Some Fire Emblem Battle Sprites I'm working on

I want this anim, but boneless.

Any dipping sauces?

If still it is possible to give a tip to give the name to these splendid animation, I would recommend calling the creature by its original name, where even the creators of Final Fantasy themselves took inspiration, in fact this mount, if I’m not mistaken, was originally “invented in Japanese culture” by the master of animation Miyazaki of the studio Ghibli, even before starting his career in the world of animation, he created his manga, which would later be the first film of a pre studio ghibli and it is: Nausicaä of the valley of wind, in the English translation of the manga and the film (1984) this creature was called Horseclaw, a kind of ancestor of the Chocobo, if you are more interested in reading some more curiosities this is the, link of the manga wiki, I hope you understand what I wrote because I’m not good with English :sweat_smile:
I take this opportunity to tell you that your animations are really very beautiful


Choco Rider Critical


From not intending to make it to have it nearly done in one day. At this rate, you’re even gonna go ahead and make a promoted version of the class. Not that I’m complaining…

That’s what I love about the holiday season, it’s slow at work, so I can make key frames in between jobs then when I get home I can polish them up some more.

Ranged Lance Attack!



^ my thoughts on this entire thread

In terms of naming, the mount resembles the extinct Gastornis but Strutho Knight sounds lit as hell. I could see this being a cavalry unit with very high speed (today’s equivalent, ostriches, can actually be faster than horses) but pretty poor defenses and probably be able to run over sand no problem. Any ideas about a second weapon upon promotion?


This looks awesome so far! May I suggest making the ranged animation have more power to it?

The unit stats are pretty much in line with what you guessed.

Just a tiny bit less movement than cavaliers and a slightly less defense, but faster, as well as being able to traverse sand no problem (and maybe even be able to scale mountains!)

For the promotion (Which I’m thinking about calling a Raptor Lord) I was thinking Lances and Anima to really tie it to the Final Fantasy Game it draws inspiration from.

The Base Rider’s Armor is based on an Onion Knight but the Promoted form’s armor will be Dragoon themed (Might even utilize the Jump attack into the Crit animation).


To solve the argument about names:

He’s riding a flightless bird.

Ergo, Penguin Rider.


Belly Slides into foes for critical damage!

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Ooh I’m a sucker for lance/magic classes

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The Superior Critical Animation


If everything goes smoothly I will have the Choco Knight, Lich, Incubus, Golem, AND Choco’s Promotion all done and scripted by this weekend.

Still gotta make Class Cards and OW sprites for them though…that might take some time.


I thought you were gonna make the chocobo say kweh! of whatever they do.

Will choco knight will have male verison? Why always female release first?

Its easier to edit the female version down into the male version since I just have to remove the hair and pants the thigh.

(Its especially easy because I have the rider on a separate layer from the mount and thus can edit them with ease!)


I might make a class exclusive Lance called the Horseclaw!


This had to be posted.



Class Icons!

Which version of the promoted unit looks better? I’m partial to the one with the shield because that completes a massive Arcade Joust reference loop I unintendedly made.

I have to reduce their pallets though, haven’t checked, but I’m sure I’m way over 16 colors since I’m doing this by eye.

