FE Asset Repository Discussion Thread

So for mugs, I would be naming them and then attaching, right? Does the attachment retain the filename? I’ve been seeing submissions to the repo where people just attach the pngs, so I was wondering

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I recommend putting things inside zip files, including mugs. If you upload to the forum it just replaces the name with idfughfsdiughfduiyghfidufgfjkhsdbfjkdsd.png


Any well-travelled soul know of a cavalier-wielding-bow map sprites? I didn’t see any in the repo, but it seems strange that they wouldn’t exist. Nomad sprites have sufficed to this point, but my soul lusts for uniformity


Yes, and it’s a good selection so it’s not an issue with the repo. I was looking for a specifically cavalier(the flasuban version is pretty close so I’ll probably end up using it) like the IS version, but just holding a bow. Unnecessarily niche request, I just wanted to check if anyone already knew of a set that already existed. But if I’m going to be this picky, I should just learn to make them myself, lol. My B

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Hey Leo_link, I was wondering if you could re-upload your links to the Leo-style ranger sword and bow battle animations as I think they’re amazing and want to mess around with them in my mod. Thank you!

The repository is only intended for submissions. Discussions and questions go in this thread.

Post moved.

They are there already. Just have to look.

Leo’s ranger anims are in the repo:

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legends, cheers

A post was merged into an existing topic: Fire Emblem Resource Repository (Battle Animations, Portraits, Music, etc)

This link isn’t accessible. Also you should automatically generate the gif if you use the dump all export from builder (which I think is still mandatory for repo submissions? So I think you’ll haave to redo that anyways).


@Matthieu Please put all your portraits in a zip file, preferably sorted by the repo folders they go in. Downloading them one by one will take a very long time, to say nothing of renaming them.

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@Kanna Same to you. If you’re submitting a bunch of portraits, please zip them up. Downloading individual images takes a long time, plus their names get garbled when you upload them to the forum.

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Alright, I made one, I tried to follow the structure of the other files, I hope you won’t have to do any changes. Each portrait is within its files. I’ll also edit my post on the other thread to add the link of the zip file. Thank you very much for giving me instructions, have a nice day.


Thank you, you are amazing!

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When you post multiple portraits, you should ALWAYS include a zip file download with their names formatted at least vaguely to Repo standards.

Reminder that these are the Repo Standards. Please follow them.

Downloading portraits one by one, and renaming them, takes forever. I’ve posted this in the discussion thread 2x in a row but people don’t seem to be getting the memo.

This is in response to @Kanna and @Yasako and other people in general.

Maintaining the repo requires a lot of time, so the smoother it is for me to integrate and plop things in, the less work overall. I’m already a week behind again, because there’s SO much getting submitted, but I’ll be doing a mass download/import here soon.

Thanks for all the submissions! You’re all helping out the community!


Once again, big thanks to @JeyTheCount for his assistance. I have totally updated the last two weeks of Repo submissions into the Github folders. Oh man. That was… hours of work. Literal hours.

But it’s in there! ahaha… haha…

P.S. Late edit:

Make sure to check out FROG, my latest drive to improve the Repo!


well first my english is so bad so, sorry for that haha

i have a dude how can change the animation of the arrow? i want to transform that in bullets for example or blaster shoot. i want to create a rom hack with the stormtroopers and more advance weapon type.

and again sorry for my english

Hey, so I’m thinking about making a custom animation for my main character, but my actual drawing skills suck, the only thing I’m good at is tracing, editing an animation, and sprites.

Truth be told, when they were posted originally, they were listed as free to use/edit/whatever. If they decided later on to rescind that on a different platform entirely, I think it’s also up to them to say it here as well (given their history of releasing and then removing download links immediately but stating if you have it you can use it).

Tl Dr; from a staff perspective, I think it’s fine until they come here and say it isn’t.

Note this is not a staff decision or anything.