Zoramine's Bucket Of Many Random Things

We’ll miss you Zora, take care my friend.


Goodbye Zoramine… I’ve looked up to you ever since I joined
this community and saw all your epic maps(and Spearserker).

Sad to see you go. Best of luck to you and stay safe, chief.

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You’ve always been a huge help to users in #cartography and produced such high quality stuff. It’s always nice to chat with you, so I hope you’ll stop by on occasion and not just ghost us entirely, haha. Take your space as you need, and don’t feel any pressure from us. It’d just be nice if you can say hi once in a while :slightly_smiling_face:

The community is what you make it. You can be as active as you like, whether that’s as a regular or hardly ever on. I think WAve stops by only occasionally, for example, but it’s really nice that he stays in touch.

I wish you all the best with your other endeavours.


Thanks for all of your contributions + sharing with everyone so openly. Best of luck in whatever comes next. I’m sure you’ll do great. Take care. :v:


…I made a promise to finish things. It’d be wrong of me not to do so.

Well, a few months later than I’d hope, but…

Before you scroll down, a prelude.

This probably won’t be the ‘last’ thing I post here, but I’ve been waiting literally months for Wasspix to give the go-ahead to post the two halfbodies I made for his project to dump all this off, and be done with it. I’ve never been happier with myself than the progress I’ve made while away from FEU, and I feel so much less stressed with portraiting.

Screenshot (477)-15.png (1)-2.png (1)-1.png
…otherwise I wouldn’t be doing stuff like this, would I?
It shouldn’t need said but this isn’t f2u or f2e, don’t test me.

So no, this won’t be another ‘oh I’m leaving but I’ll come back here in spite of that,’ this is more of a ‘heres all the shit I got done/should have done earlier and just never wanted to.’ I’ll come back when I feel like it, which might not be for another helluva long time.

It’s a big hoo-rah to the community that kept me occupied during the several months of me starting college, and it’d just be wrong of me to sit on all this stuff and not do anything with it.

First, I’ve got a collection of free to use, free to edit. I have no need for these anymore.

Al Allison Bedivere Beruka Caligula
Charlotte Fargus Lily Lin Lomenaro
Phoenica Shanna Splice Sprite15 Unnamed Generic F Unnamed Generic M
Mori Nagayoshi Insertable Soldier Soldier Non-Helmet

For crediting,
thanks to Wan for assistance with lots of the colors and motivation, along with comments on the sun hat I drew and repaletting the Bedivere sprite to include his green eyes;
Levin for their assistance with Charlotte (Green haired soldier);
Multiple members of FEU who I’ve forgotten with time with Lily (2nd row, middle), Beruka, and Dave (Dorcas splice);
Many members in the Shishiro Botan discord for comments on Mori Nagayoshi;
and members of my D&D group who were willing to let me use their characters as bases to create some old splices from.

Mori Nagayoshi Uninsertable
Also, a copy of Mori Nagayoshi which is uninsertable (over 20 colors.)

Because my love for comparative images has never faded, a comparison between a very failed old project of mine and what I turned the characters into both over time and over countless revisions.

Several commissions/requests/things I’ve done for others (not F2U F2E)
Zoramine Fullbody (Hoodie)-8.png-8.png (2)-2.png (2)-2.png
Mabel, created for twitter user @/Marbelsodas

image-1.png - 2021-03-26T185357.554-1.png-2.png (1)-3.png-1.png (4)-3.png (3)-4.png (11)-1.png-1.png image-1.png - 2021-03-26T185357.554-1.png-19.png-2.png (1)-1.png (1)-1.png (1)-1.png (1)
Grant and Helga, made for Wasspix for his project Stargazers release still pending; I had no reason to make halfbodies at the time, especially considering I wasn’t then and still am not confident in my ability to make them, but I did. Grant was a visual overhaul, Helga was a complete redesign for him. He seemed happy with both.
output-1.png (29) (2) (1)

Bowzerker Standing Map-1.png (1)-2.png-3.png (1)-3.png-3.png (1)

Bowzerker Standing Map-1.png (1)-2.png-3.png (1)-3.png-3.png-1.png (1)-1.png-1.png (2)


Bowzerker Lance FHawkzerker

A return to the longest-running joke amogst me, me, and me is my love of the Berserker class. I intended to continue this trend.

