FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

The great and powerful swordfighter Renair :sunglasses:

nice work as always, Gamma!


God, this hack. Never finished it. Who thought placing a strict turn condition on every map was a good idea?

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Still counts!

Thanks mā€™dude.

I see what you were going for with the flickering. Itā€™s not executed perfectly, but itā€™s a cool idea. Hmm. Maybe someone here can fix it up. Shouldnā€™t be a huge project :smiley:

Iā€™ll have the team add this as-is to the repo anyway

The flickering is done exactly as Castlevania does it.


Oh, itā€™s from CV! Did not realize. Been a while since I played those games.

This is AMAZING!

Would you mind if I made an edit of this to give her a ponytail instead of long hair?

Wait, whatā€™s TKOL? What is this for?

The Knight of Lodis. From the icon sheet I converted to FE colors.

Ah, it was the one folder with a bunch of name credits on it, so I overlooked it. Will add that updated icon now, then!

Edit: Or at least I would, except I canā€™t find the old version of the icon to update it in the repo. Where is it on this sheet?

Am I just blind?

Edit: Found it. Wow, that original version was way messed up. I couldnā€™t even recognize it at the end of the helmets!


Go right ahead, my battle animations are F2E :+1:

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Iā€™m doing stuff with the class cardsā€¦ so Iā€™m not adding them to the repo just yet. I have a backlog all saved up in a folder. Iā€™ll get around to them eventually!


Looks really good! The first axe animation swing seems like the pole on the axe expands then shortens after, other than that, it looks perfect.

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Bit of a problemo with the vanilla warrior stance.

oh no (2)

Yeahā€¦ inconsistencies between the length and color of the axe grip.

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Is it really that visible though?

Itā€™s definitely visible, considering that the axe hilt literally darkens in color and greatly lengthens.

You can definitely notice it in the crit animation.

Then fix it! I donā€™t have an access to the animation now. It should be a easy fix.

Alright, Iā€™ll fix it. Give me a bit though since Iā€™m currently busy rn.