Oh dear, another one. The 53425th FE8 PME, it's different this time guys I swear (Submissions Closed)

Name: Kostas
Description: Leader of the Iron King Bandits
Replacing: Saar
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Fighter
Boon (+4 to stat): Str
Bane(-4 to stat): Res
Affinity: Fire
HP: 28
Str: 14
Skl: 8
Spd: 5
Def: 12
Res: 2
Lck: 7
Con: 14

Inventory: Steel Axe. Hatchet
Kostas {UltraxBlade}
Done by UltraxBlade
Battle Quote: You stand in the way of the Iron King Bandits pillaging, then get your bloody head chop off for it!
Battle Conversations with him and Amber
Kostas: Spoiled little noble! Just die like a good little rich kid!
Amber: How many more innocent people have to suffer for your so called justice! You must not be allowed to escape this time!
Death Quote: Ngh… Never shoulda…taken this…job…

Amelia already has a replacement

Unfortunately from what I remember, all playable characters have been taken, but Omnifox has yet to update the list.

Ah. That is quite unfortunate.

List has been updated.

Valter already has a replacement, would you like to replace another boss?

Name: Evil Ivor
Description: A friendly sorcerer who enjoys inflicting pain on others
Replacing: Orson
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Dark Sorcerer

Boon (+4 to stat): Mag
Bane(-4 to stat): HP
Affinity: Anima
HP: 44
Mag: 21
Skl: 16
Spd: 13
Def: 15
Res: 17
Lck: 19
Con: 7

Skills Poison Strike. Sol. Vengeance

Inventory: Gleipnir. Ereshkigal (Drop). Gespenst. Nosferatu
Done by VelvetKitsune
Battle Quote: I’m gonna enjoy hearing you all scream, when i hit you with one of my magic tomes in my hand! Heh heh heh!
Death Quote: So… this is what… pain truly… feels like is it not… huh… now i… know how all my victims… feel now… good…

Actually Walter substitues Beran. Valter is still open. Sorry for the confusion.

Name: MissingNo.
Description: ???
Replacing: Caellach

Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Griffon Rider, Flying unit
Caps: 60 HP, 30 STR, 22 MAG, 23 SKL, 30 SPD, 30 DEF, 22 RES


Map Sprites:
image image by N426

HP: 33
Str: 30
Skl: 29
Spd: 29
Def: 0
Res: 6
Lck: 0
Mag: 6


  • image (2WB) Sky Attack (A-Rank Lance, 14 Mt, 90 Hit, 0% Crit, 1-2 Rng, 15 Wt, 5 Uses)
  • image (Beansy) Water Gun (D-rank Bow, 4 Mt, 100 hit, 0% Crit, 2 Rng, 5 Wt, 40 Uses, Magical Weapon, Hits Res)
  • Water Gun
  • Afa’s Drops

Skills: Galeforce, Wind Discipline, Petrify

Palette: 5553FF7FDE46FF7FDE46D04D7F337F21FF7F7F337F21FF7FDE46D04D43084308

Change this unit’s retreat ai to 00.

Name: Bernadetta
Replace: Ch18 Gorgon
Class: Sniper (F)
Description: Edelgard put a little too much fire on the central hill.

Stats (AM/VW Ch17 stats on normal; SKL rams cap):
HP: 42
STR: 21
SKL: 30
SPD: 19
LCK: 13
DEF: 12
RES: 8
CON: 6
AI: Move to attack units in range

Inventory: Brave Bow
Skills: Sure Shot, Bowrange+1, Point Blank

Battle Quote: Stay back! Stay back or I’ll shoot!
Defeat Quote: Wish I could’ve at least died at home…not in this big, stupid volcano…

Portrait by Redbean

Name: Farber
Description: The Valmese commander. Fetishizes his emperor.
Replacing: Selena
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Dark Knight

Boon (+4 to stat): Mag
Bane(-4 to stat): Lck
Affinity: Dark
HP: 47
Str: 15
Skl: 14
Spd: 15
Def: 16
Res: 13
Lck: 12
Mag: 17
Con: 8

Inventory: Bolting. Brave Sword. Killer Lance. Earth Seal
Done by Matthieu
Battle Quote: Long live the emperor! Death to all who oppose him!
Death Quote: I may fall…but we are legion… You cannot stop…the Conqueror…

