Keeping everyone welcome

While we’re doing community posts and PSA’s, what’s the reason behind leaving a vicious slanderous message on Tambo’s post? It would be one thing to say you banned him and to list the behavior and reasons why. On the other hand…

I don’t think anyone can say banning someone, then leaving an undeletable message of defamation is a good look for the moderator team.

STAFF EDIT: The creator of this project has been permanently suspended from FEU for a long-standing and repeated pattern of harassing other users on the basis of race, gender, and sexuality, and for making threats of doxxing against site admins. This behavior is absolutely unacceptable and we can no longer in good faith let it go unchallenged.

In the interest of allowing players to make informed choices about the projects they choose to play, we are leaving the original OP, including download links, intact in the below spoilertag. We are prefacing it with this warning as we feel the community deserves to know about this creator’s bigoted behavior as it may affect their experience of the project.

I guess now that Tambo’s banned, he can’t offer any words in his defense, so we just have to take your word for it. I’m not saying the accusations are wrong, since I don’t know… but this is pretty fucked up. Do you also sucker punch people who annoy you and then run away while they’re in pain? Is this the way the site is going to continue declining?

“In the name of tolerance, we now slander people who cannot defend themselves!”

You’ll notice I haven’t called out Gamma, even though he’s the person who posted the message. That’s because I don’t believe Gamma would stoop to such lengths of his own volition, as he’s one of the three most respectable mods on this site. This has “backroom discord dealings” written all over it. I don’t know (and don’t care) who put Gamma up to this, but I do know I’m very disappointed in them.

Edit: And then I got a message stating you did the same slimey thing to two other people, too.

Wow! Incredible! So this is the new MO of FEU! You ban people then leave slandering messages for them. Who’s next? Me? Some other prominent people? Maybe just ‘a little guy’ with no platform to speak up for themselves? It’s like looking at a kid laughing while he lasers an ant to death. Truly top-tier staff behavior.

  1. No flaming, baiting, or bullying. This applies regardless of whether a specific member of the community is targeted.

The hypocrisy.