[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

YOOOO! So cool to see her in game!

I’d be happy to beta test if you’d want.


This is amazing aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa love it!


I can beta test, who knows, I can imagine doing a “Egotistical only units I made plus Lyn” run. To test how the game works if I only use very few units. And like… Epic Anna moment. She got a new shirt! Nice to see she cares about her hygiene enough to change her clothes.

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—DEV LOG #05
It’s time for the new Legendary Weapons!

First things first before I begin, there is something important to be said about trying to import custom magic animations into FE6; when one tries to do it in FE6 with the english translation, a bug occurs that freezes the game completely whenever you try to save after the first chapter, because of how CSA_Creator ends up being implemented into FE6.

Sadly because of that bug, it’s just not really able to import custom magic animations in FE6 cleanly… that, however, WOULD be what I’ll be announcing, if there wasn’t already a fix available for it actually, courtesy of the one and only Kemui52!

I’ve messaged Kemui to talk about it, and by implementing the fixed patch, I was actually able to import custom spell animations into FE6 (complete with the patch that separates melee and ranged magic animations) with the saves still working correctly, all good!

The only thing that seems to be a possible worry however, is that the fixed patch blends a little bit into the Anti-Huffman patch. However, I’ve done several playtests using a lot of special characters that the Anti-Huffman patch allows to write in the game, and everything still seems to be working indeed. So by my account, the patch works 100%! I’ll definitely keep a special backup just in case and do more tests on my end, but again, everything is saved!
All the past FE6 hacks can now use custom magic animations!

Again, HUGE thanks to Kemui! :sparkling_heart:

And now, at last, let’s talk about the new Legendary Weapons and magic animations!
Starting big with the final PRF legendary sword for Lyn herself;

{2WB} (Icon Blitz 1) Durandal (Ablaze)
Raging Truth (Icon by 2WB)
“Lyn only. +5 Def/Res. Wyrmslayer.”


As you can see, the icon is the super cool looking ablaze Durandal made by 2WB, meant to compliment the special animations that Lyn will have when using it in battle, and as shown above it will use the vanilla Forblaze magic animation when attacking at range.

The theme of “multiple elements” that it has, being a sword of fire even if Lyn herself is associated with wind, is what I’ll try to also work out a little with the other legendary weapons, something akin to: “Opposing elements joining forces for great power”, hope it’s a cool concept.

In Lyn’s case, the “Raging” part is obviously a way of saying “raging/scorching fire”, while the “Truth” part however, it’s something special that I’m cooking up related to the endgame story.
A secret to everyone until the final release!

Oh, and something to keep in mind; all the legendary weapons, as well as Lyn’s Raging Truth AND Irina’s Divinestone, not only they’ll be effective against Manaketes as usual, but they’ll also have Wyrmslayer’s effect from the description, so they’ll ALSO be effective against Wyvern Riders and Dracoknights. It will make they much more valuable through the whole game, specially all Regalias will have uses buffed to 30, while the Divinestone’s uses buffed to 60.

And just like vanilla, only Lyn’s Raging Truth and Irina’s Divinestone will be effective against the D.Dragon final boss, on top of their Wyrmslayer effect.

Now, let me showcase how the new S Rank Legendary Weapons will look!

REGALIA 01 - Claimh Solais - {SMITHYGCN} Sword 25
Claimh Solais (Icon by SMITHYGCN)
“Regalia. +5 Pow. Wyrmslayer.”
The famous Sword of Light from Irish and Scottish folktales. In-game, because I still want to maintain each physical regalia association with one element, it will be known as a Shining Sword of Ice. It is indeed stretching the original tale of the Claimh Solais tho, since afaik it’s only know as a light/shining/holy sword, I don’t remember if it was also associated with any of the natural elements. And again, back to what I said about “combined elements”, it will still be obtained in the flaming cave chapter; it will be explained that it’s so strong it cannot be melted, hence how it’s shining too. I hope it’s still a cool concept that works for the Sword of Light.
Oh and one more thing, if you haven’t noticed, it uses the same icon sprite as it’s appearance in Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, where I also first knew about such an amazing sword. Credits to SMITHYGCN again for the item icon, as it’s superb looking!

