[FE6/7/8] Circles' Spell Animation Creator [UPDATED TO V1.1]

I found out recently that the CSA engine for FE6 is not compatible with the fan translation. I dug into it myself and saw that it uses its own version of CSA (FEditor?), where the code was largely the same but in a different order. Not only that, but it has two extra functions at the tail end that jump back to even more new code that takes place after the 01 Command Hack area. Unfortunately, whatever magic system is already there doesn’t fully work; it plays custom spells very slow, the screen shakes constantly for some reason, and the background is garbled unless you dummy out a big chunk of code.

However, I had a bit of inspiration: there’s enough room for the CSA engine before the new save data asm, so I was able to shift some of the LDR data below the save data asm and manually adjust everything that points to them. The result…seems to work! And, FEBuilder is even smart enough to automatically find the shifted location of the CSA table pointer. Custom spells play as expected and saves can be made.

One potential issue with my method, though, is that it bleeds into the anti-Huffman patch area… However, it seems the translation patch uses its own take on anti-Huffman because there is absolutely nothing there, but FEbuilder has it labeled as such. I don’t think it’s an issue, but it’s something to keep in mind, possibly.

Now, l don’t know if I commit some subtle assembly-writing sin with this (moving it and hoping it works), but l’ll post what l have regardless. I converted it into bin files, so you can install it just by running the .event file with Event Assembler.

MediaFire link (get your ad blocker ready):

Original Discord link:
(Link is valid, but only if you click it in Discord)

l lightly tested it on the 1.1.3 translation patch and the basics worked. My own project is on an older version of the patch, but it works there, too, and l’ve tested that more thoroughly.

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