Runa Does an ASM

It doesn’t necessarily need to be tied to anything more than the event flag. I would just ENUT it in the recruitment conversation.

That would be fine if you were doing one unit exactly for whom you were changing the description for. For multiple, you’d have to edit the code :C

Don’t worry; I know what you mean. Would it work to just make a copy of the hack with all the labels and the relevant event flag/text slot changed, and install them both? This wouldn’t be ideal for more than a few characters, but now that I think about it I wouldn’t need this for very many and would be able to just use different character slots like the vanilla game does for any unit who isn’t directly recruited with a Talk on the map.

you’d be writing to the getter twice, your best bet would be to add an additional conditional to the existing hack for an additional flag

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I have merged your fix into “SkillSystems 20200223”.


I think that just modifying mss_threepageconditional will not work.
Because the size of the structure is different.

@ r5 = StatScreenStruct. Preserve no scratch registers!
ldr  r0,[r5,#0x0C] @ r0 = character struct.
ldr  r1,[r0]       @load character pointer
ldrb r1,[r1,#0x4]  @load character number
mov  r0,#16      <<<<
mul  r1,r0
adr  r0,PersonalInfoTable  @load first like
ldr  r0,[r0]
ldrh r0,[r0,r1]

In the version of SkillSystems, it is committed with “#12”.
Therefore, strange phenomena occur when only mss_threepageconditional is modified.

SkillSystems version

@ Autohook to 0x08088690. r0 should equal the number of stat screen pages to have upon hitting the strb r0, [ r5, #0x01 ].
@ r5 = StatScreenStruct. Preserve no scratch registers!
ldr  r0,[r5,#0x0C] @ r0 = character struct.
ldr  r1,[r0]       @load character pointer
ldrb r1,[r1,#0x4]  @load character number
mov  r0,#12 <<<<
mul  r1,r0
adr  r0,PersonalInfoTable  @load first like
ldr  r0,[r0]
ldrh r0,[r0,r1]

FEBuilderGBA also uses SkillSystems, so it uses “#12”.
However, since only mss_threepageconditional was updated to the latest version, the fix of “#16” was applied.
That has caused an accident.

it should be 12, not 16. sorry i can’t entirely understand what you’re trying to say ;-;

[FE8] “Skill-less” Skill System


Sorry @Pikmin1211, I couldn’t hear you over my innovation.
This is the worst thing I have ever made. This is absolutely horrible. Please don’t use this. I made this in ten minutes and I make no guarantees on how well it works because it’s stupid.

Buuuuuuuuuut if you really wanna use it…
This is a modification for Modular Stat Screen that removes skills from the first page. That’s all it does. Skills still exist, they’re just not shown anymore. Of course, if you use something like a Modular Minimug Box that shows skills, it’ll still show the skills, but why would you do that??? This is for hacks that “don’t want skills” but still want all the juicy QoL that comes with Skill System.

Download can be found here, put it in the Modular Stat Screen folder under StrMagSplit. If you wanna use this with FEBuilderGBA, use skill_custom_build. FEBuilderGBA and MSS do not work well together, and I’m too lazy to push this into the Skill System repo.

If you want leadership stars or a version without Str/Mag, there’s none available but I will gladly bodge one if you seriously want it but at the same time I’ll also ask why you’re using this it’s not good???


i hate this
take my like you beautiful daughter of a bastard


bring back pierce and great shield >:(

how about you learn asm and do it yourself :))))

because people who don’t know asm would probably like mostly keeping fe8 mechanics vanilla

You know what, fine. It’s like four lines of code, but if you really want it… :triumph:

[FE8] Vanilla-Acting Pierce/Luna, Great Shield, and Sure Shot/Sure Strike

No picture, because I’m lazy. I made this in five minutes. Does it work?

Luna, Great Shield and Sure Shot now use a level-based percentage condition instead of their original conditions. These new files replace the old skills, but I’m sure you could just put them in as new skills if you really wanted. I didn’t test if they worked, proc skills are lame and I’m too lazy to run them through a debugger. Y’all can be my guinea pigs, message me if it doesn’t work. Download link here.


I Pretend I Do Not See It :eye: :lips: :eye:

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In my hack (Pokemblem), units are just named 0x01, 0x02… 0xFD, 0xFE, etc. While their class is Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, Venusaur, or Charmander… etc.

Right now, the description for all player units is “A Pokemon.” - stunning description, I know. I would like to potentially fake it in some way such that displayed name on stat screen and MMB is the unit’s class. And maybe have the unit descriptions based on class, as well? Would it be a simple change to this asm to make unit info vary depending on class? (Not all unit 0x02’s are Ivysaurs, as caught pkmn have their unit pointer changed into the first free player slot.)

Thanks for any advice you can give.

That’d not be that hard! Split Char Desc by EID already has most of the foundation work, you’d just have to change the entry value gotten to the class ID.

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First of all, thank you!! This is such an awesome patch and i really think it adds a lot to the games and characters :smile:

I have a little question for you though, you see, when I add the “Likes” of my characters the title of the menu-page displays this:
Sin título
But in your gif it says “Misc. Info”, and i thought: “maybe i can change it too, it would be nice”, but I just can’t figure out how to do it :sweat_smile:

Maybe this is really hard or is just really simple, I’m a real newbie in this community and I really can’t tell but I’ll try to learn haha
Thank you again for your help and time :slight_smile:

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I don’t know if I should be giving it out publicly, since it’s not mine (and therefore I’d feel bad farming likes for it :sunglasses:), but maybe @HyperGammaSpaces has posted it somewhere.
I’m trusting Zoisite on this, so…


DOUBLE EDIT: haha gamma got got, rdat > sacred echoes


Yep, can confirm, I made this f2u, it’s also f2e. I don’t know where I put the graphic on my hard drive so feel free to post it on my behalf.

(now everyone please stop using that awful donate and skills graphic it hurts my eyes)

EDIT: found it
(DOUBLE EDIT: runa ninja’d me)


Hello there! I really enjoy the extra character that this patch can give to the units
of the hack I’m currently working on.
However, similar to patasa, the title of the menu page displays
the same buggy looking “donate and skills” text.
I saw that you posted what looks like an alternate for the “StatusScreenGraphics1”
(I am using FE Builder GBA), and so I downloaded the image so that I could
replace the default “SSG1.”
However, doing so seems to cause the entire status page to
become glitchy.
I was wondering if you could perhaps enlighten me on how to properly
change the “SSG1” so that I can use the one that you posted on behalf of HyperGammaSpaces.
Thank you for your time :slight_smile:

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