REGALIA 02 - Elgungnir - {Batima} Gungnir
Elgungnir (Icon by Batima)
“Regalia. +5 Skl. Wyrmslayer.”
The Lance of Thunder. When one talks about famous thunder polearms, there’s really nothing as famous as Odin’s signature spear, Gungnir! In this case, it will use the icon made by Batima that resembles it’s appearance in FE4, and I’ll give it a more divine feeling by adding the ‘El’ suffix before it’s name, kinda like Elfire for example, as ‘El’ does mean ‘divine’ or ‘God’ when it’s used like that. Hope it’s also a cool way of mentioning it!

{Zarg} Axe 31
Agneyastra (Icon by Zarg)
“Regalia. +5 Def. Wyrmslayer.”
The Axe of Fire. In this case, Agneyastra is the name of the celestial weapon of the Hindu god of fire, Agni. From what I know, it was never fully stated, or maybe decided, what form the original Agneyastra is, it might be instead the grand power of Agni himself that he can make it shape in any type of weapon, hence in this story it will be a legendary Axe then.

REGALIA 04 - Murgleys - {2WB} (Vanilla + Blitz) Mulagir
Murgleys (Icon by 2WB)
“Regalia. +5 Spd. Wyrmslayer.”
The Bow of Winds. In this case it will still be the original Mulagir, this time renamed to it’s name from the original french folktale. I want to keep it the same because of how the bow is now heavily associated with Lyn in modern FEs, a bow that WILL be possible for Lyn herself to wield in this game too, since wEXP will be gained faster, she promotes significantly earlier and gains usage of bows when promoted.

Ragnarokkr (Icon by 2WB)
“Regalia. +5 Lck. Wyrmslayer.”
The Tome of Nature’s Ire. There’s a lot to explain here; 1st is as I mentioned earlier, the new S Rank Anima tome will have a new magic animation (showcased down below!), 2nd is instead of being only about fire it will instead be a sort of combination from all nature’s elements, something that it’s new magic animation will showcase, and 3rd is I wanted to base it a little on the official Ragnarok tome, but with the “Nature’s Wrath” theme on top instead, as well as it’s name being a way to spell how it’s also known as “Ragnarøkkr” in other versions of the Norse mythology.

REGALIA 06 - Morningstar - {tristan hollow} Item 015 Aureola
Morningstar (Icon by Luigiofthegods)
“Regalia. +5 Res Wyrmslayer.”
The Tome of Divine Glory. In this case, I want to keep going with the concept that I started about “Light and Dark” when I made Bishops be able to use dark tomes. In this case, the legendary light tome talks about Lucifer, before he became the Fallen Angel, with the tome’s name referencing one of it’s meanings in Latin. Another reference is how it’s portrayed in the SMT/Persona series, as in it, Morning Star is an attack naturally associated with Lucifer, and it’s recent animations actually look quite a bit as how Aureola’s looks like; a beam of light from the heavens that signals a star falling on the target for a big holy explosion. Hope it’s a cool concept for the S Rank light tome!

REGALIA 07 - Judgement - {Seal} (SacredWar) Dark 9
Judgement (Icon by Tristan Hollow)
“Regalia. +5 Pow. Wyrmslayer.”
The Tome of Revelations. For this one, I believe it’s quite self-explanatory. It’s name has a similar meaning to the vanilla name of Apocalypse, talking about the Judgment Day or Doomsday from religion. And just like vanilla, it is still the S Rank dark tome.

REGALIA 08 - Auphanim - {2WB} (Vanilla + Blitz) Holy Maiden
Auphanim (Icon by Seal/SacredWar) (Uses Buffed to 5)
“The Staff of Royalty.
Fully restores all allies.”