Included in this pack is every single variant of Hawkzerker map animation you could ever want, including:

  • an updated Female Axe map animation as the original was a bit broken on one of the selected movements
  • Female Hawkzerker with Lances, Swords, and Bows
  • Dartzerker with Swords (as it already exists in the repo)
  • Hawkzerker with Swords (as it already exists in the repo)

…along with two female Hawkzerker animations that didn’t exist yet, the Bow and Lance variants.

This one’s for you, Klok, who asked about this so long ago. Your wish has been complete.

And finally, the project that really made me want to go back and actually dump this all off… The FE8 Map Rework, which I completed and never posted as I was too frustrated back then.

Chapter 10A Chapter 13B

Included is a rework of all of the main series of maps in FE8, with minimal gameplay changes focused more so on making the aesthetics as… ‘in’ with my tilesets as possible. Certain maps, such as Lava Cave or Castle, remain unmodified as there wasn’t much that my tinkering could have done back at the start of 2021. I doubt anyone will actually care about this project anymore, but it’s still worth my time to post it.

Thanks. For it all.


We will honored your hard work and your great service to the FEUniverse. Hope that your future will be a good one and we will make good use from your sprites and your love for the Berserker Animation.

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Thanks for all your great stuff. Hope to see you again sometime. Always enjoyed your stuff, and always thought you seemed cool.

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well, hello there. now i understand why she’s been put in the assets category.

no way, there’s someone else beside me that has done sprites about Fate/stay night?
this was a nice surprise indeed, good to know i’m not the only one around here :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Portrait Editor Fire Emblem - the Sacred Stones # GBA (1).GBA_97@61 Isa_01366CC8-3.png (5)

Portrait of an (old) OC of mine, Isa. She predates virtually every character I’ve done, outside of Zoramine. They both come from the same story.

Not F2U or F2E.


I really like them wings, very very nice

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image-12.png (14)

Nanashi Mumei. Not F2U or F2E.

image-1.png - 2021-11-29T191740.458-2.png (5)-2.png-2.png image
image image-1.png - 2021-11-29T233530.183-5.png

Four of a set of 15 (for now) splices done for a friend, who’s working on a FE-inspired story. He’s a writer, not an artist, so he sends me jank as hell generated portraits, and I’m given virtually free reign to modify them to my heart’s content until he and I are content with the results.

None are F2U F2E unless he says so, and he’s not a FEU member, so don’t expect them to.

For example, here was the evolution of Jonathan into something he’s content with. From generated splice, to recolor with limited edits (which was completed several months ago), to current spriteh e’s happy with.


image-4.png (53)-6.png (1) (1)

Two VA11 HALL-a style halfbodies for Twitch streamers VoidAshe and Venvenena, respectively. Both also have twitter handles with the same name. Wasn’t a request or anything, just spent several hours doing this for the hell of it. They seemed content with it. Obviously there’s many, many things I’d fix if I had any more brain power… but nah. The errors are fine as is.

(also, you can find me at https://twitter.com/ZoramineFae where i retweet vtubers and post art that I don’t feel like posting here.)


The one on the right kinda reminds me of Rin with the chest area but I am sure if you want to make improvements it will look better. I’m not an artist so sorry for lack of constructive feedback.

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happy 21st to me

maybe i’ll be productive at some point later, Ven decided to use my stream intro card I made her and I’m rather proud of that

Plus I’ll be working on scripting another Obs animation after today

but not now, just tire


Happy Birthday!

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Happy Day of Birth, Zoramine!!

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Happy Birthday!

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Probably a bit late, but happy birthday

Happy Belated birthday!