Oh dear, another one. The 53425th FE8 PME, it's different this time guys I swear (Submissions Closed)

Name: Douglas
Description: An ex-wildness survivor who was recruited by Lycia
Replacing: Forde
Class : Nomad
Boon (+4 to stat): Speed
Bane(-4 to stat): Defense
Affinity: Fire
Growths: 350%
HP: 50
Str: 60
Skl: 70
Spd: 55
Def: 10
Res: 35
Lck: 5
Mag: 30

Inventory: Shining Bow (using stats from path of radiance Shining Bow - Fire Emblem Wiki), Iron Bow

Skills: Focus, Vantage, Miracle

Defeat Quote: I… got got.

by XVI

So, as a random thought, this equipment needs to be nerfed, and given a rapier replacement lol.
Also, who made this portrait?
Also also, skills? Growths do not equal 350 either…

Name: Sagumoto
Description: Legendary warrior from a unknown world. Has seen the same world in many forms but never changing. Hoping to challenge an old friend.
Replacing: Lyon
Class: Swordmaster
Boon: Str
Bane: Lck
Affinity: Fire
Skills: Nihil, Foresight, Towershield+
Audhulma, lancereaver, shamshir, Silversword
1st Quote: I have seen the story this world takes and I know exactly where I stand. This is just a test of your resolve.
1st death: Exactly what should happen, no way to change history.
2nd quote: Here to end it? No wonder this will not end well. I’ll see you in the next world warrior.
2nd death: History is unchanging don’t try to save someone who has his story written. I will always stand against you… farewell…
Duelist Alt1 - 2023-01-30T120353.783
By cravat

Name: Boris.
Description: A mage who really wants to know what’s inside Chest Boat.
Replacing: O’Neil.
Class: Mage.
Boon (+4 to stat): Skill.
Bane(-4 to stat): Defense.
Affinity: Fire.
Inventory: Fire.
Battle Quote: Give me the Chest Boat!
Death Quote: What’s inside it?
Bors (Sage) {Tom776}
Credits: Tom776.

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Right, who made this portrait again? I forgot lol.

Ah, that’s unfortunate, I was hoping to show up in the early game. That being said, I see that Gerik’s slot is still open, so I’ll take him instead.

Name: Walter.
Description: Discount Valter. Enjoys cooking with his friends.
Replacing: Beran.
Class: Wyvern Knight.
Boon (+4 to stat): Defense.
Bane(-4 to stat): Luck.
Affinity: Ice.
Inventory: Axereaver.
Battle Quote: I’m Walter, I’m not Grado’s finest general, but I’m serviceable.
Death Quote: Fiddlesticks…
Skill: Pursuit.
Serif - Not an edgy Valter Edit
Credits: Serif.

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No Idea, but it is definitely from the repo and should be under the generics list.

Okay first off the Amber portrait was made by Kanna and the Merrin portrait was a recolor Lena portrait done by Blade and the recolor was done by HauntRS_0337. Second Amber skills first is Dragon Fang that her personal. And the rest of skill are Counter and Miracle. For Merrin her personal is going to be Lethality. The rest are Sol and Grisly Wound. And i updated the growth rate later okay.

Name: The Big Shell
Description: He big he mean and he certainly going to scream
Replacing: Chapter 5 Entombed
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Shredder.

Boon (+4 to stat): Str
Bane(-4 to stat): Lck
Affinity: Dark

HP: 30
Str: 13
Skl: 9
Skl: 3
Lck: 1
Def: 12
Res: 6
Con: 10

Done by Der.

inventory: Steel Axe. Hatchet. Dracoshield
Battle Quote: Greetings soon to be victims of mine. Prepare yourself! As i The Big Shell take your life! For the glory of Grado!