For the S Rank staff, I went with a name that’s similar to Ophanim or Seraphs in other words, one of the highest hierarchies of Angels in the Bible. However because I’ve already renamed the Angelic Robe as the Seraph Robe, I went with one of it’s alternate names in the Bible instead.

That’s all of the Legendary Weapons!
Together with Lyn’s Raging Truth and Gnurr’s Gullin Katti, that’s all 8!

Let me now showcase all the new magic animations!

First, the legendary Ragnarokkr tome, complete with a sneak peek of Trial Map’s Lilina!
Magic Animation by Seal/Sacred War


Now the rest of the new magic animations (some with new names and icons);

Spirit - {Ereshkigal} Light 13
Spirit (Icon by Ereshkigal) (Replaces Shine)
Magic Animation by Orihara_Saki


Thorn - {Batima} Sagittae
Thorn (Icon by Batima)
Magic Animation by SHYUTERz


Aura - {2WB} (Vanilla + Blitz) Aura
Aura (Icon by 2WB)
Magic Animation by SHYUTERz


Ruin - {Topaz} Ruin Tome Icon
Ruin (Icon by Topaz)
Magic Animation by Orihara_Saki


Addle - {Kyrads} Munio Alt B
Addle (Icon by Kyrads) (Replaces Luna)
Magic Animation by Orihara_Saki


Hope they look great! Now lastly, new icons for the following vanilla items;

Armorslayer - {Zelix} ArmorSword
Armorslayer (Icon by Zelix)
Fortify (Icon by Topazlight)
Bolting - {Beansy} Bolting
Bolting (Icon by Beansy)
Purge - {Beansy} Purge
Purge (Icon by Beansy)
Eclipse - {Beansy} Eclipse
Eclipse (Icon by Beansy)

That’s it for the new weapons… or at least it would be, but there is actually, one more…

Here’s the thing; remember in post 92 when I talked about the problem with the MeleeAndMagicFix patch that makes it so that unpromoted healers don’t show their Staff rank because you can’t actually “equip” staves?

Well… I was thinking a lot about it, one thing led to another, and so, that’s when I came up with this idea, as a creative way to “fix” it so to say. Hope it’s not too wild as I don’t really remember seeing anything like it in other hacks.
Maybe there is actually, so then this is my spin on this wild idea.


Bodkin - {Zane} icon 190
Bodkin (Icon by Zane)
“Fires close-range magical bolts.”
Might: 0 Hit: 75 Rng: 1 Crit: 0 Uses: 20 Weight: 2 Rank: E Staves (Targets Resistance)


Here it is, the last item with new icon, the self-defense staff. Designed to both help staff users attack even unpromoted, as well as finally allow you to see staff ranks of unpromoted healers! As you can see from it’s stats, it’s designed to be a self-defense option first and foremost; it has no might, doesn’t have many durability, hit rate is a little low and only attacks at 1 range. It does as mentioned counts as a magic attack so it targets resistance instead of defense.

Every unpromoted healer in the final release will have a Bodkin staff in their inventory, so not only will your healers be able to fight but enemy healers too keep in mind!

(Looking forward for “Can You Beat the Final Boss with a Bodkin” challenges)

And, yeah, that’s it for today lol!

The only thing left afaik is the new names of the replica weapons, but I actually have some good ones in mind, so I’ll just leave it for another Dev Log, in the next days to come.

Some small things about the replicas however is that; 1st, there will NOT be a replica of the S Rank Staff and 2nd, I’ll actually reduce their uses from 20 to 15, this way they aren’t just straight up upgrades from the Silver Weapons/A Rank Tomes.
This also helps so you can identify which one is which by just looking at their total uses in the inventory/convoy, as again, the replicas will have same icon as the legendary ones.

That’s all. Cheers! :star:


Not really a fan of healers being able to defend themselves

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Yeah, I knew that, while it does help to see the staff ranks of your units, it would be polarizing.

I at least made the staff very weak, and again you’ll only see it on unpromoted healers.
All promoted magic users will use regular tomes as usual.

