What FE fangames/hacks take inspiration from Fire Emblem Fates Conquest?

Pair Up, Attack Stance, limited Heart Seal reclassing with personality-based options, gaining reclass options through supports (gaining Skills directly from Supports is fine too), a small straightforward manageable Base Camp where you can spend your limited gold buying Tonics and Heart Seals and Master Seals and upgrading weapons and temporarily buffing units with food generated by the base camp (buying stat-buffing food with gold is fine too), a limited resource supply, maps and paralogues that make getting extra resources a challenge, interesting map gimmicks, and simple straightforward Personal Skills that don’t need a wiki page explaining their use… What Fire Emblem fangames/romhacks take inspiration from these aspects I liked in Fire Emblem Fates Conquest?

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hey jason you were working on a LT game, right? will it have similar mechanics to FE fates? i want to see it come and bear fruit as you have… unique tastes compared to the average person here. as for your question lol i dont know what fangames/hacks play like fates. good luck on your search.

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It technically does a little bit but the Fire Emblem eight self randomizing ROM includes the heart seal and a few characters from Fates and Awakening in it I don’t know if that would classify it as inspiration the parrot mechanic would be mostly in fan games I have never seen a rom hack that does the pair of mechanic I think that’s mostly because of the technical aspects that would have to be involved to do that

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I’m glad nobody started any obnoxious semantic arguments over what “being like what I liked in Fire Emblem Fates Conquest” means to me as defined in the original post.

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I never played fates but seen people play it, maybe liberty beacon? got fates vibes