varied, and come a turn earlier. First, cavaliers will spawn from the south, then armour knights will spawn from the east. There will be 4 total waves.

  • The arena and shops have been moved to the north. This will allow the player to actual use the arena and use the gold in the shops as the reinforcements no longer spawn right next to the shops.

  • There are now 3 arrive tiles rather than 1, and the armour knight has been removed. This will prevent the player from potentially being blocked by the armour knight.

Other changes:

  • The arrive and escape commands now appear at the top of the command list like sieze.

  • Fixed an issue where the player could softlock themselves if they chose to wait instead of breaking the wall in the prologue. The wait command is now temporarily disabled at that moment to prevent this.

Edit: just dropped a hotfix fixing an issue where some of the brigands in chapter 3 could not move.


v2.8.3 patch notes:

  • Fixed an issue where Andy would display the female thief battle animations.

  • Fixed an issue where the road tiles on chapter 10 would display the sea background.

  • Removed the green units from chapter 9. I felt it was too rng dependent whether or not they survived as the longbow archers had around 65 hit, which could easily go either way. Instead, they are ecountered after the battle and will give the orion’s bolt to Monty if he is still alive. The killer bow has been moved into a chest.

  • Following on from the last point, to ensure there is still an incentive to push forward rather than hold the chockpoints, thieves will now appear on turn 8 after the cavalier reinforcements have stopped.

  • The chapter 5 brave lance pegasus is now exclusive to normal/hard and doesn’t appear on easy mode.

  • Fixed an issue where the great knight on ch6 would not move. Instead, he has been entirely replaced with a falcoknight. The reason for this is that it could get very stally at the bridge with both the hero and the great knight being healed by the bishop.

  • The chapter 9 secret shop now sells poison weapons. The reaver weapons have been moved to the chapter 12 secret shop. The price is halfway between iron and steel weapons.

  • Other minor changes.

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I’d just like to mention that I’m currently working on v3.0 and have been for a while now. This will be a big update with new chapters, units and even classes. A few other things I am considering:

  • Increasing deployment slots. A few people have said to me that they feel as if deployment slots are too tight and they can’t bring all of the units they’d like to bring. With new units being added as well, I could see increasing deployment slots. Perhaps less deployment slots on hard mode like in FE7?

  • Potentially moving the desert map to later in the game as a desert map could be unreasonable at chapter 5.

  • Smoothing out the level curve. At the moment, enemy levels spike quickly in the early game and stabilize later on.

  • Reworking chapter 7 to be a more normal chapter rather than facing pre-promotes. This chapter can be very difficult if you don’t have the tools/units to deal with it. The biggest example is if you’ve lost Royce (your Jaigen), which makes the map considerably more difficult.

  • Potentially widening the difficulty gap between difficulties. Normal and hard may be too similar as the gap between enemy strength is relatively small. The main difference coming from reinforcements arriving earlier and less gold.

  • Considering addibg MMB.

Note that these changes are not definite and are subject to change. If anyone has any input regarding these changes or any other general feedback for me to take into account for the update, please let me know either here or in dms.

As for progress so far, here’s a new map and a new unit (not linked):


Character portrait by @NICKT