Hope it’s not too much of a deal breaker.


Well it kind of breaks the idea of healers being defenseless


I like the Bodkin, the name sounds funny.


Change it to having them physically bonk someone and we have a deal.


Love all the weapons they are so cooooooooooooooool aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

I do have a question bc Ragnarokkr is the new Forblaze. does Forblaze still exist?

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Ragnarokkr fully replaces Forblaze as the new S rank Anima tome yeah!

I’ll do make a lore explanation for why Forblaze became Ragnarokkr in the final release.

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I see I see very interesting!

also what tome will have Ephidel?

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Becuase of the importance of the original Legendary weapons in FE6’s story, Ephidel will instead have the replica Anima tome in his inventory. Hope it’s great for you Shamiyama.

Same deal as other units; Zuiho II already have the replica Dark tome, Gnurr will have the replica Bow, and hey, since we’re on the topic, for Darkrina I’m planning so that, instead of a Great Lance, she’ll have the replica Lance in her inventory instead! Hope it’s also great for you.

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OOOOOOOOh that is perfect love it aaaaaaaaaaa i am just so hype!

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I am so excited to see the story and what we created here.

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Hello! And yes. This will be the final dev log actually! Let me explain.

So while working on the hack, I have to admit that I still ended up getting stuck with ‘paralysis’ on how to continue changing & implementing everything, especially the story bits.

But I actually ended up having an ‘epiphany’ of sorts, and ended up finding myself a really good rhythm when working on the hack. I think that it’s because I was worried about things that were actually much simpler to do in practice.

So with this in mind, I want to formally cancel the plans of all the other dev logs that I had, including the private beta, because I really want to focus on ‘actions speaking louder than words’ mode and actually just work on the hack, so that I can, at last, release it sooner than I anticipated!

Of course, I still don’t have a clear date, REALLY don’t want to give myself more worries than I already have in my mind, but do be sure that it will be soon enough.

The next ‘big’ post that I make here WILL be of the release, ready to download and play!

So let me make good use of this final dev log to explain as much of the final changes possible;

  • All shops will be updated! In fact, I’ve already done so! Every shop will have a better selection of weapons, tomes, staves etc depending on their location and based on their vanilla stock. And secret shops, they’ll still stay quite the same too!

(1st SS will still have promo items, while 2nd SS will still have stat boosters)

  • More units are able to recruit some enemies, but the support partners stay the same! Besides some of the recruits that you already suggested that I can have X recruit Y, a good example of this is Fionn and Hnoss: I will make it so Fionn is able to recruit Hnoss, however they’ll still won’t be able to support with each other. This is because if I make a change for one, it will look unfair for some other units that seems that they could support with each other as well. To compensate for this at least, I will make a simple ‘Talk’ event between some specific units, including Fionn and Hnoss, that you can make at endgame so that at least they can interact with each other a bit to guarantee a tad bit of optional character development.

  • Weapon Triangle’s Hit will be buffed a bit! More specifically, in FE6 the WT is +/- 10 Hit, however in FE7 and FE8 the Hit is +/- 15 instead, so I’ll buff the WT Hit Rate to +/- 15, that way it stays the same as the others GBAFEs (Dmg is still +/- 1, and as an example, in my Chapter 01 gameplay video, it was still +/- 10 Hit, but it will be changed for the release).

  • Some staves will have buffed total uses! They are the following:
    Hammerne up to 5 uses, Warp & Rescue up to 7 uses, and Unlock up to 10 uses.

  • Secret Book/Divine Icon will grant a boost of 04 to Skl/Lck instead! A very simple buff that I’ve seen been implemented in other fe hacks, making them much more appealing.

And I believe that’s all. Best of luck for me, and as always cheers. :star:


Will there be a way to know which character to use to recruit a character?


I’ll document all of it in an excel file that separates each chapter by tabs, each informing the stats of the units and who exactly can recruit who depending on the chapter.


Wish you lots of good lick and fun working on the hack and i will wait happily!


