[FE6] [COMPLETE] Fire Emblem: Lyn's Bizarre Adventure PME v1.0

this is beautiful

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So, big news.

Truth to be told, I believe that all of the important gameplay changes are done!
Playtested and indeed working all right, even get the 8 legendary weapons to get to the true end.

I’ve even finished up almost all of the readmes and credits. Only the Unit-Recruit list is left.

The only real things left are some music tracks that I’ve yet to implement, a final double check of everything gameplay related, and the story bits.

I’m going to be honest, if I’m able to super hard focus on going in through every line of dialogue, I MIGHT be able to at last release the hack this weekend!

To explain better; FE6 really has a very straightforward story, and any big change that I make really would not be too much different, mostly making sure that everyone has consistent character.

So, what I’m planning to do is release a ‘v0.9’. It will make minimal changes through the story (because even if it is straightforward, that’s still a lot of words left and right lol), mostly making sure that everyone is consistent, names are correct etc.

Only the very big story bits will have big focus, some that I already have good stuff in mind.
There will still be some things left like extra boss quotes, but I’ll leave it for v1.0 instead.

But one thing that WILL have 100% is the endings for every playable unit. That I guarantee.

In other words, this is basically a fancy way to say v0.9 will be a sort of public beta lol.
To make sure that any glitches that eluded me are taken care off before the v1.0 release.

That’s all! Once again best of luck for me. :star:




Wilö happily play the beta of 0.9 to make my report with any errors and then will play the game again. And again and again…i want tonuse as many people as i can bc there are many units

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Final Mini Dev Log
  • Light Brands always deal physical damage, even at range. The downside is that it can’t be cheesed with the vanilla “always deal 10 damage at range” strategy, but the upside is that it can now deal critical hits at range, and apparently it didn’t give wEXP when used in battle, so now it will also give wEXP (Rune Blood [Runesword] worked like that too in vanilla, still does, and the new Wind Edge also works like that, physical even at range) (DO be careful of any boss that has a Light Brand).

  • I said in an very early post that I was planning to make 4 more characters be able to benefit from Hard Mode Bonuses, but it just wasn’t able to be implemented correctly, so in other words the units that benefit from HMBs are still the same as vanilla.

  • The Triangle Attacks are still possible, but because they are extremely hardcoded in the game, I didn’t risk trying to edit them and left same as vanilla pegasus/armor ones.
    To explain what units can perform them now: Denelia, Hekabe & Hector can perform the Armor Knights’ Triangle Attack, while Grimulf, Kaari & Persia can perform the Pegasus Riders’ Triangle Attack.

So! The reason why it took literally 3 or so days after what I initially thought would be the day of release (on the weekend) was because, while working on the dialogue and story bits, I literally just… could not stop, and just kept going until I legit, changed all of them…

Every last one of them.

…I mean, there are still a bits of some left that I at least made sure that the dialogue correctly refer with the units names, but I did an astonishing amount of work, I do know it.

Hope y’all enjoy! :star:

Update: Quick fixes in the patch, one basically just after I released it, and another following reports from AnneEgge. The download links in the OP are already the most recent ones np.


Man, this is just like Persona 3!
FE6 - LBA PME V.09_1720627693530
Jokes aside, I’ll begin playing the PME now that it’s available. Might help in case there’s some bug or balance problems. Thanks!


I think I am also going to play this. Eventually. Like I am looking forward to it a lot! Meeting new favorites and stuff. I won’t start right now, but I will definitely when the time is right.
(I already spend tons of time on FE because of making a hack, I am already close enough to burnout.)

But yeah! Congrats!


Big news! I’ll have to check this one out and see just how bizarre Lyn’s adventure will become.

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0.9 Gameplay Notes (Chapters 1-8 on Hard mode)

Chapter 1

  • Not much noteworthy other than having an ok Florina by the end of it.
    FE6 LBA-1
  • The character palettes are pretty.

