Doing a class and weapon balance experiment (Pick my Units/Bosses!)

I was setting Antonia up to be the lord’s older sister (think Ethlyn, Mist, Lissa, Elise/Sakura) and Castor was likely chosen to replace Eirika without that in mind.

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I assume you mean younger sister? but also that is a fair point.

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Who’s getting replaced: Ross
Name: Dactyl
Description: A Grust general in charge of supplies.
Class: General
Affinity: Ice
Personal Skill: Zeal
Weapon Ranks: A-Lances, A-Bows
Inventory: Silver Lance, Javelin
Level: 7
HP: 43 (90%)
Strength: 16 (30%)
Skill: 8 (30%)
Speed: 9 (20%)
Defense: 16 (20%)
Resistance: 3 (20%)
Luck: 3 (0%)
Magic: 1 (0%)
Con: 11
Credit to Thorn once again :pray:

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Okay so whose all taken?


Playables: Dozla, L’Arachel, Joshua, Seth, Eirika, Gerik, Ephraim, Ross.

Bosses: O’Neill.

  • Who’s getting replaced: Breguet
  • Name: Hank
  • Description: Soldier of the Dracoknights of Grado
  • Class: Wyvern Rider
  • Affinity: Fire
  • Personal Skill: None
  • Weapon Ranks: C Lance
  • Inventory: Javelin. Steel Lance. Vulnerary
  • HP (Base and Growth): 32
  • Strength (Base and Growth): 10
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 7
  • Speed (Base and Growth): 8
  • Defense (Base and Growth): 5
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): 2
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 4
  • Magic (Base and Growth): 0
  • Con: 10
  • Portrait:
    Credit to thorn

Battle Quotes: Fools! Your time is finally over! Now it’s our time to shine while you mutts of Frelia coward in the dark where you belong!
Death Quotes: What! How is this possible?! You cannot not… possibly bested a Dracoknight of Grado… you… can’t…

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  • Who’s getting replaced: Franz
  • Name: Cino
  • Description: An archer raised by a reformed bandit. Ornery, banters often.
  • Class: Archer
  • Affinity: Fire
  • Personal Skill: Point Blank
  • Weapon Ranks: C Bows
  • Inventory: Steel Bow, Piercing Bow
  • HP (Base and Growth): Base +5 / 60%
  • Strength (Base and Growth): Base +5 / 55%
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base +3 / 45%
  • Speed (Base and Growth): Base +2 / 40%
  • Defense (Base and Growth): Base +2 / 35%
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): Base +1 / 15%
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 6 / 60%
  • Magic (Base and Growth): 0 / 10%
  • Con: 9
  • Portrait:
    (by CanDy)
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Who’s getting replaced: Lyon
Name: Camilla
Description: A serene Nohrian princess who is merciless to the enemy.
Class: Malig Knight
Affinity: Dark
Personal Skill: Rose’s Thorns
Weapon Ranks: B-Dark, B-Lances
Inventory: Ruin, Dark Spikes, Silver Lance, Pike
Level: 12
HP: 43 (40%)
Str: 21 (60%)
Skl: 17 (60%)
Spd: 19 (60%)
Def: 18 (45%)
Res: 15 (60%)
Luck: 12 (25%)
Mag: 20 (40%)
Con: 14
Camilla {Jey the Count}
Credit to Jey The Count
Note: Growths only apply to CC version

Also maybe as a flavor thing, but I feel for the final chapter, the Gorgons that would normally surround Camilla (or whatever classes they are now since Monsters are gone) in two-tile spaces should be replaced by a max level Strategist, Mage Knight, Paladin, & Male Manakete, positioned adjacent to Camilla to take advantage of her Personal Skill.

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  • Who’s getting replaced: Monster Boss (Chapter 4)
  • Name: Zoren
  • Description: Member of the mysterious dark cult
  • Class: Shaman
  • Affinity: Fire
  • Personal Skill: Poison Strike
  • Weapon Ranks: C Dark
  • Inventory: Nosferatu
  • HP (Base and Growth): 24
  • Strength (Base and Growth): 0
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 13
  • Speed (Base and Growth): 6
  • Defense (Base and Growth): 11
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): 9
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 10
  • Magic (Base and Growth): 12
  • Con: 7
  • Portrait:
    FE Chalard-Ardri
    Credit to Garytop

Battle Quote: Come children, come one and all! Offer your prayer to our dark god!
Death Quote: You are… only defining the inevitable…