Still only one healer from what I see, so uh…

Name: Zen
Description: Rather brazen, seems to like pretending to kiss people as a joke.
Replacing: Tana
Class: Cleric > Maid (Basically just Bishop but just uses whatever Thieves/Assassins can use, alternatively, just add those to Bishop)
Boon (+4 to stat): STR
Bane(-4 to stat): LCK
Affinity: Dark (There is a weird lack of Dark affinity, considering the usual anyways)

HP: 50
Str: 50
Skl: 65
Spd: 60
Def: 35
Res: 40
Lck: 25
Mag: 30

Inventory: Mend, Vulnerary, Gaunt Knife (Detailed later)
Skills: Live to Serve, Lancebreaker, Lethality


Gaunt Knife (Lisandra Brave for icon)~

PRF sword, 1-2 range, 3 WT, 6 MT, 80 HIT, 5 CRIT, unlimited uses, 0 weapon exp. Poisons enemies
Don’t worry too much about the lack of animation for unpromoted-ness.

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Here it is, it’s time for the ultimate growth unit.

Name: Yubello
Description: Canonically the strongest general and worst mage in all of FE12.
Replacing: Myrrh
Class: General
Boon (+4 to stat): Strength
Bane(-4 to stat): Res
Affinity: Anima
HP: 95
Str: 95
Skl: 10
Spd: 95
Def: 5
Res: 5
Lck: 95
Mag: 0

Inventory: Iron Lance, Javelin, Steel Lance, Juna Fruit
Skills: Blossom (If this is an issue, replace with Sturdy Stance), Certain Blow, Desperation
[By Rohan]

Yubello is missing a skill, since the Myrrh replacement should essentially just be a trainee

btw should I give Morrigan skills? humm

Name: Monster
Replace: Ch4 Entombed
Class: Cyclops (S-Axes version)
Description: Isn’t this supposed to be a late-game monster?

HP: 40
STR: 8
SKL: 5
SPD: 6
LCK: 0
DEF: 13
RES: 3
CON: 16
AI: Move to attack units in range.
Ch5 Entombed has no personal bases; +3 stat points put in RES.

Inventory: Battle Axe
Skills: Swordbreaker, Certain Blow

Portrait by L95

Goes to show how pathetic the Ch4 Entombed is. Replace him with literally any other promoted class and you have a tough boss on your hands.

Name: Delilah

madame larum
Portrait by BiggsLittleMan

Description: A woman with a talent for the blade and dance…

Replacing: Amelia

Class: Recruit

1st Promotions: Myrmidon or Mercenary

Boon (+4 to stat): Con
Bane(-4 to stat): Luck

Affinity: Ice
Growths: 400%
HP: 67
Str: 60
Skl: 60
Spd: 60
Def: 63
Res: 45
Lck: 45
Mag: 0

Iron Lance


Base: Dance

1st Promotion: Vigilance

Level 10: Knight Aspirant

After Promotion: Astra

Death Quote: Now I will… bid you adieu…


Name: Garrison
Description: A barbarian mercenary who was good friends with Boris
Replacing: Breguet
Class (Custom Classes are fine, but please detail how they work unless they’re very simple, I.E. Halberdier): Barbarian

Boon (+4 to stat): Str
Bane(-4 to stat): Skl
Affinity: Dark

HP: 22
Str: 8
Skl: 3
Spd: 5
Def: 0
Res: 10
Lck: 7
Con: 11

Inventory: Killer Axe. Red Gem (Drop)
Done by Der.
Battle Quote: You must be the bastards that killed Boris! You’re gonna die!
Death Quote: I lose… how disappointing…

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Well, here’s another unusual set of replacements.

Name: Roro
Replace: Pablo and Aias (see below for how this works)
Description: One of many seemingly identical berserkers.

Ch10A: A lone Roro with the below stats replaces the boss.

Ch10A stats (FE12 Ch6x/Ch10x clone Lunatic stats)
Lv: 1
HP: 46
STR: 18
SKL: 15
SPD: 17
LCK: 0
DEF: 6
RES: 0
CON: 13

Inventory: Tomahawk
Skills: Crit Boost, Axefaire, Certain Blow

Battle Quote: Uweeheehee. Come, come, come! Let’s fight!
Defeat Quote: Uweehee…hee…

Do not set completion flags for the battle quote and defeat quote, so they will play each time Roro enters battle or is killed (the latter applies for Ch13A).

