Oh dear, another one. The 53425th FE8 PME, it's different this time guys I swear (Submissions Closed)

Name: Roro
Description: One of many…
Replacing: Cormag
Class: Brigand

Portrait by Glaceo

Boon (+4 to stat): Skill
Bane(-4 to stat): Res

Affinity: Light

HP: 55
Str: 50
Skl: 60
Spd: 60
Def: 50
Res: 20
Lck: 55
Mag: 0

Iron Axe
Killer Axe
Brave Axe
Goddess Icon

Death Quote: Battles! More Battleses! Uwee…hee…


Base: Despoil

Level 10: Devil’s Luck

After Promotion: Great Shield

Name: Crescentia.
Description: Garrison’s wife. Seeks revenge against his killers.
Battle Quote: You must be one of the dastards who killed my Garrison! Prepare to die!
Death Quote: At least me and my dear Garrison will be together again…
Replacing: Bone.
Class: Pegasus Knight
Boon (+4 to stat): Hp.
Bane(-4 to stat): Res.
Affinity: Fire.
Skill: Certain Blow.
Knight Red (It's_Just_Jay)
Credits: It’s_Just_Jay.

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@Omnifox999, can you put @amema003’s character to replace Tana instead of mine? I think all the other playable character slpts have been taken already.

Name: Anastacia.
Description: A noble from Frelia. Views Amber as an older sister.
Replacing: Tana
Class: Princess: can use swords and staves.
Animation: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Lords - Vanilla and Custom/[FE8 Eirika-Reskin] [F] T1 Custom Dress by Teraspark at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub
Promotion: Master Knight: Uses all weapon types, all the new ones start at D rank though.
Animation: FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Mounted - Cavs, Paladins, Rangers/[Great Lord-Custom] [F] Master Knight by St Jack at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub
Boon (+4 to stat): Magic.
Bane(-4 to stat): Defense.
Affinity: Wind.
Skills: Base: Paragon. Level 10: Charisma. Promotion: Pursuit.

HP: 50%
Str: 35%
Skl: 40%
Spd: 45%
Def: 25%
Res: 35%
Lck: 50%
Mag: 70%

Credits: Raymond.

When I have some free time, I will try making battle palletes for the characters I made.

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yo would you be willing to add magic zombies into some of the monster maps?

Like the custom Lich class? Sure. Done.

Replace the Slim sword and the Slim Lance with the Devil Sword and the Devil Lance

Devil Sword Icon:
Made By: 2WB

Devil Lance Icon:
Made By: 2WB

Give both of them the same stats as the Devil Axe

It’s him, Kellam Goncharov (portrait by SamirPlayz)
Jackson {SamirPlayz}
Name: Jackson
Description: A reliable mage clad in heavy armor. Seems to come from a ruined future.
Replacing: Tana
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Armor Mage (Armored unit, uses Anima) Promotes to Mage General (Armored, gains Light, Dark, and Staves) or Holy Knight (Armored/Cavalry, gains Light and Staves)
Boon (+4 to stat): Res
Bane(-4 to stat): Spd
Affinity: Light
HP: 75
Str: 0
Mag: 60
Skl: 50
Spd: 10
Def: 45
Res: 65
Lck: 45
Personal Skill: Strong Constitution
Level 10 Skill: Keen Fighter
Promotion Skill (Mage General): Aegis
Promotion Skill (Holy Knight): Corona
Inventory: Thunder

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Name: Komachi
Description: Child of both Garrison and Crescentia. Out to kill Amber to avenge both of them
Replacing: Bazba
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Mercenary
Boon (+4 to stat): Skl
Bane(-4 to stat): Str
Affinity: Thunder
HP: 32
Str: 6
Skl: 11
Spd: 10
Def: 9
Res: 9
Lck: 6
Con: 5

Inventory: Runesword (Drop). Killing Edge
Done by Its_Just_Jay
Battle Quote: You pawns of the duchess have now taken your last step on our turf? Now you see how my parents been through!
Battle Conversations with her and Amber.
Komachi: You! Yes, i finally find you at last!
Amber: Uhhh? Excuse me? But have we met before?
Komachi: No we haven’t. But i certainly won’t forget you for what you have done.
Amber: If we have not met before then, what did i ever do to hurt you?
Komachi: It was your wretched tome of your that killed my ma and pa!
Amber: Ma? And pa? … What. The barbarian from Mulan. And the pegasus knight in Ide. That was them. Ohhh i’m so sorry but, i didn’t have any other choice. Let’s me make it up for it. Lay down your weapons, called off this attack now. I will offer you sanctuary and protection from Grado.
Komachi: How naïve do you think i am? I will never follow a deceiving women such as yourself.
Amber: Listen to me! I’m trying to save you!
Komachi: And i don’t want your saving.
Amber: Please…
Komachi: Enough talk! You’re coming with me duchess! I will show you new kinds of pain that you will be begging that my father killed you back then!
Death Quote: That vile witch… mother… father… forgive your foolish daughter… please…

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Revenge truly is a fool’s game, isn’t it?