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Who’s getting replaced: Tana
Name: Duncan
Description: A knight errant from Grado. Refined, yet hot-blooded.
Class: Lance Armor
Affinity: Light
Personal Skill: Lifetaker
Weapon Ranks: B Lance
Inventory: Silver Lance, Saunion, Elixir
HP (Base and Growth): Base +8 / 95%
Strength (Base and Growth): Base +3 / 45%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base +4 / 50%
Speed (Base and Growth): Base +3 / 30%
Defense (Base and Growth): Base +4 / 45%
Resistance (Base and Growth): Base +4 / 35%
Luck (Base and Growth): 12 / 55%
Magic (Base and Growth): Base +2 / 20%
Con: 15
(by Toa)

Figured that I sent Lyon!Hiram to another FE8 PME, why not send Lyon!Duncan to this one?


Who’s getting replaced: Gilliam (Cino is replacing Franz now)
Name: Rolande
Description: A pegasus knight of middling birth. Doesn’t emote well, yet kind and understanding.
Class: Pegasus Knight
Affinity: Wind
Personal Skill: Discipline
Weapon Ranks: D (Or C if it’s required for the Pike) Lances
Inventory: Pike, Vulnerary
HP (Base and Growth): Base + 3 / 75%
Strength (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 50%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base + 5 / 40%
Speed (Base and Growth): Base + 4 / 60%
Defense (Base and Growth): Base / 20%
Resistance (Base and Growth): Base + 5 / 45%
Luck (Base and Growth): 7 / 45%
Magic (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 45%
Con: 7
(by Parrhesia)

Duncan’s got good Str and Def but he’s pretty slow and a strong enough mage would melt his armor, Rolande has good Spd and Res but will likely die if an arrow so much as comes in her direction. He’s the prince of Grado and nephew to the mildhearted Queen of Renais, but she is a simple midwife’s daughter.

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Who’s getting replaced: Chapter 18 Monster
Name: Carlota
Description: A priestess driven mad in her search for the Papess since her mysterious disappearance.
Class: Bishop
Affinity: Dark
Weapon Ranks:

HP: Base + 14
Strength: Base + 4
Skill/Dexterity: Base + 10
Speed: Base + 9
Defense: Base + 5
Resistance: Base + 8
Luck: 14
Magic: Base + 6
Con: 7

(by Garytop)

Battle Quote: You cannot stop me! I have ascended to a higher state of being.
Death Quote: Finally… freedom… from the endless cycle…


…somehow this thing totally passed by me. Well done with your noticing skills, dummy!

Who’s getting replaced: Garcia
Name: Yoki

A fairly powerful and resilient Hunter, if…
especially unlucky. An expert tracker
and survivalist, fairly sarcastic.

Class: Hunter
Affinity: Anima
Personal Skill: Bow Range +1
Weapon Ranks: C Bow

Steel Bow
Hunting Bow

HP (Base and Growth): +6 / 90%
Strength (Base and Growth): +7 / 70%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): +8 / 70%
Speed (Base and Growth): +2 / 50%
Defense (Base and Growth): +4 / 50%
Resistance (Base and Growth): +1 / 15%
Luck (Base and Growth): 0 / 20%
Magic (Base and Growth): 0 / 35%
Con: +1



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Who’s getting replaced: Colm
Name: Sylvander
Description: A priest of the Everlasting One. Merciful and resilient.
Class: Priest
Affinity: Anima
Personal Skill: Aegis
Weapon Ranks: D Staves
HP (Base and Growth): Base + 5 / 80%
Strength (Base and Growth): Base / 15%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base / 55%
Speed (Base and Growth): Base + 1 / 55%
Defense (Base and Growth): Base / 30%
Resistance (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 50%
Luck (Base and Growth): 7 / 70%
Magic (Base and Growth): Base + 3 / 70%
Con: 8

(by MegaCowsamMan)


Honeydew. Please clap.