Chapter 2

  • Castene makes a very good first impression with her high base speed and good equipment.
    Her weapon ranks are a little odd though.
    FE6 LBA-2

  • Denalia is a very strong unit, very fun to use

  • Florina is awesome
    FE6 LBA-3

Chapter 3

  • For some reason an enemy that isnt actually there still plays the healing animation on the throne.
    FE6 LBA-4
    FE6 LBA-5
    FE6 LBA-6

Chapter 4

  • Not much to say about this chapter other than Veesha’s stats freaking blow.
    FE6 LBA-8

Chapter 6

  • Cool unit, but I already have a better one. Nothing can beat his personality though.
    FE6 LBA-11
    FE6 LBA-12

Chapter 7

  • The music in this chapter fits extremely well with the situation your units are in.

  • For some reason the battle animation froze
    FE6 LBA-16

Chapter 8

  • Wow. A little strength screwed, but pretty good.
    FE6 LBA-17

  • They just opened the door and jumped Nix!
    FE6 LBA-18

  • We aren’t going to need her to unlock 8x, are we? Just in case, I’ll pause my playthrough here.
    FE6 LBA-19


Lets gooooo also ehat does tve FG mean in the downloads?

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It’s the Fixed Growths patch.


Thank ypu. I am very hyped to play aaa

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Thanks for warning me! I’ve already updated the OP download links with fixed patches.

The thing in Chapter 3, I have no idea why that happens, might be because it’s an generic enemy as the boss, instead of the ‘actual’ one that the game probably expects.
I dunno how to fix it, but as long as it’s just a visual bug it’s okay.

About the Striker freezing, the thing is actually that one female animations have one specific line of code missing internally on it’s ‘Attack Missing’ part (the male animations is all good), I’ve actually noticed that in my FE7 PME and fixed it there, but guess it still wasn’t fixed this time.
It’s already fixed tho!

Finally, about Chapter 8, I swear every time I replayed that chapter the Bulwark never moved, it has the AI to only move when in range. So to prevent this happening again, his Door Key has been moved to one of the Strikers close to your starting position.
In other words, no enemy with Door Keys are now anywhere close to Nix’s position.

Oh and thanks for the compliment in Chapter 7, I knew the music track would be awesome!

Mb and Cheers! :star:


Are there any enemies in there from the cutscene that could have caused it? Or a unit that isn’t properly revealed by the door being opened (in the cutscene)?

That is actually the same killer lance armor knight as vanilla, I didn’t do any hard edits on events that for example make units force reposition or the like.

But again, it will not be a problem anymore since I moved away the Door Key.

The only ‘time limit’ that I want the map to have are the thieves that eventually appear.

@ATHATH Oh! Also I did manage to implement Irkalla.
It should make for a very intimidating first appearance.


Zuiho is stupid busted. S rank unit


Yippee, happy to hear :)))

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I’ve updated the download links one more time for both some proof reading, as well as improve Chapter 8, because there was indeed some problems that I did not like, at all.
So now it has a more creative enemy formation, including reinforcements, but to make up for the fact that there is the shortcut wall, reinforcements now appear sooner (about 2 turns earlier)!

Here’s hoping that’s the most problematic bugs and the like are solved!

And another update for the fun: the Tier List Maker of the playable cast is now online in the OP!

Enjoy y’all, and cheers! :star:


In the build I’m poking around in (which I think is the one from just before the update you just pushed out?), I noticed a typo in Nergal’s boss quote, which seems to have been changed from the one I submitted (presumably due to plot differences):


“Balant” should be “Blatant”. Also, “Weapons” should not be capitalized.

His battle and death quotes are also a bit dissonant with his Nergal-as-Jahn dialogue earlier in the chapter, since the “he escaped from the fe7 timeline to this one” angle ended up not making the cut; if you’d like, I can rewrite them to more closely fit his calmer persona/different motivations here.

I also noticed that Irkalla was knocked down to 1-2 range. After some testing, 1-10 range does seem to be buggy range display-wise, but 1-3 range should still be valid. Would a buff of Irkalla to 1-3 range at the cost of the removal of Nergal’s Markov tome be acceptable?

Irkalla should also mention being able to counter/be countered in its description, since normal Eclipse can’t do that.

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@ATHATH No problem!

Since english isn’t my native language, typos can end up coming up rarely.

I’ll make the changes to Irkalla, and you can also post new rewritten quotes whenever possible, all of these I’ll implement in next update.