The Fire Emblem Fangame Directory [Please add your own hacks!]

The thread for Visions of Liberation goes to Kingdom of Ghosts.

Would you mind updating the link for FE7Lex to the newer thread? Here is the URL:


The OP is editable by anyone, you can add it yourself.

added Carcino 803 (7 chapter hack) by Merpin to the Directory please check it out it expand upon the story and characters of the nation of Carcino in vanilla FE8

A post was split to a new topic: Applying Shadow Dragon Sync Patch

I donā€™t know how, but thereā€™s two tables for in progress FE8 hacks, I tried to edit and delete one of them but it wouldnā€™t let me.

Let us hope one of the Moderator will fix this!