Buff Skills

Random question! Is the intent for the animation like, to mash all of the colours together, or play one rally animation after another or something?
Pretty dumb thing to be curious about, hehehe.

Probably one group after another would be the most ideal. (Eg. The animation for everyone rallied by one skill plays, then the next unit’s skill, etc.)


Here’s the animations working for rally chaos. Should be easier to get anims working for the rest of the start of turn buff skills, now…


Rally Chaos alone took a few hours. Oh well.


Rally…Chaos? Care to elaborate on that one a bit more? xD

At the start of your turn, perform a random rally.

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Oh Vesly, you magnificent bastard. xD

Side note: Since you are making all of these buff skills, why not a skill that negates debuffs on you and buffs on the enemy team? Call it Full Metal Body+.

So I’ve been testing in the github version of skillsystem (where the debuff rewrite is already merged) and I’ve noticed two things:

  1. If several units rally the same unit, only the last rally takes effect.
  2. Seal skills buff instead of debuffing.
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@Someone Thank you. I will sort those issues out as soon as I can.

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I’ve also managed to get rally anims working for the start of turn buff skills, which is exciting.

Still need to make it move the camera onto each unit for this, as it currently doesn’t care if units are on-screen or not.

Contro was suggesting I make the unit with the skill do a little dance animation during this. That would be cool, though it sounds suspiciously like work.


Erm… now you seem to recover from seal skills debuffs 2 points per turn, instead of the original 1 per turn.

That’s intentional. 1 per turn sucked.

You can change it here:

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Okay, then I guess Seal skills descriptions need updating.



And here’s taker skills showing an animation after battle. So with that, I’ll go prepare a pull request for the skills I’ve made so far.

Edit: I’ve made a commit here but I still need to do a couple things…

  • Skill desc/icons/etc for the misc skills I made
  • Get Hoarder’s Bane fully working if I want to include it in this PR
  • Make camera show unit before showing buff animations for start of turn
  • Double check that everything works as it should :smiling_face_with_tear:

Edit2: I will also need icons for the following 5 skills:

//Guts:  +5 Str while under any status condition. (Includes dancer rings.) 
// Author: Vesly 
#define GutsID 255
//Strong Constitution: +5 Def/Res while under any status condition. (Includes dancer rings.) 
// Author: Vesly 
#define StrongConstitutionID 255
// Shrewd Potential: Stat boosters provide +1 more than usual. 
// Author: Vesly 
#define ShrewdPotentialID 255 

	// Turn Skills \\ 
// Rally Chaos: At the start of your turn, perform a random rally. 
// Author: Vesly 
#define RallyChaosID 79

//Hoarder's Bane: At the end of your turn, consume a vulnerary from the supply if below full health.
// Author: Vesly 
#define HoardersBaneID 255

If you’re still taking suggestions could you do three houses Lucky 7?

Ok, so what’s gonna go on the menu for the pull request?

I have a question. Can the Aid stat be displayed with the green boost numbers? Because I made a skill that gives a passive +5 aid without changing Con, and it DOES work. But it just adds the values and displays the full value without the green number. So I was wondering if that could be changed


describe it and possibly

The 5 I listed + oath, hone, rouse, initiative, and taker skills. Took a while to make anims work for them. Might make more after the PR, who knows.

Vanilla doesn’t do this, so a wizard would need to investigate how the stat screen does this for other stats. I think it’s unlikely that anyone will do this anytime soon. I am guessing it’d be a pain to work out. But of course it’s possible, to answer your question lol.

Edit: just realized I forgot one - I need a skill icon for this, too:
Eternal Vanity: Your stat buffs do not deplete.

Each turn, grants +5 to one of the following stats: Str, Mag, Spd, Def, Res, Hit, or Avo.

Im not sure if you can modify hit/avoid with this but the rest of the stats should be fine. Dropping the hit/avoid is ok if you make it +7 instead of 5(because the name wouldn’t make sense otherwise)

I also don’t know how you’d make it random but you could also just make it cycle and then on turn 7 start over.

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Oh, kinda like moody. This is what I had planned:
At the start of your turn, gain +4/-2 in random stats. (Max +10/-10.)

I’d rather err on the side of caution with a skill like this, as doing nothing and having stats snowball is not healthy for game design. +4/-2 is essentially a net benefit of +1 each turn as your stats deplete by 1 each turn, so it’d never snowball much. Of course, you can change these numbers yourself if you want them broken.

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Well for lucky seven it changes. for example on turn 1 you get +5 spd but on turn 2 you lose the spd and gain +5 Def and so on and so on. The buffs only last one turn, dont stack and are random.