FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

Yeah, my wording was garbage, and I definitely put in an opinion I shouldn’t have. What you said basically boils down what my thoughts are - It’s weird to me to submit work that was in another project, not submitted by the creator. But thankfully, my real problem was just the lack of credit, which has since been addressed.

I’ll keep it in mind in the future to keep opinions to myself to avoid this happening in the future.


You did say it best.

If using things from other games is not okay, why even arbitrarily allow sprites and splices from FE games? And also they’ve been in the Repo (and the Animation Directory preceding it, run by Skitty himself) for years, why is it a problem now? It seems that either is not the original argument or it’s no longer being argued, so whatever.

It’s clear now though that… well I guess the ‘other game’ here is… I don’t actually know. I know so little about Touhou that I can barely even say my knowledge is surface level. I’m not sure what makes this specific Touhou game different from Super Mario and Luigi or Metroid. It might be because it’s an indie game? I don’t even know what specific Touhou games exist. I just know there’s a loli witch and Bad Apple exists and Markyjoe’s waifu Reisen is a thing, and that’s about it.

Let’s move on.

In the entire time I’ve run the repo, if someone has asked me to include credits, I just added it. Always have, always will. It’s the basic level of courtesy all creators deserve. Not even basic, like the minimum possible requirement.

Of course, these credits haven’t always been perfect. But that’s why when you see missing or incorrect credits, you should just report them so we can fix them.

I think we’ve all learned a valuable lesson about picking our words carefully.

I wouldn’t go that far. Maybe I should try to read better intentions into your words instead :stuck_out_tongue:


honestly this should go for everyone here. i think most conflict here start cause people just didn’t think of the intention of the poster’s comment, yall just respond in an emotionally charged way, which of course leads to the other side doing the same. Even if there’s something said that’s not to your believes or values, you should always give the person the benefit of the doubt, and if things need addressing, address it in the most logical manner possible, Like Cam does. There’s a fundamental misunderstanding and miscommunication that led to heated debates like this which could be avoided if people just stepped back and cool down before replying

Just my thoughts, but what do i know I’ve only been here for 1 + year.


Yeah… Relax, people. No need to get angry or preachy. Don’t treat every word that a stranger wrote online as a personal attack.


I don’t want to extend this discussion, but the difference here is that the sprites are from a Touhou FANGAME made by FANS. Imagine if a Pokemon romhack used assets from FEU uncredited. That’s what the issue is. This was not made clear before, so I understand your misgivings.

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I would like you to create a directory called song7z in FE-Repo-Music and put song.7z with its contents.
Since song7z updates regularly, I think you should create a dedicated directory and copy all the data there for your use.

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Um. I have no idea what you’re asking me to do. I assume you mean you want me to just plunk down all the music inside that zip file into the music repository… as-is?

There must be a few thousand music files in this. None of them are organized. Few seem to have proper credits. Adding this to the repo as-is would be a definite ‘no’ from me, while properly renaming and updating all of these files would be a project that would probably take the better part of a day, maybe even a full week? I don’t remotely have that sort of time and I’d hesitate to dump it in Raulster’s lap, as he’s currently the designated music repo manager at the moment.

Plus… again, there are very few credits listed for these songs, a ton of them are missing game or song titles, and so on. It’s not just messy, it’s downright unusable in its current state.

Why are there Super Robot Wars and FE3 songs in the FE7if folder? What is ‘TwoPrincess’ and why does it have a bunch of songs from different game properties?

Also I’d have to bug Sme to get previews for all these songs, since they don’t have any.

Just looking at song.7z makes me feel exhausted.

Briefly, I would like you to do the following

mkdir song7z
cp -r /song7z/* /FE-Repo-Music/[AA] MISSING PREVIEWS/song7z/

Do not rename files!
If you rename them unnecessarily, you will cause extra trouble when updating.
If you don’t want to put it in the repository, you don’t have to.

I just can’t be bothered to respond every time with “your song or the data you are looking for is already on song7z”.
So many people have to look for song repository and song7z as well.
That is a hassle.
So I think it makes sense to merge them into one.


If you rename the files inside of song.7z to follow the Music Repo’s conventions, I can add them to the repo. If you do not, they will have to stay separate.

Since you are not a native English speaker, you might want to ask someone else to try and change song.7z’s naming conventions to match the Repo. It’s a more sensible convention anyway.

Game Name - Song Title {Musician Credits}

As I mentioned earlier, I do not change the file names.
I think it is better not to do this because changing the file name will make future updates more cumbersome.

If changing one’s name is a condition for inclusion in repo, then I will give up.
Because I do not want to change name.

I think I will just keep saying “the song you are looking for is in song7z” , but that is what I have to do.


I can add a link to the post with song.7z into the Music Repo. I will add the link in the Readme.md file so that it shows up on Github.

That’s the best I can do for now.

You are free to write the link or not.

My goal this time is not to have to say “the song you are looking for is already on song7z.”
I am not sure if that can be accomplished with a link.

Holy shit. Dogelore portraits!

They even made FLOPPA

I did forget to include a Credits document in the Dropbox link, so the credit is to Plant for the entire animation and me for scripting.


Oh snap, didnt know you were back. Good work as usual.


i don’t really want to be that guy, but after more than a month i checked the repo out of curiosity, and i still found this stuff in the preview section:

guess i’ll say it one more time for good measure: i would like to have all of those old mugs listed above removed from the repo( ONLY the ones in this post, NOT the updated ones ).
the reasons are:
» they’re obsolete;
» i’ve already made updated versions with frames and other fixes before, and they’re currently inside the repo;
» there’s no need to have multiple copies of the same old mugs, since they just take space for no valid reason.

[edit] to facilitate the search to whoever is managing the repo these days, you can find all of these inside the “Final Fantasy” and “Fate” subcategories in the “Other Franchises” section of the repo.


Sure thing.


That’s unsettling.

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This pic doesn’t seem to work.


Oh, lmao
I LITERALLY just needed a bald monk, thank’s Pushwall.