Name: Crystal Exarch
Description: A unknown person from a different world
Replacing: Lyon
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Crystal Exarch FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - Knights, Generals, Armors/[Zephiel-Reskin] [U] Bulwark King by Leo Link at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub
Boon (+4 to stat): Mag
Bane(-4 to stat): Lck
Affinity: Light
HP: 60
Str: 25
Skl: 25
Spd: 30
Def: 27
Res: 30
Lck: 10
Mag: 30
Con: 15

Invertory: Audhulma, Excalibur, Naglfar

Portrait done by Tobiki
Battle Quote: Champions from beyond the rift, heed my call!
Death Quote: I can’t…fall here…

The color palettes of the characters I suggested so far:

Color Palettes

Tanya 1
Tanya 2
Tanya 3

Name: Rahzar
Description: Once a human now turned into a Gargoyle
Replacing: Novala
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Gargoyle
Boon (+4 to stat): Res
Bane(-4 to stat): Str
Affinity: Fire
HP: 30
Str: 6
Skl: 7
Spd: 14
Def: 4
Res: 18
Lck: 15
Con: 8

Inventory: Poison Lance. Vulnerary
Skill Screeching Call. (Allows the user the call in for others monsters on to the battle.)
Done by Mel
Battle Quote: I always wanted to know how humans taste like!
Death Quote: This competition would… have never happened… if i was still human…

If I’m not wrong this is by struedel, though you shoul probably check again

Replace: Ch11B Deathgoyle
Name, Description and Class are all under the spoilers

Stats, implenetation etc. All spoilers

Name: Yunaka
Description: A thief who’s extremely talented at impersonating others.
Class: Assassin (F)

HP: 37
STR: 14
SKL: 19
SPD: 17
LCK: 9
DEF: 8
RES: 10
CON: 6

Inventory: Killing Edge
Skills: Silencer, Tower Shield +, Crit Boost

Battle Quote: Hiya Papaya! Did you like that Wight impersonation?
Defeat Quote: In the end…it’s all the same. May as well have died all those years ago…

The Boss Deathgoyle is replaced with a generic Lv8 Deathgoyle that drops the Short Spear

Yunaka does not initially appear on the map.

The Wight normally present on the map now has a Spear, is set to autolevel to Lv12 and does not move from their starting position, in addition to having the Boss Flag and triggering boss music. The moment this Wight is defeated, Yunaka spawns in its place and immediately begins moving unprovoked.

FE-Repo/Battle Animations/Infantry - (Swd) Thieves, Rogues, Assassins/[Assassin-Reskin] [F] Ponytail +Skirt at main · Klokinator/FE-Repo · GitHub


Map Sprites by RobertFPY

Portrait by Jopettajah

1 Like

Name: Acheron
Description: A noble from Leicester. Nickname The Weathervane
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Sage
Boon (+4 to stat): Lck
Bane(-4 to stat): HP
Affinity: Thunder

HP: 36
Mag: 12
Skl: 13
Spd: 11
Def: 13
Res: 15
Lck: 17
Con: 7

Inventory: Bolting. Purge. Elfire. Metis’s Tome (Drop)
Done by Matthieu

Replace one of the green cavalier units on Chapter 10 Turning Traitor. Acheron along with the other green cavalier units will soon turn red on enemy phases turn 6.
Battle Quote: As they say, if you can’t beat them, join them. I’m not in for a beating, am I?
Death Quote: Urgh… I should have never thought the Empire my ally…

Wait, wouldn’t that render getting the second Knight’s Crest impossible?

I mean, I know it’s pointless given the pme units and everything but I feel like this could potentially screw something up.

I’ll just rig the event to something else.

Name: Mado
Replace: Ch12B Cyclops
Class: Sniper (M)
Description: A Grado soldier who excels at long-range combat

HP: 31
STR: 19
SKL: 24
SPD: 7
LCK: 8
DEF: 9
RES: 4
CON: 9
AI: Move to attack units in range

Inventory: Silver Bow
Skills: Bowfaire, Double Lion, Hawkeye

South of Marisa’s squad are 2 Killer Ballistae and 2 Iron Ballistae. The nearby Archer is moved further south so he doesn’t try to use them (the Bonewalker can’t use Ballistae in the first place). All Ballistae have 6 uses instead of 5. The scripted event that spawns Mado on turn 2 also moves him near the Ballistae so he can use them if targets enter his range.

Battle Quote: Enemy in sight… Volley ready… FIRE!
Defeat Quote: Let them get too close…

Portrait by Miguel-Rojo