Hello again!
I want to quickly showcase some changes that are done, mostly chapter ones.

Chapter 02


This is how the new houses and vendors will be positioned on the map.

As I explained before, the village will grant a Zanbato since Hekabe will already have an Armorslayer in her inventory, but let me also explain what the vendors will have;

Weapon Shop

  • Iron Sword
  • Slim Sword
  • Iron Lance
  • Slim Lance
  • Iron Axe
  • Compact Axe
  • Iron Bow
  • Short Bow

Item Shop

  • Fire
  • Light
  • Flux
  • Heal
  • Vulnerary

Indeed every vendor in the chapters after will have better updated stock.

And oh yeah, I dunno if I explained it before but the Lightning tome will be renamed to ‘Light’.

Chapter 06


Like I explained in the OP, almost every enemy reinforcement will no longer be an ambush spawn. The only exceptions are some that are hardcoded with ASM or the like, but for those I can always do an alternative creative way to implement them.

In Chapter 06’s case, the infamous southwest/southeast rooms that, after you unlock their doors, spawn a group of 4 enemies each out of nowhere. They are hardcoded to run on enemy phase (aka ambush spawn) no matter what, so what I did instead is having them spawn a pair of Striker allies each, as a funny way to assist you in the Chapter.

They have their AI set to charge, but also as the unique 50/50 chance to move AI, to give them a bit of dynamic ally phase so the player doesn’t simply try to rely on them too much.

Chapter 07


…That are set to attack only when in movement range at least.

I want to give a little bit of a scare to veteran FE6 players when they first see the wyv riders lol.

And as you can see, the healers are changed to Pilgrims, they’ll instead be moved to the next chapter, since I feel that boss, Juev, would indeed hoard every assistance to himself instead.

Oh and one more thing, about that one enemy reinforcement from the north inside the castle:

It was also a hardcoded ambush spawn when you get close, so I instead made it be a regular reinforcement that always appears at turn 12 player phase, signaled by an unique dialogue at turn 11 player phase.

Chapter 08


The jail area where Nix will be locked up will have a tiny rework, besides the map area being a little bigger there will also be a breakable wall at the start that allows you to shortcut straight to Nix.
I saw some other FE6 rebalance hacks do this and I really like it, so enjoy!

Oh and as you can see, Nix starts as a NPC unit instead, but that’s mostly for slight story purposes. When Lyn talks to her to free her from her shackles, she’ll still be recruited while also receiving a Thunder tome, and also don’t worry: even if you don’t recruit her and finish the chapter, she’ll still be auto recruited and still go to the Gaiden chapter just as vanilla, with the only real caveat being that Nix will not receive her free Thunder tome instead.

Chapter 09


Here’s the starting enemy layout of the first Fog of War chapter, and as you can see, I’ll do the same readjustment that I did in my FE7 PME: enemy bow users and enemies with effective weapons in Fog of War chapters will be completely replaced! For less annoyance.

As two examples, enemy archers will be replaced with other units that can attack at 1-2 range (the mercenaries over there at the northeast part have Light Brands), while enemies that have effective weapons like a Fighter with a Poleaxe will have it changed to a regular weapon like a Steel Axe.

And two other things: enemy siege tomes will be completely removed from Fog of War chapters, while enemy status staff users, also in Fog of War chapters, will only have a Silence staff in their inventory. This is because, between the three status effects, Silence is the easier to handle as you still retain control of the afflicted unit, unlike them going to sleep or going berserk.

All of these points, however, DO NOT apply to bosses! So as you can figure out from the image above, the bosses Boubim Dak and Biboum Dak will still have Sleep staves in their inventories!

You will be able to get a Restore staff in Chapter 07 to deal with these two bosses, but again, always be careful still whenever you get close to a boss in a Fog of War chapter.

Chapter 11A/Chapter 10B

Chapter 11A

Chapter 10B

It’s quite a mess showcasing the chapters like this lol, but I wanted to make sure that the Klein and Thea replacers (Iris and Paldea) will spawn in on proper terrain that doesn’t make them get stuck.