Ch13A Roro mechanics (contains spoilers as to where the real one is and what his stats are)

There are multiple Roros on the map at the start, some as reinforcements, all of whom use Pablo’s slot (the Ch10A Roro). Most are still Lv1, and therefore don’t level up, but three of them are set to Lv7 in Unit Placer, giving them 6 autolevels and making them stronger. One of these three strong Roros is supposedly the key to ending the chapter as detailed below, but this is complete bogus despite being listed in the submission, as none of them are key to ending the map. The real Roro uses Aias’ slot but replaces Pablo as a reinforcement on turn 9 (therefore preventing the map from being cleared until then). All the fake Roros use the Ch10A Battle Quote and Defeat Quote, while the real one uses the below stats and quotes.

The Tomahawk Roro listed below as replacing Pablo is bogus.

Ch13A stats (FE12 Ch10x Lunatic boss stats)
Lv: 7
HP: 50
STR: 21
SKL: 18
SPD: 20
LCK: 0
DEF: 9
RES: 0
CON: 13

Inventory: Garm (not droppable)
Skills: Crit Boost, Axefaire, Certain Blow

Battle Quote: Uweeheehee. Come, come, come! Let’s fight!
Defeat Quote: Uwee… hee… How did… you… know…?

Ch13A clone Roro placements. Clones have the same stats as in Ch10A, and use the same battle and defeat quotes. (Format: Inventory|Location|AI|Notes)

  • Brave Axe|Aias’s location|Move to attack units in range|Lv7; one of three Roros who can be the real one
  • Brave Axe|Center-south fort|Move to attack units in range|Lv7; one of three Roros who can be the real one; reinforcements spawning out of this fort take a step left onto the forest
  • Brave Axe|Leftmost fort|Move to attack units in range|Lv7; one of three Roros who can be the real one; reinforcements spawning out of this fort take a step down
  • Hammer|Replaces bottommost Archer|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Halberd|Replaces leftmost Knight|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Killer Axe|Replaces Turn 2 Fighter reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Devil Axe|Replaces Turn 3-5 Mercenary reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Hand Axe|Replaces Turn 3-5 Fighter reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Silver Axe|Replaces Turn 5/7/9 Iron Sword Cavalier reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Steel Axe|Replaces Turn 5/7/9 Iron Sword/Lance Javelin Cavalier reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Devil Axe|Replaces Turn 5/7/9 Iron Lance Cavalier reinforcement|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Devil Axe|Replaces Brigand reinforcement in Pablo’s squad|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Hammer|Replaces Mercenary reinforcement in Pablo’s squad|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Halberd|Replaces Mage reinforcement in Pablo’s squad|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Swordslayer|Replaces Warrior reinforcement in Pablo’s squad|Immediately begin moving unprovoked
  • Tomahawk|Replaces Pablo|Immediately begin moving unprovoked

Portrait by Glaceo

Also, change the Devil Axe to its FE11 stats
MT: 17
HIT: 100
CRT: 0
WT: 8
Uses: 25 (don’t change price/use; this will scale up)

This traumatized me in the FE6 PME, can’t wait to put others through this lol.

It’s time for everyone’s favorite Fire Emblem character…

Name: Incidental 37B (Can be shortened to just I. 37B if need be)
Description: He found a sponge in the toilet.
Replacing: Tethys
Class: Mage
Boon (+4 to stat): Mag
Bane(-4 to stat): Luck
Affinity: Ice
HP: 75
Str: 0
Skl: 50
Spd: 60
Def: 30
Res: 30
Lck: 25
Mag: 80

Sponge (detailed below)

Incidental 37B Portrait
Death quote: Oh that’s real nice.

PRF weapon:
Name: Sponge
Description: Oh that’s real nice.
2-3 range.
11 Might, 75 hit.
1 weight (it’s a sponge)
0 Crit
Weapon icon:
sponge weapon icon