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It’s been a small while since the list was updated. I think all playable chara ter slots have been taken. You can take Tana’s slot if that’s the case. I used her for my most recent suggestion, but I already have other characters picked.


Name: Pallardó (Decoy)
Description: A former merchant now turned thief
Replacing: Binks
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Rogue
Boon (+4 to stat): Lck
Bane(-4 to stat): HP
Affinity: Dark
HP: 36
Str: 13
Skl: 12
Spd: 15
Def: 10
Res: 13
Lck: 19
Con: 7

Inventory: Silver Sword. Speedwings. Elixir. Angelic Robe
Done by Matthieu
Battle Quote: What no! I’m not giving up my precious valuables! I work to hard to give them up right now! If you want them that badly, try to take it!
Does not have a death quote (this is intentional).

Also i forgot to give Merrin Affinity. Don’t worry i give her one now.

Name: Anna
Replace: Ch11A Wight
Class: Assassin (F)
Description: No, she isn’t one of Anna’s sisters

HP: 38
STR: 12
SKL: 17
SPD: 17
LCK: 30
DEF: 11
RES: 9
CON: 6
AI: Begin moving when able to attack something in 2 turns
Location: Near the top right of the map, two tiles away from a Mogall and a Bonewalker (here so she’s less likely to walk into the green units)

Inventory: Fairy Dagger (See below)
Skills: Re-move, Seal Defense, Insight

Fairy Dagger
MT: 9
HIT: 100
CRT: 10
WT: 6
Uses: Infinite
By Ereshkigal

Anna’s Assassin class has a terrain cost of 1 for all types of terrain, including walls and other impassible terrain. She can attack you from a wall as well.


Battle Quote: Me? A merchant? I think you’re mistaken.
Defeat Quote: Tch…

My first serious take on a Re-move boss. Luck-dependency? Check.

Edit: Did some nerfs. Vigilance got removed for Insight and there’s no more weapon skill. Also did a -2 SPD nerf.
The 30 LCK is completely intended though, as this is what enables Re-move to trigger.

Oh good, a fairly early boss with more avoid then sense.

Yeah, no 98 avoid is too much. Even just getting hung on a forest after attacking still puts her at 88. You’d likely need someone with Hawkeye to reliably hit them much less kill.

Or if she stops on a forrest after a re-move chain you get 118 avoid at minimum.

I feel like this is a theme for you, making bosses that are hilariously too much for the player to deal with for when you’d face them.

I mean at best you’d have maybe 30-ish on this boss. Even with supports and whatnot (which won’t be reliable due to so many affinities being changed).

I have to agree with you, this boss sounds way too busted and unfun to deal with.

humm yes but also the “drowned” and “symphone” class hehe, have em have light magic and staff as well as 2 move on water.

I’ve also made map sprites for em, just think a cool defensive staff user for monsters could spice up the maps more heh

It’s appreciated. It honestly was just that extra 30 avoid stacked on to everything. That was way too much.

I understand wanting to give the player some challenge but always remember that some things can just be too much.

I also, personally, think being able to move through walls might make reaching the Dozla and L’arachel replacements nearly, if not outright, impossible due to how they move but that’s something that would need to be tested with multiple runs of that map in the first place.

Yeah that’s why she’s in the top right corner. The player is more likely to move to the right and then enter boss aggro range and fight the boss before she makes it to the green units.

Name: Pallardó (The Real One)
Description: A former merchant now turned thief
Replacing: Chapter 12A Maelduin
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Rogue
Boon (+4 to stat): Lck
Bane(-4 to stat): HP
Affinity: Dark
HP: 41
Str: 16
Skl: 19
Spd: 16
Def: 18
Res: 16
Lck: 13
Con: 7

Inventory: Poison Sword. Light Brand. White Gem. Metis’s Tome

Done by CanDy
Battle Quote: No stop please! Don’t hurt me! I’m just your regular old friendly merchant. Wait, were you the same group before? Oh shoot the jig is up! Sigh. Guess i got no choice!
Death Quote: Why…does things… never goes as… i planned…

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candy laurent glac - yet another sanguine comet
(by CanDy, with parts by LaurentLacroix and Glac [with permission from both Glac and the commissioner])

Name: Vantha
Description: A skilled general, known as the “Carnelian Comet”.
Replacing: Valter
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Revenant Knight (Flying unit, uses Lances, Anima, and Dark)
Stats: (redistributed Valter’s BST plus 19)
HP: 42
Str: 16
Mag: 19
Skl: 18
Spd: 13
Lck: 9
Def: 13
Res: 16
Con: 10
Affinity: Fire
Inventory: Spear, Luna, Bolting