Zoramine's Bucket Of Many Random Things

Not at all! Creativity is the most important thing, and even if your execution isn’t perfect, someone else is usually able and willing to fix it up to make it look excellent. Besides, I’d be the biggest hypocrite to criticize someone else’s early works like they’re the next SHYUSTER or Nuramon when that same attitude put me off from experimenting with battle animations for the longest time. I’m not gonna be that guy.

Speaking of willing to fix it up though–

never speak to my son again

Felt like making them more in line with one another, aka making the map animation actually insertable and not have clipping problems with the hair and axe, repaletting the battle animation, adding more readable smear frames, and a pierce frame on-impact.

Included, much like the previous:

Standing (1)
A duo of standing and map animations for the Brigand riding the Mauthe Doog

Hand Axe
3 battle animations (Axe, Hand Axe, Fang/Monster/Unarmed), so you can bully your players.

Also, put both the unpromoted and promoted versions into one folder download, since if you want this in the first place, you probably want both.

Have fun using this, the Mercenary, regular Brigand, and Deserter animations to mae unique early game bandit encounters!


Damn that was fast of you!

Lookin neat.

ANd you are probably right, but it was the first animation i ever did so all i can see when i look back on it is the mistakes i made compared to things i learned later xD

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No harm in that, honestly. I’m the same way with most of my older stuff - especially portraits - but there’s only so far that self-deprecation can go. At least your earliest animation actually was a cool concept, my first concepts were either really boring or had such awful execution I actually can’t fix them at my skill level.

also yeah it really it was just recoloring, changing the axe to be the same shading style as the berserker’s, the swing to be an overhead like the Berserker’s, and adding smears lmao



I really don’t feel like explaining the ‘haha this thing includes’ so I’ll mention something short else instead.

I’m making a bunch of FE related stuff literally only because I saw a cool animation and thought it’d be great to visit my favorite FE class again. It’s fun, don’t get me wrong, and any excuse to make Berserkers dumber is by n’large a good thing, but I won’t do anything else outside of work on this animation (or similar Berserkers) unless I get a good idea.

And most of my good ideas are not FEU related lmao

also uh

have fun with sword axe bandit paladins??? go bully your playerbases. do it now. or just give your players an Axe Cavalier that’s now just a brigand who wields axes and whose dog has Fiery Fang as an option to fuck around. I’d love to see that.

I also want to use this space as an opportunity to explain why I absolutely hated working on this at the end - Pierce frames, and the realization that this battle animation is a bit large.

After doing ingame testing to ensure it works, I realized that the animation was large.

Uh, too large.

Like the axe whiffed on virtually all non General targets.

This problem (if it isn’t apparent by this image) persisted through the Brigand and the Sword variants.

I tried to make this concept work the best I could through having the Sword and regular Axe variants be placed ~5-6 pixels back, which is a rough fix but also the best one possible. Nearly every attack on the Cerberus mount looks fine, and the Bandit, while untested, should be fine for the same reasons.

I’ve also since had to redo the attack of the Brigand (which requires re-downloading it, my apologes) to make the attack an overhead swing, which is both faithful to the original swing and also makes it less of a headache to draw the stick frame.


I’m hoping that, despite clearly being a meme animation, that it turned out fine and it won’t completely butcher anyone’s project, but is also a lesson to myself (that I’ll never use again) to repeatedly check throughout battle animation testing that the impact looks good against more than just tall targets lol


image - 2022-06-19T150714.888 (2)

image - 2022-06-19T150714.888


I was (indirectly) asked to do a ranged animation for the Flail Knight and whether or not there was a map animation for the Flail Knight. As neither existed currently, I spent some time making one of both.

It also fixes some problems with the original script for the Flail Knight (namely missing the C01 command on every attack animation, which nobody noticed because who uses this animation). Everything else is the same as the previous one, but this just makes it better and… well, actually usable.


This makes me very excited to see. I have used the flail knight so this will be incredibly useful to me. Looking good as always.

Guess the concept wasn’t a total “Flail”-ure hehehehe


perish good sir


here’s a set of other things, entirely for the same guy as the redone battle animation. Class Card is based off my Generic Ephraim Lord class cards, and four Flail icons (Iron, Steel, Silver, Killer) are entirely created uniquely, although the ball and chain are based on the battle animation.

also here’s the 1x
Flail_000-1.png Flail_000-2.png (1) Flail_000-3.png Flail_000-4.png


Also, I can finally record my own animations now (thanks mGBA!)


fuck it, time to bite the bullet and just do it

…It’s going to be a lot larger than people are expecting, I feel.


it me



Either way, there’s a lot with this one.