Oh and also they both will always have the ‘charge immediately’ AI, so it’s easier to plan ahead to be able to successfully recruit the both of them.

Chapter 14

The desert Fog of War chapter. As you can see, the wyvern riders have been changed to pegasus riders, to make it less likely for them to snipe down one of your units.

Oh and one more thing; the desert treasure is exactly the same as vanilla, on the exact same spots. The only one that was changed was the hidden Warp staff was replaced by a Rescue staff instead, since the boss of this chapter can drop a Warp staff AND you’ll be able to get yet another Warp staff in one of the chests in Chapter 16 (explained in the next paragraph).

Chapter 16

Oh baby, that’s a significant enemy layout change! Let me explain some key parts lol.

First things first, on the throne area Makalov the 2nd has managed to somehow get himself a harem of some of the best female soldiers of Bern. Every enemy in the center throne area is female, including the Bulwarks and the Druids.
(The center Dracoknight is Darkrina; she appears for a cutscene and leaves same as vanilla)

Second, as you can see Galle and Zeiss replacers (Andonis and Pereth) will appear from the northwest most staircase instead for their cutscene, with Pereth naturally staying so you can attempt to recruit him just as vanilla.

The third and last, but not the least important, are the chests. Of the vanilla ten chests, four will stay in the west room, four will stay in the northeast room, and the last two will now stay in the closed northwest room. That Gladiator guarding the new door is indeed the Douglas replacer, Nikodemos, and he’ll be now set to not move at all while only attacking if in range.

On one hand, it will be significantly easier to keep him alive for the Gaiden chapter, but on the other hand, he’s now blocking the way for both the last two chests, as well as the Secret Shop that’s still located on that closed room (and those two chests have very valuable items).

So how do you deal with him while still keeping him alive? Two ways; the first and most creative is berserking him, then positioning thieves and units with keys (as well as Makalov II’s Member Card) just outside his range so he moves out of the way to attack, then immediately sending your units to open the door and get the goods as well as the secret shop if possible.

The second and probably… simpler way…? Well…


(There’s a Warp and a Berserk staff in the bellow west room chests to make it easier)

Oh and like I said back in Dev Log #02, Lyn will automatically promote at the end of this chapter, regardless if you’ll go to the Gaiden chapter or not!

Chapter 20 (Sacae)

I want to give attention to this chapter of the Sacae route for a ‘gimmick’ of sorts that I created;

As you can see, the promoted enemies that are in the outer areas of the map are all Bishops.

The good part? They’ll all have Blue Gems, ripe to be stolen, so by going the Sacae route there’s a chance of you gaining much more money that what you would get in the Ilia route instead.

The bad part? They all have Nosferatu tomes. So they’ll possibly be quite a pain to deal with, even if you send in another unit to safeguard your Thief/Rogue. AND they all also have Physic staves, so they’ll be annoying even if you leave them alone.

I did this a kinda risk and reward side objective for the player. Hope it will be fun to attempt.

Bonus: Dragonstones

Here’s the final stats of every Dragonstone that will be in the game!

{Batima} Firestone
Firestone (Icon by Batima) [Enemy Fire Dragon Manaketes]
Might: 10 | Hit: 80 | Crit: 05 | Uses: 60 | Range: 1-2 | Targets Res
10 POW, 5 SKL, 15 DEF & 10 RES

{Batima} Dragonstone
Divinestone (Icon by Batima) [Irina and Pauline]
Might: 15 | Hit: 90 | Crit: 15 | Uses: 60 | Range: 1-2 | Targets Res
15 POW, 10 SKL, 5 SPD, 15 DEF & 15 RES

Devilstone - {Batima} Magestone - Alt
Devilstone (Icon by Batima) [Red/D.Dragon]
Might: 20 | Hit: 100 | Crit: 25 | Uses: – | Range: 1-2 | Targets Res
No stat boosts.

That’s all for now. Cheers. :star: