Blade's Spriting Smithy

Before I hibernate again, I have made 105 custom FE8 hair palettes that are free to use/edit. Owning colors is dumb.

You do not need to give me credit if you are using this. Appreciated but it is not necessary in this case.

My purpose behind this is because vanilla hair palettes are not always the best. They are too common in many portraits I have seen and limited due to FE8’s roster size in comparison to the Elibe games. In my opinion, hair like Joshua’s or Ewan’s do not look like red hair palettes. Hence why I added a lot of red palettes.

Orson Normal Hair Palettes by Blade

Caellach and Orson are used to show off each hair palette.


People should follow Blade on twitter.


Do that and you’ll see that my twitter has less original content from me and potential NSFW tweets :")


I compiled all of my hair palettes into one supersheet. The total number of hair palettes is over 200.

This originally came from my experiments with my OC Augustus whenever I periodically come back to update his design. Then the collection kept growing and I wanted to see this collection cover a wide range of colors for people to use for spriting FE mugs.

You can use any of the palettes to freely edit or use it wholesale because owning colors is stupid.

Augustus’ hair is used to show off how each palette looks. His hair is not meant to be used for any form of splicing or outright plagiarism.


This was supposed to be an experiment of trying out super splicing, but then the splice morphed into a new OC. He is a dime a dozen edgy swordmaster, but he’s my edgy swordmaster OC! Yes, blah blah blah donutsteel.


He became Tatsuo. I have no further ideas on how to characterize him besides the fact that he has muscle and he’s probably dumb.

Tatsuo Tatsuo

Since he is still technically a splice, I will allow people to use him as F2U/E. If you use him, you do not need to message me, just credit me.


Wow I love your sprites specially Johan ( He is one of my favorite characters from SF2), can you tell some tips to make a portrait with custom eyes? ( I mean not using the eyes from another portraits, being brief creating it from scratch)
Also can you make someday only if you are interested of course, Cordelia from SF2 ( I love her design) or Leonard from Saga Scarlet Grace?
Please continue the excellent work :slight_smile:

Hi @Frodo1990 ,

I would like to make a custom eye tutorial down the line because I find that the eyes are arguably the most important part of the portrait to get right. I think showing off my skills will help novices understand how to construct the eyes and how my creative process works as well.

As for your request, I do not take those very often. I am interested to do them sometime later because I have an attachment to SaGa in general but they are not guaranteed to come anytime soon.


After a long while, I have been personally asked by @Isaac to completely recreate the main lord or protagonist of his project, The Nameless Heroes!

New Issac TNH

This mug is exclusively used for TNH.


If you ever do a tutorial please tell me so i can read it :slight_smile:
And yeah eyes can be quite tricky to do from scratch and make them well ( i struggle a lot with them when i dont use a base in fact )
Personally i love SaGa as well ( specially romancing saga 3 and 2 and minstrel song despite not finishing the later two , i could not win against the seven heroes :frowning: )

Pd: Out of topic but did you know that you can edit the sprites from romancing saga 3 and insert your own create characters? Let me show you a example:

I added Noel ( my favorite of the seven heroes, the next one is wagnas by design) and Barbara and a custom loki that i made ( however it can be tedious to do all the frames )

Hi Everyone,

The Skin Tone Collection has been expanded and revised a bit to include even more skin tones for people to use for their own portrait making purposes. Column A has been the biggest addition so far and I added several more skin tones in other columns to fill in as the skin tones transition to darker and more saturated colors.

I highly encourage people to use these skin tones, whether it is using any of the palettes wholesale or using it as a reference to make your own palettes. No credit is necessary.


It is my 100th Post! Too bad I’m not gonna use this occasion for some dumb mug.

But yes, the hair palette collection has been expanded to include even more this time. Everyone is welcome to create their own fugly deviantart tier Fire Emblem OC >:)

You can use the hair colors, but you cannot use the hair itself for any form of splicing or editing because the hair is from my OC Augustus.

Besides that, happy pride month :rainbow_flag:


Expanded to 350+ hair palettes for F2U/E purposes.


Overdue Male Shez portrait. I have taken it upon myself to make him fulfill his destiny as a fugly romhack looking character to be insertable in romhacks now.


Yes, my Male Shez is both free to use and edit. Credit me whenever.


How’s his depth perception?


Literally the first thing I thought about Shez was that they looked like a ROMhack OC. Thank you so much for this :pray:


Not as bad as Mordeus

Updated the Skintone Bodies with more skintones to choose from, mainly at the bottom.


Personal Request from a friend. This is VAULTED, not F2U/E. PERIOD.
FriendReq Post


Some minor changes to update Tatsuo’s look. He will still continue to be F2U/E like his old sprite was before. Just give me credit if he’s used.

Tatsuo Updated


New Mug New Year!

female villager
Female Echoes Villager

She is Free to Use/Edit.