The credits doc has been updated immensely because of all the shit I had to do for this edition of the dog rider, but here’s the biggest update:

image - 2022-06-28T010536.529

I have re-added the white shine on the Axe head of each sprite (thanks Wan!) and the smear frames now don’t look like crap.
image-8.png (25)Axe_006

Also, the female version is now a thing! Below is all the fun goodies that I made this time, and I made sure to include just about everything (excluding the Sword; I’ll get to that later. Ran out of juice for battle animations doing all this in 2 days.)

The previous Palettes all are now outdated, sorry! You can still insert them, grab the values for RGB, then undo it, but I’ll probably get aorund to updating the link to include them later.


Re-done frames for ALL of the previous animations, including the Sword Berserker, to add the white back to the blade.

AxeHand AxeFang
AxeHand AxeFang

Axe and Fang variants for Brigand/Berserker Female.

Selected Standing

Selected Standing

All of the Map Animations for the Female versions.


Fang_000-5.png (2)

Classwork’s (finally) over, so I can now contemplate whether to actually do this or not.

oh sweet christ how do I draw him taking the spear out of the target


that depends if you want to use a normal spear animation, or the traditional chained spear that generals use.
then again, i guess class tiers will factor in as well, unless you want to keep the access to spears only for promoted units.

have him rip it out with a smear during the return animation maybe? it’ll be unrealistic but with finesse it’ll be believable

the latter implies that a berserker would have any form of finesse and not absolutely annihilate the target by basically punching it into them


and I’ll figure something out. As for whether or not it’s going on only the promoted unit, that’s probably what’ll be done since the Brigand animation is far less conducive for a spear (but a sword is possible, and what I intend to do after this, along with the Armored variant for the brigand!)


Modifying for post below:

Armored Male Brigand-

Female Berserker Sword/Lance-

Male Berserker Lance-


Cool, now that everything’s done downloading-

hi i return with the funny. you know what i’m giving you.

AxeHand AxeFang
First, I actually got the armored version’s clothes from Teelvade’s original work ported over - I removed the actual plates the dog was wearing since I felt they made the sprite really overwhelmingly complex and way too ‘well armored’ for man riding war dog.

Next, a Male Berserker with a Lance. Javelin is not my best work, but hey I never said I was good at these in the first place.

Also is a Female version of the Sword and Lance. If you want to see them in action, please look to the post above. The sword here actually is a lot cleaner because I put the sword as far down as possible and made it completely horizontal - you can see it in the .mp4 above, it’s REALLY clean now!

Hound Rider (Armored)-1.png
Here’s a class card of the Armored Brigand. In other words, he remembered to put on a shirt this time. How clumsy of him!

Standing (2) Moving (7)
Moving (1) (1)

As for Map Sprites, on top of an Armored version, I also fixed an error with the Berserker that I caught around two weeks ago where the axe clipped into the sprite above. I didn’t fix it immediately because I know me and I always want to do more work for Berserkers and Bandits.

You know the jam. This link has everything for the Hound Rider - M/F, Armored, Promoted and unpromoted, battle animation, map animations, and class cards in all. I might also get around to doing a Female version, maybe even later tonight, and if I do, this post will be updated and the download will be as well.


let it be know that Fae’s loyalty and dedication to the brigand and berserker classes are eternal

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spider rider you get the picture
DAT made the original, I just improved and smoothened it along with creating the map sprites and class cards.


image - 2022-08-08T223333.335image - 2022-08-08T224937.351

Unpromoted Spider Promoted Spider

Also, I meant to make another post about this at some point but kept forgetting, but I’m extremely happy that the Hound Rider was so well received. It’s to the point it’s now my most liked post on this entire forum, beating out my script of Obsidian’s Seliph animation. A lot of my stuff has been ‘grab other person’s animation and improve it’ or ‘put an animation onto a different class like a Thief with a bow’ and to have something that people actually liked of my own creation is, uh, great.

At some point in the near-ish future I intend to create one Dropbox link that has ALL of my Battle Animation-related stuff in one place for convenient access, since the top post of this thread is getting rather crowded. No idea when that’ll happen, especially since that breaks every download link I’ve ever put on this page and I’d rather avoid that (meaning everything needs to get copied into one megafolder…) And odds are, that’ll also come with me putting all of the mapping dumps in one place, too, like it is currently on my desktop.


Standing (3)Standing (4)
Fang_000-2.png (1)

Collection of work in progress stuff. Namely, map sprites for Zerker/Brigand without a weapon, and a Zerk variant with Swords and Lances, and an extremely fresh (aka only 1 frame done lol) still of the Sword Brigand. Want to make there be as few excuses as possible for the sequel to all of your projects’ not having a mounted brigand in your hack. This is no longer a request, this is a declaration and a threat.

Gonna be more delayed on the usual ‘haha this is in progress but ill post it tomorrow’ because the next college semester is approaching rapidly and I’ve still got a bunch of small stuff I want to do before summer’s over.

…and a lot of gacha grinding. a lot of gacha grinding.