[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

Yeah! I left it like that at the very beginning of the work in the hack and I can’t remember why.
It might honestly have been a misclick. That’s why I’ll need to double-check them.

Still thanks for the input.


Good day… One question… This Game is now complete?? And where is the link?

@elguru3838 It’s still a work in progress!

I’m hard at work so that I can complete and release it as soon as I can!

Ok… this hack looking good… Every hack have lyn for My is gold… Good luck with this project… I am waiting for SEE t

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By the way, I want to announce a little something to y’all; I have a hooded portrait for Gnurr!

Here’s how both her ‘face hidden’ portrait and Ch 13’s cutscene animation will look:



The portrait was based on this one; the ‘Witch Hooded’ by GenericPretsel.


I’ve edited it to give Gnurr’s hair and skin color, while also fully hiding the eye and giving the same scarred mouth that she has in her main portrait. Hope that it looks great!

Cheers. :star:


Omg this is cool… but a question… lyn is not more a swordmaster?? Shes a druid now?

@elguru3838 That’s actually from Post #20, where DATonDemand who submitted ‘Gnurr’ as the Zephiel replacement wanted to hide her identity with an hooded portrait if possible.

Just now that I finally found one! She’ll appear as a hooded Druid through the game to hide her identity, and it will be in Ch 22, where you finally fight her, that she’ll reveal her true class as a Savage Lord.


One last question so as not to take up any more of your time friend… will you take into account any mythical characters in your hack like Athos or Brammimond? or someone like karla or jaffar.

@elguru3838 I will! There will also be very small, easy to miss mentions to my own FE7 PME, considering there will be returning characters. In fact this turned into a quite unique mix and match between that, vanilla and all other represented media on top like Mitsuru’s, I love it lol.

And about those last two, there will be the Jaffar wannabe boss in Ch 03, so that will already be a big mention, while I’ll see if I can then squeeze in a little talk of Karla somewhere.

I’ll try my best to make the dialogue as organic as possible.


okay. Thank you very much, my brother. I will look forward to seeing this one. luck

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You can thank me for that last part lol.


I am just hyped zo see the game bc i belive we made a lot of a charming cast and story


Hi again everyone.

I want to do two more, very quick announcements:

First is that I’m planning for the next, gameplay video #02, to showcase the beginning of Ch 13, specifically up to the full cutscene battle between Mitsuru and Gnurr. I’ve no idea how much time will take until, probably a good days since I still need to playtest hundreds of things, but I’ll still do my best.

Now, the second announcement, is about the classic Hard Mode Bonuses (indeed, they’ll NOT be removed); I took a look on the way FE6 ‘implement’ them through the events that spawn units in, and so, on top of the vanilla units, I’ll be able to have the following characters gain HMBs in the full release!

  • Mitsuru (Cecilia’s Replacement)
  • Nikodemos (Douglas’s Replacement)
  • Kaidence (Juno’s Replacement)
  • Krakatoa (Dayan’s Replacement)

The four of them can use the boon in Hard Mode superbly, and the chapters they are recruited allow it to be implemented quite organically considering the event. Hope it is great. :star:


Thank you for your work


Hi everyone.

So, I’ll not beat around the bush; this project will indeed take a long, long time.

Now, there’s no way that I’ll abandon it or anything. I’ll focus hard on it and it alone!
But it does, indeed take time to translate all ideas into practice.

Just wanted to clarify because, I’ve no idea how much hype I generated for the project, and how fast or slow it might take for me to finish and release it. And indeed, every time I finish an important step I think:
“Damn, this dialogue/music/gameplay idea is so cool! I wish my project jumped to completion already so me and everyone can finally try out the full release!”

But I just can’t rush it. It’s just like all the guides in here say, development of a project takes time.
So I hope everyone who were looking very hard to it understands.

And, on another note; if there was anyone who were wondering what my main mentality regarding romhacking is. I want to clarify that, I’m not looking forward to create the next absolute insane mind-blowing game. There’s already lots of released, as well as upcoming, original full hacks here that a lot love, including myself. What I really want, as an ‘Internet Drifter’ as I explained way back, is to simply place my own bread in the romhacking basket. Focus on a good project, not overhype myself until overexertion.

I’ll still do my very best until it is finally released! But indeed, it will take a long time.

Better late than never at least. So again, best of luck for me.



If you need a beta tester just dm me.


Take your time O can wait and happily play the finished project which we all contributed and see the amazing story.

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—DEV LOG #04
I’m Back!

Let me show a tad bit of progress with some examples, while also explaining what I’m planning to do for the days to come, as I’ll also later on recruit beta testers (more info in the end)!

So I want to explain about class balance; what I’m actually doing with the classes is that yes, I am still working small steps by steps, but with little bias towards player characters.