Who’s getting replaced: Natasha
Name: Piperita
Description: A thief from Grado. Determined and headstrong.
Class: Thief
Affinity: Thunder
Personal Skill: Infiltrator
Weapon Ranks: D Swords
Inventory: Void Edge, Lockpick, Vulnerary
HP (Base and Growth): Base + 3 / 60%
Strength (Base and Growth): Base + 3 / 35%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base + 6 / 65%
Speed (Base and Growth): Base + 5 / 60%
Defense (Base and Growth): Base + 4 / 45%
Resistance (Base and Growth): Base + 1 / 35%
Luck (Base and Growth): 10 / 45%
Magic (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 25%
Con: 7
The Cooler Wintergreen
(by LaurentLacroix)

  • Who’s getting replaced: Vanessa
  • Name: Manessier (no way am I naming him Manasses, what, do you penetrate them or something? you penetrate man asses?)
  • Description: A gladiator-turned-soldier saved by Rolande. Quite a joker.
  • Class: Soldier
  • Affinity: Wind
  • Personal Skill: Moonbow
  • Weapon Ranks: C Lances
  • Inventory: Iron Lance, Corbin, Vulnerary
  • HP (Base and Growth): Base + 7 / 75%
  • Strength (Base and Growth): Base + 4 / 55%
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): Base + 1 / 55%
  • Speed (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 30%
  • Defense (Base and Growth): Base + 4 / 50%
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): Base + 2 / 30%
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 6 / 30%
  • Magic (Base and Growth): Base + 1 / 15%
  • Con: 9
  • Portrait:
    (by JiroPaiPai)
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If this fine ima do a double up so lute’s requirement is not odd.

Who’s getting replaced:Arthur
Description:A Mercenary who still has had no luck in finding a Mercenary group who doesnt only care for the cash with one last ally beside him who he thinks shares his goal.
Class:M Solider
Personal Skill:Celerity
Weapon Ranks:B lances
Killer lance
Master seal
HP (Base and Growth): 23/80%
Strength (Base and Growth): 6/55%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 12/35%
Speed (Base and Growth): 12/35%
Defense (Base and Growth): 4/60%
Resistance (Base and Growth): 4/60%
Luck (Base and Growth): 10/60%
Magic (Base and Growth): 0/0%
Con: 12

Who’s getting replaced:Lute
Description:A girl once on the seven seas now turned for the good working with Shadow who she has stayed with for reasons only she knows.
Personal Skill:Axefaith(if too much go with certain blow)
Weapon Ranks:B axes
Killer axe
Master seal
Blue gem
HP (Base and Growth): 20/65%
Strength (Base and Growth): 7/60%
Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 6/60%
Speed (Base and Growth): 10/50%
Defense (Base and Growth): 4/35%
Resistance (Base and Growth): 0/10%
Luck (Base and Growth): 13/55%
Magic (Base and Growth): 0/0%

Credit:My pal Celest for the Portraits

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  • Who’s getting replaced: Saleh
  • Name: March (Don’t worry about it it’s a reference to my friend’s hack)
  • Description: Somehow a hero despite being the worst person you know.
  • Class: Sorcerer
  • Affinity: Dark
  • Personal Skill: Nihil (If enemies have no skills then Anathema)
  • Weapon Ranks: A rank Dark, C rank light, A rank Staves
  • Inventory: Dark Spikes, Shine, Mend, Vulnerary
  • HP (Base and Growth): 34 | 70%
  • Strength (Base and Growth): 0 | 0%
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 16 | 45%
  • Speed (Base and Growth): 13 | 40%
  • Defense (Base and Growth): 9 | 25%
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): 15 | 45%
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 10 | 25%
  • Magic (Base and Growth): 20 | 60%
  • Con: +2
  • Portrait:
    Dickhead Smokeyguy77
    Credit to Smokeyguy77 (Doesn’t really look like a dark mage but I wanted to add a class that hasn’t been added to the player units yet) (but he does look evil)
  • Who’s getting replaced: Moulder
  • Name: Noor
  • Description: A young, yet worldly, courier. Recently stopped riding a pegasus.
  • Class: Lance Cavalier
  • Affinity: Wind
  • Personal Skill: Reposition
  • Weapon Ranks: D Lance
  • Inventory: Iron Lance, Javelin, Vulnerary
  • HP (Base and Growth): 19/65%
  • Strength (Base and Growth): 6/35%
  • Skill/Dexterity (Base and Growth): 6/40%
  • Speed (Base and Growth): 10/65%
  • Defense (Base and Growth): 4/15%
  • Resistance (Base and Growth): 8/45%
  • Luck (Base and Growth): 5/35%
  • Magic (Base and Growth): 0/5%
  • Con: 7
  • Portrait:

Portrait by Its_Just_Jay. Recolor by me.

Playables: Dozla, L’Arachel, Joshua, Seth, Eirika, Gerik, Ephraim, Ross, Franz, Tana, Gilliam, Garcia, Colm, Natasha, Vanessa, Arthur, Lute, Saleh, Moulder, Amelia.

Bosses: O’Neill, Monster(18,4), Lyon, Breguet