Not currently looking to have split promotions, but here are the promotion paths for the classes in Liberty’s Beacon (sans visuals)
Sword Infantry
Mercenary (Taleezian)>Hero (Sword/Axe)
Myrmidon (Vrothian)>Swordmaster (Sword, Crit+15)
Axe Infantry
Fighter (Taleezian)>Warrior (Axe/Bow)
Ruffian(Vrothian)>Berserker (Axe, Crit+15)
Lance Infantry
Armor Knight(Taleezian)(Lances or Tomes or Axes)>Baron/Baroness (Lance, Axes, Tomes)
Freelancer (Vrothian)> Dragoon (Lance, Crit+15)
Tome Infantry
Mage(Lightgift)(Taleezian)>Sage (Tomes, Lightgift, Summon)
Dark Mage(Shadowgift)(Vrothian)>Sorcerer/Sorceress (Tomes, Shadowgift, Staves)
Retainer(Taleezian)Sword/Staff>Strategist (Sword, Staff, Tomes)
Field Medic (Vrothian) Knife/Staff/Locktouch>Trickster (Sword, Staff, Knives, Locktouch)
Pegasus Knight(Taleezian)(Sword)> Falcoknight (Sword, Lance)
Wyvern Rider(Vrothian)(Axe)> Maligknight (Axe, Tomes)
Archer(Taleezian)(Bow)>Sniper (Bow)
Outlaw(Vrothian)(Bow, Locktouch)>Adventurer (Bow, Staff, Locktouch)
Cavalier(Taleezian) (Lances or Swords)>Paladin (Lances, Swords)
Outrider (Vrothian) (Bows or Axes)> Cataphract (Bows, Axes, Lances)
Special Classes
Marauder (Axes, Locktouch) > Trailblazer (Axes, ???, Locktouch)
Elegist (Tomes, Shadowgift, Dance)
Spiderskin (Arachnestone)
Wolf (Claws)
Ballistician (Ballistae)
Noble (Lance)>(Count) Lance/Sword