Lemme explain a little by showcasing Castene;

(She was blessed in Speed and Elen’s high luck)
(Example of her using her Radiant Bow, in Hard Mode)
(Her Personals and Growth Rates, satisfying totals of 305%)
(Female Scouter stats, made to gain high Def and Res on promotion)
(For demonstration purposes, also Str/Mag name finally fixed as Pow)

As you can see, since Castene will be the only playable Hunter/Scouter I’ve worked the promo class bases to grant high Def and Res, with the mind that her other stats will already grow really well with her rates. And her 10 Con on promotion might still have her take a hit in speed because of heavy axes, but not only she’ll still have great Spd anyway, but the Con still helps her to rescue other units. And if some players would still rather have higher Con for axes, she’s a choice of a recipient for Jonah’s Body Ring/Statue Frag, allowing a degree of customization.

This will be an idea on how classes will be in the final release, again with more fine tunes.

Here’s more example of the other main playable archers!


Jonah is still the same as what I showcased in my first gameplay video, only difference is him gaining 1 Res from his class. Solid all around, with him also having a privilege of being in a 8 Mov class when he promotes.

Yes, keep in mind that, just like my FE7 PME, the only classes that have 8 Mov are Paladins, Wayfarers, Falcoknights and Dracoknights. One good way that I can see to build Jonah is to do similar to the christmas cavaliers; have him support with Florina at least up to B Rank, with both promoting allowing you to have two great 8 Mov units, supporting back to back to tackle the mid game in the Western Isles chapters.


Anna is similar to Castene, more balanced all around with greater bulk being Lvl 7 obviously, while still being blessed with 14 Speed. Oh and also as you can see, I’ve recolored her clothing from green to brown, so she looks even more like how she appears in Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Hope you like it Tritra. :sparkling_heart:


And here’s Amos right at endgame. As you can see he has great stats all around and obviously comes already with S Rank in bows, with only lows being Def, Luck, and a shaky 14 Speed (btw I’ve just now realized as I’m making this post that almost all archers have 14 Speed at base lol), but he does have capped 23 Res courtesy of Yoder’s bases.

So this not only allows Amos to be great against the remaining enemy mages, but also against Manaketes, as what I’ll do is rebalance the Dragonstones’s stats a little bit, make them 1-2 range but set to be magical attacks targeting resistance. This will allow Pure Waters and Barrier staves to be still valuable even in the final two chapters, with Amos being a guaranteed capped Res unit to fight Manaketes in the end game.

That’s that for the archers, but let me also as a bonus showcase the two units that some of you guys are definitely the most excited to know about; Rutger’s/Clarine’s!

First, here’s Robin’s bases:


Solid all around, blessed by Clarine’s high luck! With only notable point being his Con bane.
This does then make Robin also a really good choice for Jonah’s Statue Frag too!

Now, here’s at last Veesha:

(Normal Mode)
(Hard Mode)

Great bases all around, not really having same Spd as Rutger but higher Con allowing her to wield heavier lances better, with her growth rates still ensuring that she can become an amazing combat unit. And also, Veesha can still benefit from the ‘Critger’ setup as vanilla, since mono-weapon promoted classes still gain innate +30 Crit, together with her Support pairings all grainting +Crit (in this case being Veesha with A rank with Robin, as well as B rank with Daneese).
Perhaps in her case name her ‘Critsha’ lol?

So that’s that of some character showcases! Now, let me finally explain what I’m planning for the next Dev Logs for the foreseeable future:

  • Dev Log #05 will be of the legendary weapons’s new names and icons, as well as their replicas. This will also finally announce Lyn’s Binding Blade replacement (hint: it will have the vanilla Forblaze animations when attacking at range, while the vanilla Forblaze will have a new magic animation).

  • Dev Log #06 will be at last the second gameplay video, showcasing Ch 13.

  • Dev Log #07 will be the third video, this time showcasing one of the music tracks.

This is the sort of roadmap that I’ve created, and I swear I’ll still do my best when working in this hack towards it’s future completion!

Now last, but certainly NOT the least, as I’ve talked about in the top of the post, yes, I’ll love to eventually Recruit Beta Testers to help me out!

Here’s how it will go; only much later, after Dev Log #07 will I cook up a private beta of the project, as I still need to check out a lot of stuff about the chapters etc. When it is ready then, I’ll DM everyone who wishes to beta test, a private link to the file to patch FE6!

You don’t need to DM me tho! Just make a post after this one, explaining that you wish to participate in the beta test, so that I’ll be sure to list all the users interested. Again, still will take a long time until then, but until then I’ll know everyone who wishes to beta test.

Also indeed, I’ll 101% that you’ll get special thanks in the Readme of the release!

And so, yeah, that’s that! Thanks a lot and Cheers. :star:


I knew giving him a statue frag to give it to other units could be a great idea :smile:


I’ll be happy to test it (at least if i can finish playing the Fe7 pme before dev log#7 :sweat_smile:)