I’ve made a few C hacks that I wanted to compile together and release here. Not all of it is extensively tested and I’ve not tested for compatibility with other hacks, so these are all confirmed Non-Skillsys compatible. Everything here should also be easily usable by febuilder users.
ResAsMag/Fixed Damage - Credit to Dragz
This hack just lets you do 2 things, simple as. Lets you decide if you want res to be used instead of the power stat for damage/healing/staff range, and lets you declare a list of weapons that deal fixed damage (though you need to set them to negate defenses as well). This also lets you have staff healing = staff might and staff exp = staff weight. Credit to Dragz for helping me w/their implementation of fixed damage weapons.
Check the installer for details and customisation (should be fine to insert for febuilder users)
Level Ups Restore HP
When you level up, HP is restored equal to how much HP you gained on level up (if your max HP goes from 26->27, your current HP will also increase by one). Stops people from grinding staff exp on level ups, if you want that sort of thing.
Fili Shield Blocks All Effective Damage
Just makes “Negate Flying Effectiveness” property negate all effective damage.
Boss Damage Mitigation
Makes the maximum damage allowed to be dealt to bosses HP/HitsToKill. This would be best on bosses that don’t have regeneration, that way you can guarantee how many hits it takes to kill them.
Miracle Charm
This allows you to set a single item that when held by a unit, will protect them from fatal hits until the item breaks, losing durability each time. Just set the durability equal to the fatal attacks you want to be negated.
Emblem Seal
Lets you define one item ID as having the Emblem Seal effect, which gives +10 hit/avo while held in inventory.
Zero Range
Lets you define a list of weapons that are counted as 0 range, which are identical to 1 range weapons with the caveat of not being able to counter 1 range weapons.
Negative Supports
Lets you define a list of supports that provide negative bonuses instead of positive. The bonuses are calculated the same, based on affinity, they are just reversed.
Gaiden Promo
Makes promotion raise a unit’s stats to the bases of their promoted class if they are lower, otherwise does nothing.
Custom Price By Item
Lets you set arbitrary buy and sell values for every item, defaulting to the priceperuse * uses if there is no value given.
Toxic Poison
Makes poison do double damage every turn, starting with 1 damage, like toxic poison in Pokemon. Only works if poison is 5 turns long. Let me know if anyone wants a base damage or poison duration field that can be modified and I can add an installer.
Please let me know if any of this doesn’t work out or you run into issues, I can try to help to the best of my abilities.