FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

If you’re having trouble importing the sword anim .bin for this, I updated the file in Dropbox to fix it. I accidentally left in Sword Sheet 6 when this is optimized to only need 5 sheets and the importer wasn’t happy.


Does what you said here apply to map sprites, too? It looks like a lot of new ones from the past month aren’t in either of the repos yet (including one of mine, yes :b).

Also, my username is misspelled on the Divine Dragon repalette l did. Could you please fix that as well?

The divine dragon was a map sprite. I already fixed it tho.

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Oh, l see what happened. l read the experimental Github feedback thread before the unread posts here, so l skimmed your big post thinking l already knew what was up. Totally my mistake on happenstance, my apologies.

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Wow. Just - wow.


Someone give him a medal


Just one of the most amazing things I’ve seen. I’d put it in a game just to see it played out.


Thank you!
Probably no one will use it because the animation is too complicated, but I’m glad you can see it.


You amaze me SHYUTERz.

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I’m kind of just… blown away. That was an extremely satisfying video to watch. Wow.

Shyuterz is the boss of making boss animations.


Damn, I honestly kinda want to make something similar for Galeem and Dharkon from SSBU, but I don’t even know how to do it

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Welp, time to change the plot of my hackrom so I can have an excuse to throw Anankos in there. lmao


Thank you!
If you have any questions about using this service, I will be happy to explain in more detail.

Are you talking about this character? I had no idea Smash Bros had such a character.
I’ll try to make another one when I have more time.


Hahahaha, Shyuterz, you are just insane! Hahaha!


However, I don’t know how to produce music(song & sound effect), so if you want a song, you will need to ask a music composition specialist to do it for you.
(-ω-´ )


Okay so I’m not 100% sure but it seems like there’s a problem with the FE6, 7, 8 tileset .pngs

I just wanted to import (using febuildergba) some of the tilesets from the other gba games, but there were no Tile Configs, just png.

These are from tilesets/fe8/ in the dropbox:

febuilder has this option:

and I get this error when I try it:

Now it might just be that I’m a bit silly and doing something wrong or whatever (in that case, my apologies).

And even if there’s something wrong with these tilset images I’m not sure who/where to report this issue, but I’m assuming that this would be the place for it.

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I know next to nothing about tilesets. Gonna need Zoramine, Flasuban, or someone else to look into it.

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Tilesets need a Mapchip Config (file that lists how to set up each tile, their terrain type) and the Object Image (cluttered image containing every 8x8 tile.) FEBuilder allows the exporting of both in under a minute each. I could probably, in two hours, export every vanilla tileset in importable format in under two hours.