Resonance: The Hotfix (Update: 7/9/2020)

Disliked Resonance? Fear no more, The Resonance Hotfix is here for you!
Featuring a complete balance overhaul, visual updates, quality of life, new units, and the removal of many poorly designed chapters, and best of all, no Ice Dragon ambush spawns!
Edgar Route: Complete!
Morps Route: 2 chapters done.

Credits: Coming Soon! (I’ll have them up tomorrow.)
Download the patch here! Patch over a vanilla FE8 ROM.
If you’re having problems with Halberdier stats, redownload this patch.
Last updated: Februrary 27, 2020
Make sure to join the FE Realm Discord to report any bugs or if you’re interested in helping further…

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582682829724 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-84 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-90 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-104 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582683503435 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582682900768 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-117 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-113 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-112 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-91 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-81 Resonance Hotfix.emulator-110
Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582682974376 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582682687623 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582684849815 Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia) (patched) (1)_1582684759888

Notable features added to Resonance: The Hotfix:

  • No weather penalties, those are pretty cringe
  • Brand new animations as well as features like the modular minimug box
  • Reduced terrain bonuses, because those are annoying
  • Drastically toned down enemy and boss stats, because getting Pierce critted by Valerie wasn’t fun
  • New units! Mira, Xavier, and Eve will join you!
  • Many existing units have been changed or replaced, like Denning for Solomon, or Saturation for Lyra.
  • Hopefully a finished Morps route? Only time can tell,
  • Work in progress rewrite.
  • Thieves get to steal unequipped weapons! Do you want every boss weapon in the game? Collect them all!

We hope you’ll enjoy! Don’t forget to report any bugs to the Discord, so I can fix them.

Oh, also don’t forget about my main project, Skliros Saga. It’s pretty good… I think.


ok but

what about resurgence

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Dead. Resurgence was shit, anyways. I took it, and made it unshit, and this is what I got.

Neato, will try this soon.

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I actually kind of enjoyed the original Resonance lmao, but seeing a more polished and better version of it it’s really nice.
Congrats on the release.

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Thank you, serif…
This has truly, truly, been a roundabout path…

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At last, the meme is dead

Now go work on Skliros Saga instead of beating a dead horse

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I see RUNABOX, I like

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I will beat you

RUNABOX is probably my favorite modular mug screen layout. I haven’t quite added it to Skliros Saga, though.

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Isn’t it my favorite paladin Titania ?

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No it’s Lyra

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No, it was Saturation

New update! This contains many much needed balance fixes and character adjustments. A few item drops in later chapters have been tweaked to be more sensical, and growths for characters like Mira actually make sense! No more 20% speed growth on a Lyn lord!

Some characters, namely Jake, Brent, Tristan, Draco, Gleiprika, Mae, Adlama, and especially Kao have all received much needed buffs. Kek’h and Ayries have been slightly toned down.

And in Endgame, you may see a new figure to help you…


In light of some controversy I am releasing an update replacing Magnus with Johalva. I will not go into detail on this in the thread.
Resonance Hotfix.emulator-1Resonance Hotfix.emulator-3

I’ve also added that secret character I’ve promised. She joins in Chapter 1.

Resonance Hotfix.emulator-5Resonance Hotfix.emulator-6

Finally there’s some slight buffs to Adlama and Tye, and Lyra has a new mug instead of just Titania.
I will have credits up later, haven’t gotten around to it so I’m real sorry.

Download the patch here!


Sorry for doubleposting, but I forgot to clear out the Chapter 1 dialogue or remove mention of the prior character in death quotes like Trevor. I’ve also made a few slight tweaks to a few characters’ stats yet again.

Patch has been updated. Sorry for the inconvenience.